Consumed (Consumed #1) - Page 6/43


Be at mine at 10 tonight.

We’re going out!!

She replies instantly.


Shit yeah! Count me in!

Love you, O.


At the gym, I stayed in Dad’s office until he returned. We didn’t have many people come in today so nothing was out of place. Seth left after his shower and I managed to pay a young boy seven dollars to wipe the machines down with an environmentally friendly antiseptic while his mom ran the treadmill.

“Thanks again, Olly.” Dad says as I open the door to leave his office.

“Anytime, Pops. You know I’m here whenever you need me.”

I go to exit the door, but his voice stops me. “Have you thought about dinner on Sunday?”

Crap. It’s awkward when someone takes you up on an empty gesture. I want to go to dinner at my parents house, I do, but I don’t want to deal with them both teaming up on me to move back home just to fill their empty nest.

“I promise I won’t harass you about moving back in.” He says, stuffing his hand into the pockets of his sweat pants. “I can’t speak for your mother though. You know how she is.”

I sigh. “Okay, I’ll come to dinner, but tell Mom that she doesn’t have to go all out and a small dinner will be fine. Also, if you could tell her to keep the childhood movies boxed I’ll be more likely to show up.”

Dad smiles. “I’ll see what I can do. Love you.”

He turns to look out the window.

“Love you, too.” I say as I close the door behind me.

I hate clubbing. The last time I went clubbing was Selena’s (real) birthday six months ago and because I don’t usually go clubbing my range of sexy, short dresses is limited. I have to choose between a black halter neck and a coral off the shoulder cocktail dress. Personally, I’d rather not wear either.

I throw both of the dresses on the floor and fall back onto my bed with a loud sigh. The sun went down an hour ago and Selena is meant to be here three hours from now. I wonder if she’ll hate me if I cancel. A knock on my door pulls me from my thoughts. I throw a dressing gown on over my black, lacy underwear and I stroll to the door. When I open it, I see Selena’s make-up free face—that’s a first for her. She doesn’t need make-up, she has one of those naturally beautiful faces. You know, the ones that have thick eyelashes, high cheekbones, plump lips and a flawless complexion to boot.

“You’re early. Very early.”

She shrugs. “I got too excited about tonight. Stop staring at me. I’m hideous.”

I choke on a laugh as she pushes past me. Selena pulls along a small, purple suitcase behind her.

“Did your dad finally kick your ass to the curb?” I ask, closing the door.

“No, this is for tonight.” Selena wheels the suitcase into my bedroom and I follow closely behind her. She takes one look at the dresses on the floor and smiles at me. “Thank God you’re not wearing either of those.”

Feigning insult, I demand. “What’s wrong with them?”

“They’re from last year. That’s what.”

She unzips her suitcase and pulls a short and no doubt tight, red dress from it. I see it and the only thing that comes to mind is: WHORE.

“I am not wearing that.”

She pouts. “Why not?”

“Because it’s too outrageous... I want to have fun and talk to boys not wind up in a ditch by the end of the night.”

She rolls her eyes. “God, you sound just like your mother.” I open my mouth to protest, but she raises her hand. “You need to relax. This is tame compared to what other girls will be wearing, trust me.”

Selena holds the dress out in front of her and on closer examination I may have over-exaggerated. It isn’t that bad. I mean, the small cut out in between the breasts wasn’t too exposing, I suppose. And I assume Selena isn’t really giving me a choice. I took the dress and drop my dressing gown.

“Look at you, you hottie!” Selena giggled. “Going to the gym is really paying off. You’re so fit and you’ve managed to keep those big ole’ boobies of yours perky! Maybe I should start going to the gym.”

She steps forward, her hands outstretched to touch me and I swat her away, unable to keep a laugh from my lips. “You’re such a lesbian, stop it.”

I slide into the dress and have Selena zip it up. When it’s on and I do a little twirl, her mouth drops open and she clasps her hands over her chest.

“You look amazing!” She squeals. “I knew this dress would look good on you.”

