Consumed (Consumed #1) - Page 16/43

“And the referee in charge of the action,” The announcer says. “Harrison Logan.”

The referee beckons for the two fighters to enter the center of the ring. My breathing deepens immediately and I’m leaning forward in my chair. Seth and Fredrick stand only inches away from each other. Not once do they break eye contact. A microphone drops down from the roof and the referee speaks into it with his southern drawl.

“Okay ya’ll, I want a good clean fight. I won’t tolerate anything less. Touch gloves, let’s do this.”

The gloves never touch. The crowd falls silent as Seth and Fredrick stare at each other. There’s too much tension and I have no idea where it’s coming from.

“I said touch gloves.” The referee repeats.

I hear a unanimous exhale come from the crowd as they touch gloves and go back to their corner. A loud ‘ding’ noise rings around the arena, penetrating my chest and forcing my heart to stop. I’m petrified. Excited. Sick... I don’t know what to do. I can’t watch, but at the same time I can’t drag my eyes away as Seth and Fredrick circle each other. My hands are up and covering the bottom half of my face as Fredrick dives at Seth’s legs. Seth manages to dodge it and gives the guy time to scamper to his feet. Before Fredrick realizes what’s happening Seth delivers two jabs to his face. Fredrick brings his guard up, blocking the incoming fists. Seth drops lower, slamming his fists hard into the guys’ ribs. The crowd goes crazy. They’re jumping out of their chairs—standing on them—they’re doing whatever they can to get closer to the fight. Even Selena is on her feet, but I’m not. I’m the only one that can’t get out of her seat to cheer Seth on.

Fredrick recovers and dives at Seth again, this time he takes him down. I see him try to wrap himself around Seth, but Seth fights him off and delivers hard elbows to his face. Blood stains Seth’s pointed elbow and I cover my eyes. I can’t do it. I can’t watch. Beside me, Dad is yelling out technical mumble jumble that Seth can’t hear and Selena is... being Selena. “Yeah! Fuck his shit up! Whoooooooo!” She screams.

My heart is beating so loud I can hear every thump drumming in my head with a deafening rhythm. I don’t know what’s happening and I’m too scared to take a peek. Dad taps my shoulder and I peer up at him. He points toward the ring and reluctantly I look over. Seth is leaning against the cage, looking directly at me and panting like he’s run a mile. Fredrick is being checked over by the medics. His eyebrow is cut pretty badly and it’s bleeding into his eye.

“They’re deliberating if he can continue the fight.” Dad informs me.

I drag my gaze back to Seth. He’s covered in blood and sweat. He points at me and then at his eyes and then at his chest. He wants me to watch him... I shake my head. I can’t. It’s too much. He does the gestures again. And again.

“Just watch, O. No one is going to die.” Selena laughs in my ear.

I glance around and there are hundreds of eyes on me. Some regard me like a weirdo and God knows I feel like one. I can only imagine how stupid I look. Who comes to watch a fight when they can’t stomach it? Me, that’s who. I let a slow exhale out of my nose and I nod, swallowing the bile that creeps up my throat. I pray that the medics won’t let Fredrick fight, but when they lather more Vaseline across his brow and he climbs to his feet. I know that isn’t going to be the case.

The fighters take their position on their side of the ring and the bell sounds again. I grasp the edges of my seat and squeeze it tightly. Please let this be over quickly. Seth wastes no time attacking Fredrick and with one hard punch to the jaw, Fredrick’s body goes rigid and he falls backwards. Seth jumps at Fredrick, but the referee cuts him off.

That’s it.

The fight is over.

“Ladies and Gentleman,” The announcer calls excitedly. “The winner of the final bout tonight is Seth Maaaaaaaarc!”

