Consumed (Consumed #1) - Page 28/43

I nod in agreement, opening my thighs as he positions himself between them. His hand comes between us and he uses it to guide himself directly to his goal. He pushes in slowly and an electric current shoots through me. He thrusts a little harder at my gasp causing my fingers dig into his shoulder blades. He pulls back and enters painfully slow again. I press my forehead against his shoulder and muffle my moans against his skin. A fiery burst of need explodes inside my stomach and I bite back a cry, locking my ankles around his waist. The deep moan that rips from Seth is the most erotic thing I’ve ever heard and his movements intensify as he moves deeper inside of me. He groans his pleasure into the nape of my neck as his hand slides between us again, this time his thumb circles my soft clit. I close my eyes and grind my hips into him.

“Do you like that?” he half pants, half moans in my ear.

“Yes,” I reply, almost breathlessly.

His breath hitches at my confession and claims my mouth with his. His slower thrusts become frantic and needy. After a few moments, he pulls his lips from mine to let me breathe and quickly pushes his head down to tease my nipples with his tongue. I bite back a smile. He’s definitely a boob man. His finger circles me faster as he thrusts deeper. I feel my release getting closer and closer, and I can barely keep my hips from squirming.

“Seth!” I gasp, running my fingers through his hair. “Fuck... oh God.”

“Yeah…” He rasps.

My pants and gasps threaten to turn into loud cries and moans, but as my climax spills over, Seth slams his mouth onto mine, kissing me deeply and absorbing all of my noises. I bite down on his bottom lip and he releases a powerful growl from his chest and I knew he, too, has been sent over the edge. Every cell in my body is alive with my passing pleasure, and I rock once more against him as he drops his head into my shoulder.

After a few seconds, he stiffens and quickly slides out of me. I’m startled and I grab at his arm, but it slides right off. “What is it?”

His fingers run through his hair. “I was so caught up... I completely forgot protection.” His brown eyes are wide and the after-sex gleam is nowhere to be seen. “This has never happened to me before... I never forget. I’m so sorry.”

“It’s okay.” I say, sitting up. “I’m on the pill and I know you get checked for STD’s all the time because of your work.”

He frowns at himself. “Those things always fail—the pill, I mean.”

I shrug. “They’ve worked for the last six years of my life. I’m not going to start worrying now and neither should you.”

Still trembling from my orgasm, I climb to my feet and go to the shower room. Thankfully, all three rooms have an ensuite. Dad’s room has a spa bath and a shower while mine and Selena’s only have a shower and a toilet. It’s still beautiful and modern with deep mahogany benches and chocolate tiles, not to mention the state of the art glass walled shower, but a bath would’ve been nice.

I flick on the light and step in. As I make my way over to the shower, I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror and it stops me in my tracks. I’ve never looked so...satisfied before. Thin strands of my long chocolate hair are floating around my head and my cheeks are rosy, like they’ve been pinched. I smile at my too-bright eyes and run my hand over my face. I could get used to this.

I step toward the shower and put it on as hot as I can tolerate, letting the thin blades of fire beat across my back. When I get out of the shower I want to be so tired I just crash out. The bathroom door opens and I can only just make out Seth’s large silhouette through the steamed glass. When the shower door opens, cool air rushes in making my nipples harden to maximum point. I quiver and pull him in, quickly. As soon as the door closes I manage to warm up again. Seth reaches around me for the exfoliation sponge and pours a strange pink soap that smells like cucumber and watermelon onto of it. His large hands massage the sponge until it foams and then he turns me away from him. I gasp when I feel his wet, naked body press up against my back. He lathers the sponge and his fingers trail along my shoulders as he brushes my hair over one side. I still feel his fingertips on my bare skin as they fall away and are replaced by the rough pad and warm bubbles. The sponge glides over the base of my neck before gliding in circular motions over my shoulders and between my shoulder blades. I close my eyes as he slides it down the middle of my back, stopping just before my behind begins.