I walk over to my mirror and I’m absolutely floored by how good it looks on me. Red is definitely my color.

“Now sit.” Selena demands and I take few steps back to sit on the edge of my bed. She pulls a large metal box from her suitcase and opens it. I’m amazed by how much make-up she has. She immediately gets to work with her foundations and powders and pink things and black things. I’m sure they have proper names, but they were lost on me. I have no idea.

When Selena is done creating her masterpiece she steps away from me, giving me full view of myself in the mirror. I don’t recognize myself. My creamy skin is flawless and my green eyes are brought out by a black color Selena refers to as ‘shimmering onyx’. My lips are glossy and my long, chocolate hair cascades in a straight line down my back.

“Whoa.” Is all I can say.

“I know. I’m good.”

I find a pair of white stilettos in my wardrobe and I slip them on. I’m not one to compliment myself, but damn I look sexy. In fact I’m feeling so good about myself I might even entertain the idea of bringing a stranger home with me.

Or not.

Most likely not.

Selena spends almost two hours doing herself up and if I looked like a supermodel when she was done with me, she looked like a super-supermodel. Her dark, violet dress has a strapless, sweetheart cut and it cuts off mid-thigh. Her long, blonde ringlets are straightened against her back and she flicks her hair to either side as she clips in two golden hoops.

“I scheduled a taxi to come get us at nine p.m.”

I look at the clock. “That’s now.”

Sure enough a honk sounds outside and Selena takes me by the elbow. She eagerly drags me from the house before I get a chance to change my mind about tonight.

We’re in the taxi and the further I get from home the stronger the unsettling feeling in my stomach grows. Now that I’m out and on my way to a club, I really wish I didn’t text Selena and suggest it.

We arrive at Lux’s Lounge Bar and the security guard lets us straight in because he and Selena are friends. Of course they are. She’s probably friends with all of the staff inside. I’ve never been to Lux’s before and as we step into the club I’m blown away. It’s not like the other clubs I’ve been to. Upscale is an understatement. People litter the surrounding couches and the floor is illumined by blue L.E.D lights that lead the way to the bar directly in front of us. It’s impossible to miss. It’s huge, white and shiny. Five bartenders man the bar and they’re surrounded by people shouting orders at them. Not once do the smiles leave their faces.

This place oozes sterile elegance and maybe I’ll enjoy myself after all. Selena entwines her fingers in mine and pulls me along beside her to the bar. We spend a long while there, receiving free drinks from boys who want to dance. Some were hot and some were...not. Either way, we promised them we’ll dance later. I just hope they pass out before then. When I’ve probably had too much to drink, we leave the bar and head to the dance floor. We dance hard and fast, we sway our hips and only dance with each other. I notice that Selena is really trying to show me a good time. Not once has she batted an eyelid at a guy even though loads of them have given her attention. She wants me to see that tonight is about me, her and our friendship. It’s exactly what I need.

I spoke too soon as hands seize my waist pulling me away from Selena.

“Dance with me.” He mutters into my ear.

I stare at her wide eyed as the guy grinds me. ‘Help me’ I mouth to Selena, but she raises her eyebrows and shrugs, signaling for me to turn around. Reluctantly, I turn around and the guy that’s practically groping me isn’t that bad. He has dark, longish hair that curls under his chin and his eyes are a beautiful blue that reflect the glowing floor beneath us. Under his business outfit, I feel his rock hard body. My head swims with alcohol and my usual careful self doesn’t really care. Screw it. I’m going to go along with it. I dance with him, letting his hands roam all over me. It doesn’t provoke a thrilling feeling in my stomach like Seth’s eyes do, but he’s gentleman enough not to dive into my bra or my panties and I appreciate that. The stranger pulls me around so I’m facing the other direction and my ass presses against know. Suddenly I’m uncomfortable and I manage to sober up just a little. This isn’t me. I try to step away from the man, but his hands hold me firmly in place. I eagerly search the crowd for Selena, but I can’t see her. Lights flicker above me, catching my attention. It’s the VIP area. A fair few people are leaning against the railing watching the dancers beneath them. Others are lounging around on couches laughing underneath immaculate chandeliers. I survey them with blurry vision until I catch a familiar pair of eyes, instantly stopping me in my tracks.