The mass of people scream and grab each other. I’m surrounded by singing and laughing and crying. Instead of celebrating, I stare wide-eyed. I witnessed my first knock-out and it’s... sad, but at the same time it’s exhilarating. My entire body is vibrating and I’m panting like I fought the guy myself. I’m so aroused—impossibly aroused. I’ve never felt anything like it and I don’t know what’s happening to me. Dad pulls me to my feet and wraps his arms around me. My spine aches as he squeezes and tips me from side to side. His thin lips place two kisses on my forehead and he lets me go, turning his attention back to Seth. A camera crew runs into the ring and interviews Seth. He’s smiling and laughing. He’s bouncing and talking and every now and then his gaze would drift to me briefly before returning to the interviewer. He shrugs on his hoodie and walks from the ring. As he passes us he flicks his head in the direction of his room and Dad wastes no time in pulling me and Selena from our seats and dragging us all the way to Seth’s room. When we enter, everyone is going nuts, clapping and cheering and dancing—except Seth. He’s sitting on his bench, looking as calm as ever and unwrapping his hands. Someone from Seth’s team immediately engages Selena in a conversation and Dad talks to Darryl. I lean against the wall and watch him gush over the fight. I can’t help but smile as he uses his hands to mimic the fighter’s movements.

Seth slides off his bench and approaches me. My skin grows hotter the closer he gets to me. His eyes are bright, taking on a more caramel than chocolate color. The corners of his lips curl into a cheeky smirk as he glances down at me.

“I like your shirt.” He tugs at the front of it and my breath hitches as he pulls me a little closer. “I look good on you.”

I feel my own smile form. “You could have.” I say, reminding him of the night he told me no.

He laughs once and his eyes flare with amusement as I pull my shirt back and step away from him before my dad sees us or I get blood on me.

“Did you enjoy the fight?” His tongue runs across his bottom lip to moisten it and I find myself staring at it. He knows it too because now he’s trying not to smile at me.

I clear my throat and force my eyes back to his. “I don’t know how anyone can enjoy a fight.”

“You’re lying. I saw how excited you were when I knocked him out.”

I touch my hand to my cheeks, my face feels like its burning. Had I enjoyed seeing a man being knocked out? No. Had I enjoyed seeing Seth completely dominate him and win? Yes. I enjoyed seeing Seth happy. He leans in close and I can feel his body heat waft onto me. My entire body tightens and stands to attention. “It’ll be our little secret.”

His hand wraps around mine and he brings my knuckles to his lips. He kisses each one softly and our eyes remain locked. Jesus. Christ.

“That fight was for you, Olivia.”

For me... What does that mean? Why does he have to be so cryptic? So hot and then cold? I don’t know what I’m supposed to say to that... so I nod my head.

Darryl slings his arm around Seth’s shoulder and I pull my hand back. My fingers tingle at the coolness outside his grasp. “What do you think, Seth? Shall we go celebrate?”

“Abso-fucking-lutely.” He replies. “What do you say?”

I stand there for a few seconds then I realize his question was directed at me. “Oh, me? Right. No, sorry. I’ve had enough excitement for one day.”

Seth frowns. On him, even something so bitter is beautiful.

“Suit yourself.” Darryl shrugs. “Your dad is coming.”

Of course he is. He’d never pass up the opportunity to party with a fighter. In fact, I’m pretty sure it’s on his bucket list. Darryl saunters away, leaving me alone with Seth again.

“Thanks for the fight...” I tell him. “I’ll see you around.”

I step away from him and over to Selena. “Are you ready to go?”

“Can’t I go out with them?” She pouts.

“You drank before we got here.”

“I know, but I’m sober now. That hot dog helped.” She smiles sideways at the guy she’s talking to and I’m pretty sure he’s one of Seth’s friends from the steakhouse—the one wearing the red cap. He’s handsome and tall. He has piercing green eyes and nice olive skin. Tattoos cover the exposed flesh around his neck and down his forearms.

“Suit yourself, but I’m not picking you up at some ungodly hour.”

“I’ll make sure she gets home safely.” Seth promises from behind me.

I turn to him. “Thank you.” I call over the ruckus. “I’ll see you at dinner, Dad.”

