Rise of Humanity - Page 141/619

Chapter 140 - Squish Him Like An Insect!

On the second day, the sun shined brightly and blanketed the entire Xian Kong Saint City under its marvelous light.

Under the Sainty City, dew percolated on the chains that linked the city with the other cities located on different mountains. Countless monster Qi Practitioners could be seen flying out from these cities atop a myriad of prismatic clouds. Under the warm sunlight, the entire area formed a picturesque and idyllic scene filled with a kaleidoscope of colors.

Today was a big day for the monsters as on this day, Long Yue from the Eastern sea will be challenging Heavenly Monster Li Jun for the title of the final disciple of the Saint City Lord. Ever since the Saint City Lord declared his intention to take in one last disciple, the selection of the Saint City Lord’s final disciple had become a principal concern in the minds of thousands of the monsters. Not to mention that on this day, Zhong Yue will be challenging the best-looking man among the monsters, the Heavenly Monster Li Jun. This would surely be a spectacle to behold.

The other monsters had also heard whispers regarding this “Long Yue” that was going to challenge Heavenly Monster Li Jun. It was said that this Long Yue was a dragon that hailed from the Eastern Sea and he challenged and killed King Teng fair and square in the Black Mountain’s secret realm.

King Teng was very famous in the Saint City for what he did; challenging an Awakening level Qi Practitioner and then slaughtering his entire family before banishing him from his home. He was also publicly acknowledged as the most troublesome opponent for Heavenly Monster Li Jun.

But King Teng was killed just like that, and hence, the monsters thought that the fight today would be a very tough and exciting event to witness.

On top of the city, Zhong Yue sat on top of a tower with Yu Xuanji and Hu Qimei standing by his sides, while Hei Hu and Hu Qingqing were standing beside Yu Xuanji and Hu Qimei, awaiting for the time to arrive silently.

“Heavenly Monster will win for sure!” Below the tower, some female monsters shouted.

Yu Xuanji and Hu Qimei showed a worried expression as they looked at Zhong Yue and whispered, “Brother Long Yue, you must have recovered from your injuries from the battle with King Teng already, right?”

“Don’t worry.”

Zhong Yue replied, “Heavenly Monster will die for sure.”

Yu Xuanji and Hu Qimei remained entirely unconvinced and wanted to give voice to what was on their minds, but opted to keep quiet lest they affect Zhong Yue’s mentality.

Heavenly Monster Li Jun and Zhong Yue had already achieved the peak level of the Rebirth level; there was not another Qi Practitioner that would be able to contend against either of them. Hence, one of the factors that could tilt the balance of victory at such a high level would be the combatant’s state of mind. If either Zhong Yue or Heavenly Monster Li Jun was affected, it would not bode well for their outcome. The outcome in this case being death!

Time slowly passed by and the previously warm sunlight had now become a scorching heat with the arrival of the noon where the sun had reached its zenith. However, the temperature around them was not very hot as there were countless monster clouds floating on the city and these clouds covered most of the city under their shadow, blocking off most of the sunlight.

More and more monsters gathered in the Saint City as time passed and they were all standing all over on top of every tall building, looking at the arena from far away. They waited and waited, but Heavenly Monster Li Jun did not show up even after a long time.

Meanwhile in the city lord hall, Heavenly Monster Li Jun sat and took a bath in a jade pool with flower petals floating all over the water. Two alluring female monsters scooped up the water and served him as he showered. Then, one of the female monsters laughed and said, “Sir, the dragon has been waiting for an hour or so already, are you still going to take your time?”

“What need is there to rush?”

Heavenly Monster Li Jun smiled and said, “Let him wait to the point where he begins to get impatient and upset. After he has lost his cool, I will be there to cut him down. As soon as he loses his cool, I will strike with unstoppable force and indomitable will, killing him in a single blow.”

The other female monster laughed and said, “I can’t believe he is such a guy to challenge you, seems like he is too full of himself. Who doesn't know that the Heavenly Monster Li Jun is not only the most handsome man in the city, but also one of the most devious ones?”

Eventually, the spaces on top of every building were filled up with Qi Practitioners from various factions. This fight had became the main attraction of many people and most of the elder generation Qi Practitioners had also made an appearance.

However, god only knew how many female monsters showed up. Their sweet body scent wafted all over the city. Each swing of their sleeves would enrapture people’s attention. Every word out of their mouth would seem like a melodious tune that incited its listeners to irrevocably fall in love with them

“Heavenly Monster will win!” faint shouts could be heard.

The sun raised higher and higher into the sky and all of the monsters grew impatient with the Heavenly Monster Li Jun’s continued absence, but those elder generation Qi Practitioners remained patient, entertaining themselves with conversation with their friends while leisurely partaking in tea.

Beside Zhong Yue, Yu Xuanji grew impatient as well and he smirked while he gritted his teeth and said, “This bastard Heavenly Monster is not here yet because he wants you to become impatient. Brother Long Yue, you must keep your cool and remain calm.”

Although he was reminding Zhong Yue as such, it seemed he had failed to heed his own advice.

