Rise of Humanity - Page 34/619

Chapter 34 Forgive me, Senior Martial Sister

The effluvium is gone.

The Dragon Scale Sword that kept quivering in its scabbard behind his back stopped and he said in his heart, I can feel that there’s someone lurking in the shadows observing us. Are the attacks of those monster beasts on the journey related to these certain someone? I can feel the killing intent in the shadows. That person must have wanted to attack us but why did he stop….

“Someone’s coming, be prepared!”

Ting Lanyue had an idea of who was coming and she looked towards the direction and said, “It’s ok, they’re the upper house disciples! Senior Martial Sister Yu, those are the Li Shan Clan’s disciple under the lead of Li Xiuniang.”

“Li Shan Clan, Li Xiuniang?”

The hearts of the girls thumped and they looked towards Yu Feiyan. Ever since the core disciples of the top ten clans entered the upper house, the peace in the upper house had been disrupted, especially that of the female house.

The Senior Martial Sister in the female house is Yu Feiyan, she was acknowledged as the best in the female house. Although they had not competed before, there are some of the female disciples that were of the mind that Li Xiuniang and Yu Feiyan would have a clash someday for the nominal supremacy in the female house.

Yu Feiyan coldly humphed and looked at the Lishan Clan disciples as they approached quickly while Li Xiuniang walked in front of them. There were also a few disciples that escorted her at the flanks and together, all of them formed a triangular formation. They also had some battles on their journey as they appeared to be a little bit exhausted and their clothes slightly torn.

However, Li Xiuniang remained clean and tidy. Her clothes remained impeccable and her pretty feet were untouched by the slightest bit of dust.

The Lishan Clan pretty girl was walking with barefoot. When she walked, she did not touch the ground as there would be a lotus flower that formed beneath her feets supporting each of her steps.

Every time, her steps would always land accurately on the center of the lotus. These lotuses were formed with her psyche, as she walked passed them, the lotuses slowly withered and disappeared into the thin air.

Although Yu Feiyan was not satisfied with her, she must admit that this Li Shan Clan young maiden was indeed very strong. Her control of her psyche and her way of using her techniques had reached an amazing level!

Zhong Yue looked at her from a distance very far away and he too felt amazed by the achievements of this girl.

To visualize lotuses as a platform to support her every step and to do so almost unconsciously, such meticulous control.

As compared to Yu Feiyan, Zhong Yue could see more than just that, he praised in his heart, Visualizing something with a single thought is already a very high-level achievement and it could increase one’s combat efficiency. But this Li Shan young maiden has achieved a level even higher than that. She is already doing it subconsciously without the intention of visualizing. This means that she has taken visualizing as something very natural for her, just like how a baby automatically learns how to breathe when they arrived into the world. Core disciples from the big clans do really have some amazing qualities, they aren’t merely just useless people.

Zhong Yue then looked at Yu Feiyan and said in his heart, Senior Martial Sister Yu has not achieved this level yet, I’m afraid that there is still a gap between her and Li Xiuniang. She may not maintain her title as the strongest female disciple in the female house anymore. Li Xiuniang is walking towards us with a strong desire for battle, I think she wants to challenge Senior Martial Sister Yu for the title.

Yu Feiyan's face remained very cold and she was preparing herself as she could also sense the strong battling desire from Li Xiuniang.

“Zhong Shan Clan, Zhong Yue?

As the many Li Shan Clan disciples approached them, Li Xiuniang suddenly stopped her footsteps and looked at Zhong Yue instead of Yu Feiyan. She then said, “I’ve been looking forward to challenging you for a long time but you were hiding in your courtyard. I now challenge you to a duel, shall we?”

Zhong Yue was stunned, so were Yu Feiyan and the other girls.

Out of their expectations, Li Xiuniang did not challenge Yu Feiyan but she was aiming at Zhong Yue!

Yu Feiyan lamented but she did not want to admit defeat and said in her heart, Is she thinking that I am less threatening than Junior Martial Brother Zhong? How did she know before competing with me?

Zhong Yue frowned and asked, “Senior Martial Sister Li, you want to challenge me?”

Li Xiuniang laughed and said, “You can view this as a challenge if you want. I do not have any ulterior motives like Shui Qinghe. After all, this challenge is going to end with me crushing you easily!”

Her clothes waved with the wind as she stood on a lotus and she appeared very alluring. She then said, “My target is to crush the aces like you to build up my invincible aura and use it to crush and mow down every elite from every clan in the Lawless Battle! Let’s begin, shall we?”

Zhong Yue took a long breath as thunder started forming around him which transformed into polished totem carvings around him. He then murmured, “Crush me?”

Li Xiuniang laughed and said, “You don’t have to take my words so seriously. If you had the ability to crush me, I’ll gladly accept my defeat as long as you beat me fair and square.”

Her aura became stronger and stronger. A terrifying specter then appeared behind her, it was the totem of Li Shan Clan, the Monster Lotus Flower!

The lotus was very big and a monster god raised up from the lotus. The monster god was a hundred feet over tall and it had three faces and four arms with its monstrous Qi piercing through the skies!

The monster god that stood in front of everyone was the materialization of Li Xiuniang’s psyche!

The girl was only about the same age as Zhong Yue but she really was amazing as she had achieved a level that high!

Whereas for Zhong Yue, following after a dragon roar, a fierce looking Jiao Dragon slowly slithered out from his brows and wound around his body and limbs. The dragon’s head then slowly raised up from his back and stared at the monster god behind Li Xiuniang with a palpable killing intent.

