Rise of Humanity - Page 527/619

Chapter 527 - Divine Tree of Knowledge

“Bye bye, Uncle Zhong!" Xing Tian waved goodbye to Zhong Yue and followed Feng Xiaozhong into the portal.

“Shi Tuo, send me out of the Celestial Fire Star!” seeing that Shi Tuo was walking into the teleportation portal, Zhong Yue shouted.

Shi Tuo turned his head back, he smirked and left without answering. Zhong Yue was immediately angered, this Shi Tuo was definitely not going to send him out from the Celestial Fire Star. He wanted Zhong Yue to be unable to return to the Ancestral Star.

“Shi Tuo, if Junior Martial Brother Zhong can’t go back to the Ancestral Star, then he will have to tag along with us." Feng Xiaozhong suddenly said.

Shi Tuo stopped, he raised his hand and sent Zhong Yue up into the sky, he said, “The brat is trouble, I can’t kill him nor harm him, I don’t want him anywhere close to me!”

In the next moment, Zhong Yue was sent out from the Celestial Fire Star. The teleportation beam then shrouded three figures and blasted away into the space.

Zhong Yue knew that although Feng Xiaozhong’s actions were dreaded by even his own people, he simply couldn’t be regarded as any other ordinary human.

He had a strong heart and a staunch will. He knew nothing and cared for nothing other than his hunger for knowledge.

Such a man would oftentimes be described as a madman.

But Zhong Yue was more willing to call him a pioneer.

It was hard for Zhong Yue to see eye to eye with Feng Xiaozhong in his actions but it was difficult for Zhong Yue to hate him as well as Feng Xiaozhong had his own qualities that warranted admiration and respect.

Beneath his feet, the Celestial Fire Star quaked and the pillars slowly sank back into the ground, disappearing from sight.

After a long time, the Celestial Fire Star that looked like a spiked hedgehog had turned back to its usual form. The high mountain on the Celestial Fire Star also resurfaced again. If one didn’t witness the monumental changes that had just taken place here, they wouldn’t even notice any changes at all.

“Amazing," Zhong Yue praised before turning to fly toward the Ancestral Star’s moon.


In the Zi Wei Imperial Star, in the astronomical observatory, a god cloaked in a starry robe was hovering above the platform. His face and palms had many eyes. He raised his eight arms and observed the changes of stars and planets in all directions.

Numerous light beams shot out into space from those eyes. The skies of the Zi Wei Imperial Star was different than the others. Here, the stars were in the form of the Six Paths Giant, their six hands raised six galaxies like light wheels on the palms.

The 3000 Six Paths Worlds were all monitored by the astronomical observatory of the Zi Wei Imperial Star with the eight-armed god cloaked in starry robe keeping an eye at everything.

Suddenly, a bright light flashed across the sky. It was so quick that before the god could react to it, the bright light ray had already disappeared.

The starry-robe god was shocked, his eyes were filled with disbelief and suddenly, a shrill cry sounded out from within the astronomical observatory, shattering the longstanding peace of the Zi Wei Imperial Star, “The Celestial Fire Star has been touched, the 3000 stars are disturbed! The Heavenly Monarchs Imperial Road of the first Six Paths World has resurfaced, quick, inform the imperial emperor! NOW!”

“The Celestial Fire Star? That Heavenly Monarchs Imperial Road has been untouched for over 100,000 years, hasn’t it?”

In a palace that shone with a golden luster on the Zi Wei Imperial Star, the imperial emperor mulled, “Ever since the rule of Heaven had changed to signal the end of the Earth Order Era, the Sovereign Races were in decline as the era of the millions of smaller races arrived. The Imperial Court has never been touched since. But now, a scintillating light ray came from that wasted star, it can’t be a good sign.”

“Imperial emperor, I’m in the process of finding out what it is, but there is no result as of yet." Among the imperial emperor’s subordinates, the purple-robed king clasped his hands together and said, “The waste star has been devastated, the first Six Paths World had also been left to rot for over a thousand years. Logically speaking, there won’t be much trouble that arises. Imperial emperor, there is no need to worry about it.”

But the imperial emperor shook his head, he said placidly, “The waste star is, after all, the origin of that Sovereign Race. Seventy-two reigns of Earth Sovereign Heavenly Monarchs, twenty-two from that Sovereign Race. Although its glory has long been been buried in the dusts of time, it is still not a matter we should neglect … My friend has arrived, Zi Guang, go and welcome him into the palace hall.”

“No need for that!”

Godly rays filled the skies outside of the palace, and melodious voices could be heard singing gracefully as a few gods shrouded in divine and demonic auras strode into the palace.

