Rise of Humanity - Page 51/619

Chapter 51 Ten Malefic Weapons – Sword Cocoon

“Shui Qinghe has been disqualified!”

On top of the ocean, a Qi Practitioner lifted the passed out Shui Qinghe with his psyche. Shui Qinghe was then sent out of the battle zone. The Qi Practitioner then looked at Zhong Yue as he sped out. He murmured, “This Zhong Shan Clan member is on the top in terms of his body, psyche, and soul. I’m afraid that among them, he is the only one who hid his true strength that deeply. I guess the reason he did not hide his true strength in this battle is to become the first in the battle!”

“Such a character, just like the talented Zuo Xiangsheng, Tian Yanzhong, and the others. They also pushed their limits, to the point that they were almost as strong as Qi Practitioners before they were able to sense the spirits. This Zhong Shan Clan boy is exactly like them right now!”

The other Qi Practitioner that followed Zhong Yue continued to trail his advancement and replied, “Of course, although he is not as good as Fang Jiange, Feng Wuji, and those with innate spirit bodies, he is still very remarkable. However, his concealment of his strength has increased my workload. I need to stick closely to him just in case he loses control of his strength and kills his opponents.”

In the previous years, Zuo Xiangsheng and Tian Yanzhong had also hidden their true strengths. They revealed their trump cards and crushed their foes, winning the title of the strongest disciple in the upper house and the strongest spirit in the Ethereal Palace in their respective years. This allowed them to establish a bright future for themselves.

These two were among the best of their time. Although they were not as good as Fan Jiange, Feng Wuji and the others that had innate spirit bodies, they still managed to get their hands on the strongest spirits in the Ethereal Palace. Due to that, they improved quickly and they were not any weaker than Fang Jiange and the others.

However, Zuo Xiangsheng had failed to control his strength and killed his opponent accidentally. This caused an uproar in that year and both he and the Qi Practitioner that was responsible for the safety of the deceased participant were punished.

This incident was closely related to why Zuo Xiangsheng had been dispatched to the outer hall to assist the Tian Feng Clan in managing the Cloudless Hall. If it wasn’t because of this incident, he would have become a hall master in the Swords Gate instead of teaching the outer hall disciples.

Zhong Yue was aware of the Qi Practitioner that followed him closely in the air. He tried to shake off the Qi Practitioner by changing his movements and path but to no avail.

There is one Qi Practitioner following me and another one with the Tian Myriad Mother, along with the Shen Dragon who watches over the whole battleground, will I really be able to kill Tian Myriad Mother in front of them?

However, little did Zhong Yue know that the Qi Practitioner that followed him was greatly shocked by his actions. He knew deeply that Zhong Yue was not a Qi Practitioner and he had not learned any other techniques from any Qi Practitioners. However, when Zhong Yue changed his movements and sped up, he almost failed to keep up with Zhong Yue!

Like a Jiao Dragon awaiting its time to ascend, waiting for its chance to move with the thunder and wind to become a real dragon! This Zhong Shan Clan member has almost everything he needs to become a Qi Practitioner. The only thing he needs now is to sense the spirit!

This Qi Practitioner then continued his thoughts, He has accumulated so much strength, his chance to improve even more will come as soon as this battle ends!

On the ocean, many of the remaining disciples had encountered each other. They fought each other fiercely all over the water. The weak would die out and the strong would survive. Those who were weaker were all disqualified on their way to the city and had no chance to enter the top ten.

Those who took part in the battle were those who were confident in their own strengths. However, the crucial determining factor was the participant’s strength. They must have achieved the level of psyche materialization. This was required to overcome the obstacles and step foot in the city above the ocean.

In addition, one would also need high-grade pillar totems, soul weapons, and powerful techniques as their support to step foot in the city!

Zhong Yue stood on the Jiao Dragon and charged toward Tian Myriad Mother as she defeated her opponents and got up to the city above the sea.

Zhong Yue dashed into the city and saw god shrines and edifices everywhere. It was just like the trees in a jungle. On the other hand, Tian Myriad Mother was nowhere in sight.

The entire city was made with Shen Dragon’s psyche. The city was incredibly realistic, which made it almost impossible to find a particular someone in this huge city.

The Qi Practitioners follow us in order to protect us. I could actually look for the location of those participants through the Qi Practitioners and ambush my opponents!

As he thought of this idea, Zhong Yue looked up and saw the Qi Practitioners. They stood at the edge of the city instead of following the upper house disciples inside.

This won’t work as well….

Zhong Yue then saw one disciple flying up the air. They formed a huge bird as a medium of transport before continue to search for his opponents.

Reckless action.

As he thought of this, one after another incredible psyche could be sensed. Immense amounts of thunder, creatures, waves, and totems were formed, before inflicting heavy wounds on that upper house disciple. Luckily for him, the Qi Practitioners at the edge of the city saved him in time. Otherwise, he would have died from those attacks.

Zhong Yue’s eyes blinked and he focused on the water elemental totem. Then, he dashed into the city and headed toward that direction.

Tian Myriad Mother possessed the body of Junior martial sister Shui. In order to protect her cover, she had to use water elemental skills. At the same time, Shui Qinghe had been disqualified. As such, the water elemental attack just now must have been launched by her!

He ran through the streets quickly and the others in the city also moved faster. Similar to Zhong Yue, the others were also looking for their opponents through the location where the attacks were launched.

