Consumed (Consumed #1) - Page 32/43

“And your sister? Does she live here too?”

“No, Maddi is in Las Vegas living it up with her rockstar boyfriend.” His tone turns aggressive toward the end. “She used to, but my mother and her didn’t get along.”

Underneath me, I feel Seth become a little tense and I think I’ve reached maximum questions point. The last thing I want to do is push when he’s been so willing to answer my questions. I stroke him, letting my nails create a random pattern on his legs. Behind me, low against my back, I become aware of just how much he likes it and I smile. I twist myself in the water until my front his flush up against his. I slide my soapy body up against his firm torso, pressing my lips against his chest and then his neck. He moans when I flick my tongue out to taste his jaw and he snags my lip between his teeth when I kiss him. My hand slides up his thigh, but his hand quickly shoots down, catching my wrist.

“I thought you wanted a bath?” He teases me, cocking his head to the side.

Feeling bold, I say. “Can’t I have both?”

He brings his mouth closer to mine and my heartbeat kicks up a notch. My insides clench in anticipation, just waiting for Seth to put his hands on me.

“You’re insatiable.” He chuckles, his lips lightly grazing mine.

“I am when it comes to you.”

His dark eyes flare, pleased with my response and his full lips crash to mine. His fingers move steadily upward to graze the delicate skin of my sides as his moist tongue sweeps across my bottom lip. With a rush of hot arousal, my mouth opens instantly to his, and he wastes no time in darting his tongue inside. My pulse hammers through my veins like it always does when we’re intimate. Seth’s hands explore the curve of my waist before gripping my ass and pulling me higher onto him. The feel of his hard, firm hands against my body drives me crazy, and there’s no way I can stop the whimper that escapes me. The sound of my moan echos against the walls, floating around us and I can feel him hard and ready between my thighs. Knowing he’s there makes me tremble with pleasure and I push my body harder against his as his hand slides down my body, tightening around my hip. A delicious tingling begins to spread across my chest, and I groan with eagerness as my arousal begins to throb ruthlessly between my legs. Seth pulls his mouth away from mine and focuses on my face as he slides a hand between us. I lift my hips while he strokes my center with his erection. I time it perfectly and as it passes directly under me, I drop down and sheathe him all the way to the base.

“Fuck!” Seth gasps, grabbing both my hips with devastating pressure. Water splashes and rises all around us as I bounce and grind my hips into his. I keep my eyes on his face, completely mesmerized by his expression—dark, hungry, and wickedly pleased. His attention is on my breasts. They’re full and glistening in the light of the bathroom. He leans forward slightly, pulling my hard nipple into his mouth and my back arches. He abruptly releases my nipple and turns his attention to my face.

“Let’s get out.” He breathes, digging his fingers into my thighs. “I want to have you in my bed.”

I run my tongue along his bottom lip, rocking against him slowly. I kiss his nose once and slide off of him. Water trickles off of his body and the water level drops as he steps out. I turn the tap off and follow him from the bath. My hair is still dry so my towel drying time is thankfully cut in half. Laughter escapes me as he scoops me up in his arms and carries me back into the room. I look into his face, marveling at the gentle strength in his countenance. He places me on his large bed and I seize his neck with my arms, pulling him down on top of me. His laughter and subsequent growls quicken my heartbeat as we playfully tussle with each other. I run my fingers through his soft hair while his mouth explores my neck and my chest. Wrapping my legs around his waist, I pull him as close to me as I can.

“Please.” I moan, thrusting my hips upwards.

“You want it?” He breathes into my neck, positioning himself at my entrance.

“Yes,” I hiss.

He laughs once as he forcefully thrusts into me, sending a hot jolt of pleasure shooting through my body. He doesn’t hesitate between thrusts, and in no time he’s slamming into me—his body colliding with mine at a fast pace.

“So good...” He growls, nipping at the flesh on my collarbone.