Zhong Yue smiled and said, “Don’t worry, I know he’s making me wait to mess up my mentality but what all of you didn't know was that I am doing the same for him. I am waiting for him to fight him directly and honestly and he is cowardly hiding in the dark. This would actually make him even more impatient so that he would lose his composure even faster than I would. His patience, like a burning wick, will eventually come to an end. And that will be the time he shows himself! Only death would await him at that point!”

Yu Xuanji, Hu Qimei, Hei Hu and Hu Qingqing were all awestruck, and Hei Hu praised, “Mr. Long, you are indeed very wise and powerful, you have my respect.”

Time passed and it was almost noon already, the sun was emitting a blazing light and although there were the monster clouds that helped to block away most of the sunlight, the temperature around the arena began to rise eventually. This only served to further exacerbate everyone’s restlessness.

But it was at this time that countless huge flowers ascended from the city hall, emitting nice floral scent. These flowers were all materialized by the psyche and the flower petals spread everywhere towards the front!

The flower petals flew around and formed a path in the air above the city wall, which led all the way towards the tower where Zhong Yue stood.

Then, a gigantic flower bud that was two to three feet tall grew at the center of the city with different colored petals, exuding a fragrant scent. In the blink of an eye, the flower bud ascended to the same height with the flower road formed in the air.

The huge flower bud then landed on the flower road, appearing to be abnormal and pretty at the same time. The flower bud then blossomed and as the flower petals opened up in each direction, the stamen vibrated and in the flower bud stood a magnificently handsome man.

Heavenly Monster Li Jun had finally made his appearance!

He started moving and he walked on the flower road with a graceful elegance. Every step he took was accompanied by a procession of flowers that carried him towards Zhong Yue.

“Li Jun!” some of the female monsters boisterously cheered.

Heavenly Monster Li Jun smiled and waved at the female monsters, making them tremble in extreme joy and only causing them to scream even louder.

As he walked, Heavenly Monster Li Jun waved and smiled at the female monsters, causing them to spiral even further into their hopeless infatuation. His charm even incited some male monsters to begin shouting his name.

As soon as Heavenly Monster Li Jun showed up, he instantly became the center of attraction.

But he was precisely that type of character. His presence would draw all eyes towards him, yet his aura was placid and unimposing. This naturally made other monsters have a good impression of him, enabling him to garner such staunch support.

As the shouts mounted to an almost deafening volume, Heavenly Monster Li Jun continued to wave at his admirers and supporters while ignoring Zhong Yue at the same time.

“That is the Heavenly Monster Li Jun.”

At a stage on top of one of the buildings, Lang Qingyun, the elder disciple of the Saint City Lord smiled and said, “Heavenly Monster Li Jun has the 【 Monster God Ming King’s Art】 personally taught by my teacher and he is the strongest Rebirth level Qi Practitioner in the city. Brother Fenglou, what are your opinions?”

The dragon from the Eastern Sea nodded and replied, “Good looking and cunning at the same time. But he seems to be too flashy and lacks maturity.”

“For a man like him, it would be normal that he is a little bit immature.”

Lang Qingyun then looked at Zhong Yue and said while laughing, “How about this Long Yue? Is he really a dragon? I am doubting his authenticity as a dragon as he is just too suspicious.”

Ao Fenglou looked at Zhong Yue and his eyes quickly flashed with emotion. He replied, “He does carry the scent of a dragon, but I am unable to reach a conclusion just from this. I could only find out after getting closer to him.”

“Then, in your opinion, who do you think will win?” asked Lang Qingyun again.

Ao Fenglou shook and said, “I know nothing about them so I would not give my opinions just like that. Only after they’ve started fighting, will I be able to make an analysis and reach a conclusion based on their strengths in terms of wile, moves, skills, arts, experiences, soul weapons and other aspects. If they are both equally strong then these factors will affect their potential for victory. But if there is a huge gap between their strengths, then there would be no need for my judgment as the result would be clear to see.”

“Li Jun! Heavenly Monster Li Jun!”

In the Saint City, the crowds cheered louder and louder and when their voice synced together, the shouts became ear-deafening!

“Li Jun! Heavenly Monster Li Jun!”

Heavenly Monster Li Jun’s supporters raised up their sleeves and their shouts turned into an unstoppable aura, an aura condensed from the sheer conviction of Heavenly Monster Li Jun’s victory!

“Heavenly Monster Li Jun, Li Jun will win!”

This unstoppable aura built up and relentlessly burgeoned until an invisible force was applied to Heavenly Monster Li Jun!

Under this mad enthusiastic environment, thousands and thousands of monsters followed the footstep of Heavenly Monster Li Jun who was walking on the flower road in the air and they followed wherever he went!

Their belief and their trust had all transformed into a huge wave that rushed towards the tower where Zhong Yue was standing!

On the tower, Yu Xuanji, Hu Qimei and the others’ faces turned pale as they saw the people under the tower and were impacted by an unstoppable aura. All of this made them feel completely hopeless about the battle!

As Heavenly Monster Li Jun walked closer, his own aura superimposed over the enthusiasm of his supporters, causing him to seem like an infallible giant despite his body being not very big!