Seth drags the sponge in rhythmic strokes back to the nape of my neck and runs it down the length of my arms. Soon, I feel the sponge drop to the floor of the shower and I open my eyes as his soapy hands slide around my waist. They easily drift across my stomach and then up underneath my breasts. I happily close my eyes again and rest my head against his chest. I’ve never been washed by someone else before and the thought of someone like Seth doing it arouses me. I can feel my entire upper body soaped and thoroughly cleaned. He pulls me back a little bit and the water washes the soap from my body. He steps forward again and his hands slide lower, brushing my inner thigh. Instinctively, my eyes fly open and I’m met with my own reflection in the large bathroom mirror. Seth has wiped the steam off the glass and I hadn’t even noticed. My hair clings to my skin, draping to the left of my shoulder. I feel extra heat climb into my cheeks under his gaze and I don’t think he notices. I’m already a light shade of pink due to the heat of the water. Moisture glistens on my skin as more tendrils of water roll over my shoulder and down my chest. Seth stands under the shower, letting the hot streams hit the back of his neck and roll down either side. His chocolate eyes are on my face while his hands roam freely over my slick skin.

“You are beautiful.” He whispers in my ear, sending a shiver down my spine.

I can’t help the smile that spreads across my lips. “You’re being silly.” I titter, placing my hands on his as they massage my stomach and my hips. “You’ve seen plenty of naked women...”

“Not like you.” He lowers his mouth to my neck and kisses my warm flesh. “Never like you.”

My bottom lip drops a little at his words, leaving my mouth slightly agape. If I had any reservation about getting into a relationship with Seth before, it’s completely gone now. I want—no—I need him in my life. In the short time of knowing him, he has flipped my world around, more than once. He can make me angry, sad and confused all in the same minute, but he can also makes me the happiest I’ve ever been. Being around Seth is exciting and dangerous and I like it... I like him. Our reflection becomes unclear as the glass fogs up again and he shuts off the shower. Goosebumps erupt over my skin when I push open the door and stand on the soft, brown mat. Steam floats from our hot skin as Seth grabs two towels and hands one to me. We dry ourselves in silence, but every now and then he’ll smile a lazy, adorable smile at me, making me laugh.

When we’re back in the bedroom, we find our clothes and put them on. Now, the big double bed is extra alluring to me. My eyelids are heavy and all I want is sleep.

“Let me tuck you in before I go.”

“You want to tuck me in?” I ask incredulously.

“Of course. I take care of what’s mine.”

“And I am yours.” I mumble, pulling back the sheets and climbing in.

Seth approaches my side of the bed, smiling a proud smile. “You are mine.”

He pulls the heavy blankets over me and leans down to kiss me softly on the lips. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

I nod my head and stifle a yawn. “See you.”

Before he has even left the room, my eyes close. Trying to open them again causes unnecessary aches so I don’t bother. My heart swells. Tonight wasn’t about sex. He was so tender and attentive... he wanted me to see how much he cares for me. I’m not sure how long after he left that I fell asleep, but I do know that when sleep took me, I had a wide smile on my face.

Chapter Fourteen

Driving back into Portland depresses me. I had such a good time in Concord with Seth and his team. It wasn’t much. Most of the time Seth and everyone else were in the gym training for ridiculous amounts of time, leaving Selena and I to walk around. We had fun though and it was definitely a much need break, but now that we’re home, I have to deal with everything else—like Blade and Mason.

The little red velvet box that Blade gave me is still sitting on my bedside table. I haven’t opened it, but I will today when I’m alone and I’ll return it to him this afternoon. I want Seth, not Blade. I can’t have Blade interfering and messing with my head. He gave me a ring with no explanation. That’s hardly romantic. Seth hasn’t given me anything and yet he’s managed to make me feel like I’m special to him.

“Are you going to take the ring back to Blade today?” Selena asks, pulling me from my thoughts.