A familiar pressure builds up inside me increasing with every thrust, causing me to squirm underneath him. Another swear word falls from his lips and it sinks right down to my stomach, pushing me closer to the edge.

“Seth! Yes!" I cry as my release closes in on me, causing my toes to curl.

He thrusts harder and my climax suddenly rips through me. The unbearable heat of my orgasm pulses mercilessly through my center. At the same time, Seth swears loudly as he thrusts himself inside me once more and I feel his length pulse wildly inside my depths. As soon as the heat releases us, Seth pulls out of me and my entire body feels weak and mushy. He lies beside me and my body instantly relaxes against him. He places his fingers against my chin, turning my head so he can kiss me. I smile as his lips brush mine. He drops his head, holding me to his body and I feel his chest rise and fall with his steady breaths.

“Tell me,” I breathe. “After everything we’ve done, do you still think I’m a good girl?”

“I don’t think you’re a good girl.” He kisses my shoulder. “I’m convinced you are.”

“How so?”

I feel him shrug. “You don’t see yourself like I do. You don’t see the way your cheeks turn pink when I say or do inappropriate things. You can’t hear the sweet, innocent tone in your voice when you say things... but I do.”

My heart swells in my chest. Seth knows me like no one else has. The sweetest thing Blade has ever said to me came on a card written by someone in a factory. How have I missed out on this? How did I stay with Blade with for so long? Seth’s coarse finger draws shapes on my hip pulling me from my thoughts.

“Thank you.” He says.


“For letting me make it up to you. All afternoon I had your hurt expression stuck in my brain and it was fucking destroying me.”

I smile and close my eyes. Soon, Seth’s hand stops moving and his breathing became heavy. Subsequently, I find my own thoughts drifting while Seth’s strong arms lull me to sleep.


I hear the sound of my nickname and I open my eyes, but it doesn’t quite register with my brain. I close my eyes again. I’m warm, sleepy and content. I don’t want to be doing anything else. A finger brushes softly over my cheek.

“Olivia?” I hear again.

I open my eyes for a second time. It’s dark, but I can just make out Seth’s silhouette above me. His knuckle gently teases my cheek and I pull myself into a seated position. After a few seconds my vision adjusts to the darkness and I notice Seth is fully clothed with his car keys in his hand.

“Is everything okay?” I ask, my voice husky with sleep.

“I want you to come with me to pick up my mom.” There’s a lace of frustration to his tone. “I’d never ask, but seeing as we’re a couple now... we should do things together, right? No matter how shit it is?”

His Mom? Is she okay? I swallow my rising worry and nod. “Right.”

I throw back the blankets. And slide out of bed. Seth walks over to the wall and flicks the light on and I squint under the sudden harshness.

“I laid your clothes over the back of the couch.” He smiles at me as I stand naked.

I slide my clothes on piece by piece and run my fingers through my hair, barely managing to pull out all of the knots. “Where’s your mom?”

He taps his fingers against his jeans. “She’s at the police station.”

I stiffen. “At the police station? What do we do? Do you need to call a lawyer or—”

“This is normal. I know the deputy at the station. I’ll pick her up and bring her home.”

“And that’s it?”

He gives me a tight smile. “That’s it.”

“So this isn’t new?” I exhale, relaxing slightly.

“Sadly, no. This will be the fourth time since moving to Portland that I’ve had to pick her up from a police station.”

“And the deputy just calls you?”


I recall Seth taking phone calls before... once on the night he refused to have sex with me and once on the night we went out for dinner. He had to leave in a hurry. I feel sorry for him. He shouldn’t have to drop everything going on in his life to pick up his drunken mother. It’s not right.

I follow closely behind him as we walk through the large house and out the front door. Seth doesn’t speak the whole way to the police station. When I look at him, his jaw is always tense, always working against itself.

“Why do you put up with it?” I question him.

“Because she’s my mother...” he runs his fingers through his hair. “I feel like I owe it to her, I guess. I wasn’t the greatest kid.”