Brother Zhong Yue might lose this battle and he will lose in a terrible way….

They thought, Heavenly Monster Li Jun has the entire Saint City supporting him and together, they have formed an indestructible castle with their aura and enthusiasm. How is Brother Long Yue going to win like this….

This aura, this enthusiasm….

Upon feeling this, Xin Huo who was staying in Zhong Yue’s psyche ocean jumped out and landed on Zhong Yue’s shoulder as he shouted, “Kill him! Kiddo Yue, slaughter him alive and squish him like an insect!”

On the tower, Zhong Yue suddenly stood up and golden wings formed behind his back. He stretched out his wings and he visualized the【Monster God Ming King’s Art】 at the same time. The figure of Monster God Ming King, with eight hands and the three eyes that looked like a demonic god!

【Sun Moon Prodigious Emanation Art】 was also visualized and his eighteen feet long Yuan Shen, that held the eyes of the sun and the moon, flew out from his body.

“Brother Long Yue can’t sit still anymore?” laughed and said Heavenly Monster Li Jun. His sonorous laughter was like a seductive melody towards the thousands of monsters under him.

“Bunch of garbage!”

Zhong Yue grinned as innumerable hundred feet long golden Jiao Dragons flew out from his back, shrouding the entire tower in their ferocious shadows, each stretching their claws and opening their jaws widely. In just the blink of an eye, golden Jiao Dragons were all over the tower, emitting fierce and monstrous aura!

These hundreds of Jiao Dragons then raised their heads and roared at the same time, releasing soundwaves that could shook the heaven and their roars immediately dispersed the shouts of Heavenly Monster Li Jun’s supporters!

Heavenly Monster Li Jun’s supporters’ minds turned blank as soon as their unstoppable aura came in contact with the ferocious and thunderous roars of these Jiao dragons. Their faces turned pale under the suppression of the Jiao Dragons’ draconic aura! In their blank minds, there was nothing else except for the resonant dragon roars that seemed as if they would perpetuate until the ends of time!

Heavenly Monster Li Jun’s face immediately turned pale as well and the castle formed from the collective aura immediately shattered under the imposing roars!

Zhong Yue then started his advance, diving from the tower. In the first step, he burst the air open. In the second step, he landed on the flower road, causing the road to tremble vigorously before shattering into pieces!

In the third step, Zhong Yue was already in front of Heavenly Monster Li Jun. His ghostly advance was now proceeded by a thunderous rumble as he broke through the sound barrier!

Zhong Yue came with an overwhelming force that could demolish everything in his path and after shattering Heavenly Monster Li Jun’s unstoppable aura and closing the distance between them, Zhong Yue’s eight hands raised up before smashing down heavily towards Heavenly Monster Li Jun!

At that moment, Zhong Yue’s muscles trembled, vibrating the air around his muscles before breaching the sound barrier. The bloodline power in his body gushed out rapidly like a tsunami!

Heavenly Monster Li Jun raised up his head and he immediately let out a roar before visualizing the【 Monster God Ming King’s Art】, smashing towards Zhong Yue’s attack with his eight arms!

Boom boom boom——

Heavenly Monster Li Jun’s arms exploded and his very own arms burst into a bloodmist seasoned with shattered bone-dust as he fell from the skies. His castle that was formed with his and his supporters’ aura shattered completely.

Zhong Yue followed him like a shadow and rammed heavily into Heavenly Monster Li Jun with his shoulders, causing his chest to sink into a crater.Li Jun’s originally free-falling figure suddenly became reminiscent of a falling meteor as he plummeted furiously towards the ground!

Although heavily injured, Heavenly Monster Li Jun was still able to move and his twenty feet long Yuan Shen immediately appeared, trying to bring out his soul weapon, but to no avail. This was because Zhong Yue’s eight hands pushed forward together, his actions mirrored by his eighteen feet long Yuan Shen!

Boom boom——

Zhong Yue’s palms landed on Heavenly Monster Li Jun and his Yuan Shen and they turned into a meteor, shooting towards the city walls!


A loud sound could be heard as Heavenly Monster Li Jun’s body and his Yuan Shen rammed into the city walls around the city hall, turning into a vile mixture of shattered bone and blood that plastered across the wall like a macabre mural.

“Li Jun, Heavenly Monster Li Jun!”

“Li Jun will win...!”

Everything happened so fast that some of the monsters hadn’t even managed to realize the death of Heavenly Monster Li Jun as they were still drowning in the shouts and cheers of the crowd's and their own. But in a few minutes, the shouts became lesser and lesser before finally turning into an equally deafening silence. Eventually, the shouts stopped and thousands of the monsters looked towards the walls of the city hall.

On the strong walls marked with fortification totem carvings, there was a pile of shattered blood and white skeletal fragments. Blood dripped all over onto the ground — Pitter Patter — the sound of the dripping blood soon overwhelmed their senses to become the only thing they were able to hear amidst this overwhelming silence.

In just a moment, the entire Sainty City was steeped in a portentous gloom ... like the calm sea before the tsunami.