Seth’s hand clenches the steering wheel briefly and he keeps his chocolate eyes on the road, but I know he’s listening. I told Selena this morning that I’d be taking the ring back to Blade. If she had questions, why didn’t she ask me then? I hate talking about Blade in front of Seth. It’s awkward. I glance over my shoulder, Selena is chewing on her pink, sparkly nail and Jackson is sleeping soundly with his head in her jean-clad lap. I bring my gaze back to the road ahead of me, not paying attention to any of the buildings whipping past.

“Yeah, I’ll go and see him today.”

“I’d go with you, but Dad called and he wants me in the office today.”

I wave her off. “That’s okay. I should probably do it on my own anyway.”

Seth leans his elbow on the rest between our seats and asks. “Is he a violent person?”

“No.” Selena and I reply in unison.

“He’s not violent,” Selena feels the need to say, “but he’s persistent and slimy. He always has shit up his sleeve. I’ve lost how count at how many times those two have broken up and miraculously ended up back together.”

I’m scowling at her through the mirror in my sun visor, but she isn’t looking at me. Her attention is on her fucking pink nails. “He must have a magical dick because there’s no way I’d keep dating someone who cheated on me every week.”

“Alright Selena.” I snap, crossing my arms over my chest. “We get it.”

“Shit, sorry.”

“I can take you.” Seth offers, running a thumb along my thigh, comfortingly.

I shake my head. “No, it’ll just make things worse. He doesn’t cooperate well under pressure.”

“I’m taking you.” Seth says and I realize his offer wasn’t actually an offer, but a demand.

I open my mouth to protest, but his words cut me off.

“I’ll stay in the car with Jackson. At least you’ll have someone there if he decides to pull anything.”

His commanding eyes lock onto mine briefly before they turn back to the road. I won’t fight him. If he wants to take me to Blade’s house, then fine.

I see Selena’s gigantic, sandstone-looking house in the distance as we drive up her street. Right on queue Jackson the sleeping beauty yawns, awakening from his too long nap.

“We’re here already, huh?” Jackson’s voice is husky from sleep.

I open my mouth to answer, but the distinctly kissing noises and giggles stops me and I roll my eyes. If there is one thing I won’t miss about this trip it’s the long make out sessions between Selena and Jackson. Jesus. It’s never ending! Thankfully, we pull up in front of Selena’s house.

“I’ll call you.” Selena calls to me as she climbs out and Jackson followers her.

Right in front of the car they practically hump each other goodbye and I groan, throwing my head back against the seat.

“You must be real happy to be away from that.” Seth laughs, leaning back in his chair.

“You have no idea.”

His hand curls around my wrist and he pulls it to his lips, kissing it softly. His lips are surprisingly warm on my skin and tingles burst in my stomach.

“When we’re done here we’re going to swing by your place, get that ring and take it back to that fucking guy.”

I angle my body toward him.

“Do I detect jealousy?” I tease.

He smiles against the back of my hand. “Jealousy? No. Possession? Maybe. If anyone is gonna buy you things in pretty red boxes, it’s me.”

I pull my hand back. “Thanks, but I don’t need to be bought things to be happy. Blade seems to think I do, but that just reflects how little he actually knows about me.”

“And what do you need to be happy?”

I sit for a little while thinking. I’ve never been asked a question like that before. I tuck a lock of my hair behind my ear before I speak. “I want what everyone wants, I guess. Health. Loyal friends. Love. I don’t know...”

He smirks at me, his eyes glistening with admiration.

“If I had to choose something materialistic, I’d choose a bath.”

“A bath?” He repeats, almost laughing.

“Yep, a nice hot bubble bath. It’s been years since I’ve had one.”

He drops my hand and runs his fingers through his hair. “You’re so cute I can’t even handle it.”

“I’m cute?” I scoff, almost offended. I’ve never been called cute before. “I’m not cute.”

He reaches across to pinch at my already pink cheeks and I swat him away.

“Okay, where to now?” Jackson asks, sliding back into the car and slamming the door behind him. His face comes between our seats and I look at him. When I think about it, Jackson and Selena look very similar. His hair is a little darker, but they both have the same green eyes and facial structure—sharp and angular.