At that moment, Zhong Yue’s aura changed drastically. Previously when he was with the girls, he appeared to be very gentle and showed little difference with the other normal young man, but now, the girls could feel a wild and ferocious aura emitting from this young man!

The aura was exactly like an ancient beast being awoken from its slumber by hunger, emitting a feeling of danger!


Behind Zhong Yue’s head, the dragon formed with Zhong Yue’s psyche roared. Its roar rocked the mountains and the discordant roars of the monsters deep in the mountains could be heard following after the dragon’s roar.

“Not bad.”

Li Xiuniang praised as she walked on light and tiny steps but with incredible speed towards Zhong Yue. As she walked, the huge monster god followed behind her tightly and raised its four arms before creating strange totem carvings and smashing towards Zhong Yue!

“Junior Martial Brother Zhong had only entered the upper house for a short time after all. If you want to use your soul weapon, I wouldn’t be surprised!”

Li Xiuniang taunted and visualized at the same time. As she visualized, lotuses started appearing in thin air and fell from the skies like snow.

“Falling Flower Sword Array!” shouted Li Xiuniang.

Zheng zheng zheng——

The falling petals suddenly transformed into a myriad of crimson red Sword Qi that deluged the entire area before surrounding Zhong Yue!

She immediately used her strongest attack as soon as they started their duels. She only summoned her monster lotus god and cast the Falling Flower Sword Array so she could destroy, crush and mow down Zhong Yue immediately!

“Not bad.”

Zhong Yue said the same thing and he stood firmly in the same spot with a smile. Thunder started erupting around him and thunderous totem carvings started filling up the area around him with extreme speed.

“【Spring Thunder Swords Skill】!”


The sound of the sword unsheathing could be heard along with the thunderous noise and his lightning Sword Qi clashed with the Falling Flower Sword Array. At that moment, the place was illuminated by a kaleidoscope of bright lights that beamed all over the place like fireworks!

The monster god behind Li XIuniang slammed down with its palms filled with different kinds of totem carvings that contained incredible power.

The Falling Flower Sword Array was there just to immobilize Zhong Yue so that she could land her strongest attack, which was the monster god, on him accurately!

Zhong Yue raised his hand with a Jiao Dragon winding around it and clashed with the hand of the monster god, causing a shock wave to be emitted to the surroundings.

At the outer area from where the duel took place, a few girls suddenly puked as the shock waves rushed through their bodies like a punch that landed on their stomach. They were not those who practiced body refining arts and as such didn’t have the strength possessed by the likes Li Xiuniang and the others, which was why they could not resist the force that was transmitted through those shock waves.

Zhong Yue’s body shook and the monster god behind Li Xiuniang also shook as they clashed together. At that moment, Zhong Yue unleashed his thunderous lightning and he dashed around Li Xiuniang with incredible speed.

Li Xiuniang received a shock as she did not think that Zhong Yue would be able to stand back up so soon. Before she could recover from the clash just now, Zhong Yue was already circumnavigating around her and all she could see were just the afterimages of Zhong Yue!

Among those after images, one after another, the thunderous Sword Qi stabbed towards her along with an overwhelming number of dragon claws lash at her.

This guy, he is much stronger than the time he fought with Shui Qinghe!

Sweat started dripping from Li Xiuniang’s forehead and her face turned very serious. She then started moving her hands which was mirrored by the four armed monster god as it tried to fend off Zhong Yue’s Sword Qi and dragon claws!

His technique is not that strong and his Jiao Dragon is still incomplete, but his explosive strength is just too overwhelming!

As she continued to fend off Zhong Yue’s relentless attacks, she kept on shaking vigorously by the force exerted on her by Zhong Yue. Although Zhong Yue’s attacks were not particularly exquisite and lacked a variety of forms, his strength and speed managed to offset the disadvantages that all his flaws would otherwise bring. As his strength and speed bested Li Xiuniang, he continued to suppress her with immense strength and unstoppable speed, rendering her helpless to launch her skills at all!

I must do something. At this rate, if I keep on defending, he will eventually breach through my defense!

Li Xiuniang summoned lots of lotuses and she quickly ascended into the air, trying to maintain a distance away from Zhong Yue.

Her speed was very fast as with only a few steps, she managed to ascend up a few hundred feet up into the air.

“Please come down, my dear senior martial sister!”

Suddenly, a hand with a dragon claw that snaked around it grabbed onto her ankle and hurled her straight down to the unforgiving earth. It was Zhong Yue! He jumped high up into the air like a Jiao Dragon flying upwards with incredible speed!


Li Xiuniang crashed extremely hard into the ground after being hurled by Zhong Yue. As mud and shattered rocks flew everywhere, she felt livid and shocked. She then tried to get up as soon as possible but a figure appeared in front of her as if it suddenly apparated in front of her as an unstoppable barrage of fists and kicks landed onto her monster god. God only knew how many attacks were landed on the monster god in that instantaneous passage of time!


The monster god did not hold long and it shattered into pieces. Li Xiuniang immediately dashed back to keep a distance from Zhong Yue as the monster god shattered, but Zhong Yue’s hand grabbed onto her neck with lightning speed before she was able to successfully retreat.

As her neck was clamped on by Zhong Yue like a draconic vice, she was lifted up and then put back down by him. Zhong Yue then stepped back and casually apologized, “Forgive me, senior martial sister.”