The Pledge - Page 64/76

But then I moved—closer, though, not away as I’d warned myself I should—answering his tender request with my own. Telling him that I wanted more.

His fingers laced through my still damp hair then, hauling me against him until we were chest to chest and mouth to mouth. I reached for his shoulders, clinging to him as I parted my lips, unsure of my actions, but needing to be closer. His tongue slipped inside my mouth, and my veins were infused with liquid fire, making me shiver with both need and fear.

Never had I wanted something so badly in all my life.

Never had I been so frightened of my own emotions.

I was still shaking when I finally turned my head away, ending the kiss. It was the hardest thing I’d ever done. My lips felt swollen and raw, and achingly cold in the absence of his.

Max’s eyes were glassy, as I was certain were mine. I’d never seen the face of interrupted passion before, but without a doubt it was the look I was witnessing now. Disappointment weighed heavy in my heart.

He was quicker than I was to recover, and within moments he was breathing normally again. It made me angry that he could compose himself so quickly, as if he was well practiced in a skill that I was not. I glared at him, ignoring the stab of jealousy that such a thought had delivered.

“What are we doing?” I asked on a shaky breath.

“I thought we were kissing.”

“Shhh,” I insisted, covering his mouth with my hand and trying not to think of what that mouth had just done to mine. I didn’t want Eden to hear what he said.

“What’s the matter, Charlie? Are you angry that I kissed you? Or that you kissed back?”

I lowered my voice and my eyes. “I just don’t know how this can possibly end. What good can come of this? Of us?”

His finger lifted my chin, a gesture that made my stomach flutter. “Who says it has to end?” His thumb rubbed my lower lip.

I closed my eyes, so I couldn’t see his fathomless eyes, so I couldn’t imagine staring into them forever. Jn Qer. J8220;I’m a vendor’s daughter, Max.” The heartbreak in my words was nearly painful to my own ears.

Max nudged my chin, forcing me to look at him again. When I finally did, he answered, “You’re a princess, Charlie.”

The world around us froze as Max watched me. Hearing those words out loud was s

omething I would never get used to. It was one thing to talk of meetings with the queen, or to imagine my sister and my father as members of a distant royal blood line. It was something else altogether to hear myself referred to as such. It was far too easy for me to overlook that fact.

He was right, of course. I was a princess. In his arms, I’d allowed myself to forget. In his arms, I’d merely been myself.

“Is that what this is about, then?” I didn’t want to ask the question, but I needed to know the truth.

Max looked confused. “What are you talking about?”

I clenched my jaw, bracing myself. “This. The kiss. The reason you found me intriguing in the first place. Is it because you suspected I was a princess?” Who else would be suitable for someone of Max’s birthright?

He disarmed me by smiling. Then, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear, his voice rumbled low, caressing my heart. “I would have found a way for us to be together even if you’d been a servant’s daughter, Charlie. You do intrigue me, but not for any of the reasons you suspect.”

He leaned in then and kissed me again, sweet and soft and tender, silencing my arguments and stealing my breath, making me wonder how one simple gesture could be so tragically lovely.


The queen held back her smile, a real smile, as genuine delight coursed through her. “You’ve located their base? The heart of their entire operation?”

Baxter nodded. “We have, Your Majesty.”

Her lips twitched. “You’re certain? I’ve no patience for another failure.”

His head dropped at the reminder of his shortcomings, his stout frame trembling. “Of course not, my que

en. This time we’re certain. The rebels sent a small group of soldiers out into the city, an escort of sorts into the east side. One of our scouting parties just returned with word that they were able to track the rebel contingent all the way back underground.” He met her gaze, grinning. “This time, we’ve got ’em.”

She was practically quivering with anticipation. Her next words were the ones she’d waited so long to ask. “How long until you can be ready to attack?”

Baxter lifted his chin, daring a quick peek at the woman on the throne. “On your command, Your Majesty. The troops simply await your order.”

She could no longer contain the grin that broke across her face. “Good, Baxter. This is very good, indeed.”

She recognized the relief on her adviser’s face; he knew he’d evaded a death sentence of his own by bringing Jn Qer. &>Ba her this news. He realized he could no longer afford to disappoint her.

“Oh, and Baxter?” She lifted a gnarled finger to her lip, deciding it was time to make preparations.

“Yes, Your Majesty?”

“Spread the word, and I don’t care how you do it, but make sure that no one questions my decree. Tell them that soon we will have a new queen.”


“You have to wait here, Angelina. There’s no room for argument. I promise I won’t be long.” I leaned close to whisper in her ear. “If you’re good, I’ll bring you a surprise.” I smiled at her as I drew away. I was certain I could find some treat to satisfy a four-year-old. “Eden will stay with you.” I glanced up at the blue-haired woman who watched us. “She promises to take good care of you. Right, Eden?”