Axel (Corps Security #1)

  • published :
  • 12/06/2018

Page List Start Reading

Storyline Axel (Corps Security #1):

Axel (Corps Security #1)

Fate hasn’t always been friends with Isabelle West. In fact, fate has been a downright bitch. Isabelle has learned the hard way how hard life can be when fate isn’t by your side. It can hand you dreams on silver platters, but it can snatch them right back and hand you nightmares. One thing Isabelle knew for sure fate was consistent with was taking away everything she ever loved. For the last two years Isabelle has been slowly clearing the clouds of her past. Happiness is finally on the horizon. She has a thriving business, great friends, and her life back. All she has to do is jump over the last hurdle…her ex-husband. When problems start causing her to fear her new life, and memories that are better left forgotten start rushing to the surface the last thing she needs is a ghost from her past to come knocking on her door. Axel never thought he would look into the eyes of Isabelle West again, and he wasn’t sure he wanted to now. He’s carried his anger for so long he isn’t sure he can just turn it off, but when he is faced with protecting her and an unexpected desire to have her again, life gets a little more complicated. How will Axel and Isabelle deal when all their cards are put on the table and everything they thought was true blows up in their faces?

Note from the author--This book is intended for a mature reading audience and isn't suitable for younger readers.

Page List

1. Axel (Corps Security #1) - Page 1/43
2. Axel (Corps Security #1) - Page 2/43
3. Axel (Corps Security #1) - Page 3/43
4. Axel (Corps Security #1) - Page 4/43
5. Axel (Corps Security #1) - Page 5/43
6. Axel (Corps Security #1) - Page 6/43
7. Axel (Corps Security #1) - Page 7/43
8. Axel (Corps Security #1) - Page 8/43
9. Axel (Corps Security #1) - Page 9/43
10. Axel (Corps Security #1) - Page 10/43
11. Axel (Corps Security #1) - Page 11/43
12. Axel (Corps Security #1) - Page 12/43
13. Axel (Corps Security #1) - Page 13/43
14. Axel (Corps Security #1) - Page 14/43
15. Axel (Corps Security #1) - Page 15/43
16. Axel (Corps Security #1) - Page 16/43
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18. Axel (Corps Security #1) - Page 18/43
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