On the side of the streets were buildings that were as tall as tens of feet. As he ran, Zhong Yue heard a voice asking, “Are you looking for me?”

Zhong Yue stopped running and looked above, only to find a young girl standing in between two blocks of buildings. Under her feet was a strand of long string that pierced through the two buildings.

This girl was ‘Shui Qingyan’. She stood barefoot on the string with clear eyes as she measured Zhong Yue curiously.

When their eyes met, Zhong Yue unconsciously hoped that Shui Qingyan was not fully dead yet. He showed her the scar he received from a beast when he saved her. Then, he said with a smile, “Do you not recognize me anymore, junior martial sister Shui?”

‘Shui Qingyan’ turned her head and measured him curiously. She showed signs of confusion before saying, “I felt your killing intent quite a few times already and I want to know why?”

“Junior Martial Sister Shui, do you still remember this scar?” asked Zhong Yue again.

However, she did not reply and instead asked, “I am pretty sure I have not offended you in any way, so why do you want to kill me?”

The two of them said what they wanted to say instead of answering each other’s questions. They remained quiet for a while before ‘Shui Qingyan’ tipped her toes and said, “Seems like we have no mutual topics here, I guess we’ll have to fight now.”

“Be careful!”

In Zhong Yue’s psyche ocean, Xin Huo said, “She wants to kill you now! It must be because you showed your killing intent toward her previously. That made her grow suspicious of you!”

Zhong Yue inhaled a long, deep breath and focused on the situation at hand. He unsheathed half of his Dragon Scale Sword and a dragon’s roar could be heard.

‘Shui Qingyan’ floated down and the strand of string rolled together. It became a cocoon that dangled on her hair.

“Brat Yue, be careful of this sword!”

Xin Huo said with a serious tone that Zhong Yue had never heard before. Xin Huo continued, “This sword is incredible. If you place your soul in your sword, do not let your sword touch with her sword or it will shatter along with your soul!”

“That is a sword?”

Zhong Yue was stunned and he looked over at the silver cocoon. The silver cocoon was tiny but sword energy could be seen faintly from it. It really was a sword except it was as thin as silk, a tenth of the width of a hair!

Sword silk - Sword Cocoon.

The sword cocoon was made of high graded dark steel. The steel was refined and branded onto the sword body of the silk-thread-sized sword cocoon. Totem carvings were created while the tenacity and flexibility of the sword were maintained!

As the sword reached the length of ten feet or above, it could then be rolled into a sword cocoon. The sword cocoons were very small and they could be hidden everywhere. While they were exquisite, they could be extremely lethal at the same time!

The sword cocoons could be hidden within the hairs or the clothes. It could also be hung at the waist as a decoration, which made them harder to detect and less attention drawing.

Such soul weapons were always extremely dangerous. As they were incredibly hard to detect and could be used to form a killing array easily, those who were caught off guard would be cut down effortlessly!

“It seems like you are one of those knowledgeable ones.”

‘Shui Qingyan’ saw Zhong Yue looking at her sword cocoon and she laughed while saying, “This is a sword cocoon and you actually know of its lethality. As such, I assume you are a competitive one.”

At the same time, two Qi Practitioners outside the city also noticed the situation. One of them looked at the sword cocoon that dangled on her hair and his faced changed quickly. He said, “Oh no! That’s the Sword Cocoon crafted by Elder Shui Zhian! Why did Elder Shui let his clan’s disciple wield such a malefic weapon?”

“Sword Cocoon?”

The other Qi Practitioner was shocked as he said, “One of the ten malefic weapons, the Sword Cocoon? One of them will definitely die this time! What should we do now? Should we let them fight?”

All of the Swords Gate’s ten malefic weapons were soaked with blood. The Sword Cocoons were soul weapons crafted by Elder Shui Zian. The swords were as fine as silk with the length of two hundred feet. They were tough and razor sharp; there was a total of sixty-four Sword Cocoons.

They were named as a malefic weapon because of a massacre by Elder Shui Zian. When he was young, his enemies had a sinister plot against him. However, with sixty-four Sword Cocoons combined in a sword array, he slaughtered his more than a hundred foes and sliced them into mashed flesh. Not a single limb or bone was left behind!

After Shui Zian acquired his own Sword Qi, soul weapons were practically useless to him because his Sword Qi was way better. From then on, the malefic soul weapon was left behind.

To the elders, soul weapons were of little use to them. Most of the elders had their soul weapons sealed and left in the corner only to collect dust.

The elders of Swords Gate once evaluated the soul weapons of all the elders. The Sword Cocoons were ranked among the top ten malefic weapons, which were ten soul weapons with the strongest killing intent!

Although ‘Shui Qingyan’ only had one out of the sixty-four, she could slaughter humans like pigs with just that single strand of Sword Cocoon. Once she intended to kill, not even the Qi Practitioners or Shen Dragon could save the victim!

“Go inform the elders, I will watch over them!”

One of the two Qi Practitioners turned and quickly flew away. The other one watched closely at the two, praying that they would not engage in a battle.


A loud and clear metallic sound could be heard, behind Zhong Yue, the Dragon Scale Sword entered the scabbard. He raised his leg that was surrounded by the Jiao Dragon and slashed toward a stone pillar beside him. Ka-cha, the stone pillar broke into half.

He grabbed the stone pillar that was over a hundred meters in length and said solemnly, “Shall we?”