His appearance hits me like a ton of bricks and I sober up even more. Suddenly, I’m embarrassed for grinding with the stranger. The stranger doesn’t notice I no longer want to dance and he pulls me even closer to him. His head angles and his warm tongue travels down the side of my neck before pressing his lips eagerly against my skin. I feel like I’m going to heave. My head spins and my legs wobble. Seth’s eyes remain on me the entire time and his friend, the one that was wearing a red cap at the steakhouse, walks over to chat to him. His gaze is intimidating and once again I can’t look away from him. He looks positively amazing in a long black sleeved shirt that’s folded up to his elbows, exposing his thick forearms. He brings his beer bottle to his lips and takes a sip. I wish I was that beer bottle. A warm hand wraps harshly around my arm, yanking me from the stranger’s grasp and away from Seth’s face. I stumble through the crowd, letting whoever is pulling me drag me away from the dance floor. When we break away from the dancers, I’m amazed I didn’t trip in my ridiculously high heels. The person dragging me turns to face me.

“Blade?” I ask, confused that he’s here.

He never comes here. He’s wearing his usual club get up—a weird t-shirt with random naked girls on it and a pair of loose jeans. His lips move quickly, but I can’t hear anything. The music is drowning him out. “What?”

He takes me by the arm again and pulls me from the club via a side door. I stumble into an empty alleyway that smells like booze, piss and vomit.

His eyes narrow in on me, his nostrils flaring. Wow, you’d think I just cheated on him. “What the hell are you doing, Olivia?”

“I was dancing.”

“That wasn’t dancing. He had his mouth all over you!”

Is it disgusting of me to feel a little happy that Blade’s so pissed off?

“So? I can do whatever I want. I’m single.”

“No, you’re not. You’re mine!”

I step toward him, pointing my finger less than an inch from his nose. He grabs at my hand, pressing it against his chest. His body feels completely different now that I’ve had them on Seth’s large chest. Blade feels like a child under my knuckles.

“I’m not yours. I’m not something that can be owned.” I try to step away from him, but his free hand takes a hold of my hips and he pulls me into him.

“Baby, please. I’m sorry... seeing you with that guy hurt me. You’re hurting me.”

I clench my fists until the skin over my knuckles turns white. How dare he say a thing like that? I shove him hard and he stumbles enough to let me go.

“I’m hurting you? What about me?” I’m shouting and I don’t even care. Tears pool in my eyes, but I refuse to let them fall. “You hurt me! That’s why we’re in this mess. You don’t care about me. You’re just comfortable—stuck in a routine.”

“Olly, baby...”

I have to get him to see that I’m not playing this time. I have to hit him where it hurts. “I don’t love you and I haven’t for a long time. It just took me this long to realize it.”

I go to walk away but he grabs at me again, holding me tightly against him. “I’m not letting you go back in there.”

“Last I checked this is still a free country.” Seth’s deep voice rings throughout the alleyway. Blade releases me and I stumble backwards as warm, feminine hands wrap around my shoulders.

“You okay?” Selena whispers, pulling me into her and I nod my head.

She tugs me back until I’m standing safely beside Seth.

“I forgot you had a boyfriend.” Blade states, spitting on the floor.


Seth looks down at me, his eyebrow raised. Thank God the alleyway isn’t lit up otherwise everyone will see my undoubtedly scarlet face. I nod my head quickly, pleadingly. The last thing I want is to look stupid in front of Blade. I’ve looked stupid enough because of him.

“She does.” Seth’s large, calloused hand wraps around my wrist and he pulls me slightly behind him. I gasp at the contact of our flesh.

Blade crosses his arms over his chest not looking the slightest bit impressed. “Where were you when she was practically fucking a guy on the dance floor?”