His words upset me. He’s still the son, not the parent. His mother should be taking care of the finances and the house. Not Seth.

We roll up in front of the Police Station and we climb out. It isn’t a headquarters or anything, just a small station. Seth’s fingers entwine with mine as he pulls me along beside him. Inside, the station smells of beer and hospital cleaner. A few tired people litter the waiting room and they eye us as we walk right up to the service desk.

“Hey Seth,” The officer extends his hand to Seth and he takes it. “Your mom is more upset than usual.”

Seth chuckles nervously. “I better get her home then.”

“No problem. She’s been asleep for the last hour.”

The officer steps out from behind the desk and gestures for Seth to follow him. He turns to me. “Wait here, okay?”

I nod.

Seth and the officer disappear around the corner, leaving me alone. I’m uncomfortable. I’ve never been inside a police station before and hopefully I never have to again. I don’t like feeling like I’ve done something wrong. I even get nervous when I walk past a police officer in the mall or in the street. I’m lame, I know.

Seth reappears cradling his sleeping mother. She’s not wearing the same outfit I saw her in this afternoon. She has traded the dress suit for a pair of black slacks, a pretty purple silk top and a pair of killer violet heels. Her long, black hair cascades over Seth’s arm and hangs loosely in the air. Seth walks past me, flicking his head toward the exit sign. I follow closely behind and I open the back door for him so he can lay his mother down on the back seat.

It took us a little while to get back to Seth’s house. He was going under the speed limit to avoid waking his mother. It didn’t matter. Once we pull into the driveway and the car turns off, his mom speaks.

“Sethy?” She whispers. “Did you have to pick me up again?”

My heart melts at her nickname for him. It’s adorable and I imagine she’s been calling him that since the day he was born. I look at Seth. His face is stormy and frustrated.

“Yes.” He replies. His tone is cold and lacking any empathy.

“I’m so sorry,” she sobs. “I was on my way to the program. I swear I was going to go this time.”

Seth climbs out of the car without replying. He opens the back door and extends his hand to his mom. I open my own door and slide out. When I walk over to the other side, his mother is already halfway out of the car.

She smiles drunkenly at me. “Natasha?”

“Olivia.” Seth corrects her, becoming increasingly frustrated.

“Seth, it’s okay.” I mutter.

“Olivia.” She slurs. “Right.”

His mom looks up at him as she slides the rest of her body out of the car. Seth wraps an arm around her waist supporting her weight like she’s no heavier than a child. She turns back to me. “I’m Vanessa.” She gestures to her face and body. “I’m not usually like this.”

Seth's expression darkens and he shakes his head. He’s an expert at holding his tongue. He is yet to say something to upset her.

“Let’s get you to bed.” He says, pulling her toward the house. When we go inside, I linger along behind them, all the way up the stairs and to his mom’s room. I don’t go inside. I’ve invaded enough personal space for tonight. I lean against the wall by the door frame, my gaze focusing on a painting of a cute bamboo tree.

“Sethy?” I hear her call to him. “I was planning on making myself better tonight...”

His voice comes in low. “And what happened?”

“I-I got to the doors and I couldn’t go in... I panicked. I didn’t want to admit that I’ve been such a failure.”

I strain my ear for his response, but it doesn’t come.

“I’ll go tomorrow... I promise.”

“Okay, good night.”

Seth steps out of the room and closes the door behind him. I give him no indication that I heard everything. I don’t want him to be embarrassed. I wrap my hands around his arm and snuggle in close as we walk towards his room. When we’re inside and tucked back into bed, he pulls me into his bare chest.

“I hope that was okay for you.” He mutters in my ear.

After all of that, how can he possibly be worrying about me? “It was. I’m glad she is home and safe.”

His hands squeeze me as he settles his head closer to my neck. “Me too.”

Seth’s deep voice wakes me up again. “Olivia.” He almost sings it in a happy tune. “You have work.”