He gives me a thumbs up and I turn from the room. In the hallway fighters and their teams are laughing and partying, others sit in their rooms, licking their wounds. There are so many loose girls scattered all over the place and I’m sure the promo girls that just passed me are heading to Seth’s room. I don’t have time to look over my shoulder as I’m startled by a large body that slides in front of me, blocking my way.

“Excuse me.” I look up his hard body and onto his face. I recognize him as Don Russell and I can’t help but frown.

“That’s a nice shirt, but I’d look so much better on you.”

I will never wear a shirt with a name on it again. He hands me another shirt. “Here.”

Without looking I know it has ‘Don’ written on it and there’s no way I’m taking it. “No, thank you. One is enough.”

His lips contort into a strange smirk and I try to step past him, but he blocks me. “You don’t look like the kind of girl that Seth Marc usually goes for.”

“And you don’t look like someone who has any right sticking their nose into other people’s business.”

He tugs on my shirt, pulling me closer to him. What the hell is up with fighters and pulling people closer to them? Do they all attend some class on invading personal space before they learn any kind of martial arts? After the events with Brent, the thought of a stranger touching me puts me on high alert.

“Take your hands off me.” My voice comes out in a growl, although I never intended it to.

“Feisty... I like feisty.”

“I don’t care.”

He lets my shirt go and I take a step backward.

“Are you his?”


He nods, his eyes are like two big emerald orbs, blaring down his nose at me. Not I’m not... am I?

“No.” Seth’s voice answers the question for me. “She’s here with a friend. Let her go home, Don.”

“Well, if she’s not yours...” Don steps closer to me and I manage to dodge past him.

I glance back at Seth whose hard stare is focused on Don’s face. I push through the throng of people as fast as I can. Once I get through the double doors and past the four security guards, I can breathe a little better, but I can’t shake how strangely hurt I am by what Seth said. I know I’m not his, but he does these things that make me think that maybe he’s changing his mind. I sigh, maybe he’s just playing his little games with me and I’m just delusional. It’s plausible.

As quickly as I can, I leave the exhibition center and find my car. Getting out is a freaking mission. There are too many cars and the roads are congested. I want to go home and straight to sleep before my brain can torture me with anymore thoughts, but as I drive I can only think of him... and it sucks.

Chapter Ten

It’s one a.m. and I’m still awake—still wired from the fight. If I’m telling the truth, that’s not the only reason I’m lying awake. Seth Marc and his flirty, over-confident and heart-breaking attitude is also a factor.

I throw the blankets off and lean over the edge of my bed. In the dark, my hands rub the carpet as I search for my laptop. I always type in bed, so my laptop lives underneath it. When I locate it, I pull it up and turn it on. I can’t help but to smile when I see my wallpaper. It’s a picture of Blade and I at the zoo. We’re standing side by side and we’re happy. I mean, we don’t look happy because the massive snake we’re holding is trying to wrap itself around our necks, but we were. My chest constricts. We haven’t been broken up for long, but the time we spent together feels like a lifetime ago. My eyes water at the realization that it’s over. I don’t know why I didn’t react earlier. I just felt like it wasn’t real and that we’d be back together by now... but even I’m not that stupid. I open a Word document titled: ‘Complicated’. It’s a romance short story that I started at the beginning of the year. I’m meant to end it, but I can’t find the words to describe the main character’s happy ending. How do you write about something you don’t really know? I’ve read a lot of romance books and watched a lot of romance movies, but I could never produce anything like that. I feel like whatever I write people are going to see through—assuming I ever show it to anyone.

My heart leaps into my throat as a firm knock sounds upon my door. I wait cautiously in the light provided only by my laptop. There’s another knock and this time it drags me from my bed. I tip-toe into the lounge room and peer through the sheer curtains to get a better look outside. The sensor light flicks on and I see Selena hunched over at the bottom of the steps. I can barely make out the sound of her humming. I rush to the door and pull it open, only to stare into a pair of brown eyes. Immediately, my heartbeat kicks up a notch. He looks so good in a white button shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows and loose denim jeans. He doesn’t appear to be under the influence—his skin is clean and not clammy and his eyes are round and alert.