They greeted the imperial emperor and sat down respectively.

Then, one of the ones shrouded in demonic energy solemnly said, “The Heavenly Monarch Imperial Road has reemerged, it came from the waste star and it shall have our full attention. This might be the plans left behind by those ancient gods who weren’t satisfied with their tragic end. Daoist brother, you are intelligent, do you have any plans yet?”

The imperial emperor laughed and said, “My fellow Daoists, you are here already, that means you already have a plan. Why don’t you tell me instead of asking me?”

The god shrouded in demonic rays smirked, his voice trembled the surroundings, “For the past few years, we four have decided to act and take precautions before any tragic events take place. As a result, we have forged a treasure, all in preparation for this day to come.”

The imperial emperor was surprised as he asked, “What sort of treasure?”

“The waste planet has nurtured many Heavenly Sovereigns and Earthly Sovereigns, it was a centerpiece of two great eras, and there are still many undying ancient figures protecting it. Although I don’t want to admit it, but it’s nearly impossible to crush it." Another god shrouded in godly rays said while smiling, “So, to prevent any more world-trembling talents from coming out from there again, we have joined hands together and forged this treasure.”

He raised his hand and opened his palm. A divine tree emerged out from thin air and enlarged on his palm.+

The imperial emperor exclaimed curiously, “This is?”

“This divine tree is the treasure we have forged together. Once cast, it will imperceptibly alter the laws of heaven and earth in its influence zone, in this case, it will include the whole area of the waste star. Its connection to the heaven and earth will be sealed and the martial arts era of that waste star will come to an end.”

Another god shrouded in godly rays said while laughing, “The tree’s clandestine nature is its most impressive attribute. The changes it imposes will take place over the course of hundreds and even thousands of years. The cultivation era of the waste star will slowly extinguish, eventually making the conditions prohibitively difficult for cultivation. The Qi Practitioners will die out and a talent that could have threatened us will never be able to rise. Even the ancient Heavenly Monarchs can never overturn the sky.”

The imperial emperor was indeed surprised, he clapped his hands and praised while smiling, “This is really an amazing treasure.”

“There is also another use from this divine tree. As the path of cultivation is forever sealed from the waste star, a new path of evolution will take over on which the creatures of that waste star will be forced to take. And no matter how hard they study to sharpen their knowledge in it, their fate will be sealed as being forever inferior to us. Their talents and time will be wasted in this new path, and the further they travel down this path, the more luscious the divine tree will become. So long as the divine tree continues to exist, there will be no coming back from this path.”

“We have named this treasure after the path we tailored for the creatures inhabiting waste star, hence, it is called the Divine Tree of Knowledge. The creatures of the waste star will henceforth embark on a path that will increasingly diverge away from the Dao of Heaven, making them unable to disrupt its rules any longer.”

“The more the study the path of Knowledge, the further away they will stray from the truth of the universe. They will forever be bound to the waste star, unable leave, let alone venturing beyond the first Six Paths World. Year after year, century after century, they will devolve into baser life forms, just like the planet they are in.”

The imperial emperor praised and he asked, “Since the treasure has already been crafted, why are you all still here for me? Why not just execute the plan?”

The few gods looked at one another, they laughed and said, “We were on our way to do so, but the sudden emergence of the Heavenly Monarch Imperial Road has reminded us of a hole in the plan. That is, the other existences can still enter the waste star and the gods in the waste star can also fly out. If those from the waste star were to reach the pinnacle of the Path of Knowledge, they will then be able to explore the universe through the false means they discover along the way. When that day comes, they will be able to see the marvelous world outside of their little bubble and realize their mistakes.”

The imperial emperor pondered deeply, moments later, he agreed, “True, although they shouldn’t be a problems anymore by then, it’s still a risk that is best not left ignored. Do you have anything in mind to resolve this flaw?”

The gods exchanged a look again and one of them said while smiling, “We need Daoist brother’s Skymetrical Scroll. I heard that you have forged a scroll that can cover the space and universe, cloaking the heaven and earth and stopping the Yin Yang and other heavenly elements. Thus, we are here to request the imperial emperor lend us your treasure.”

“With this treasure, the waste star can be kept within the universe of your Skymetrical Scroll. The creatures on the waste star will then live within a false universe. Even after using their knowledge to craft vessels to traverse the cosmos, they will only be fruitlessly meandering within your Skymetrical Scroll.”

“The universe they see is your universe, the universe they are in is also yours. That way, as long as these two treasures continue to exist, the waste star can be kept at bay.”

“The plan will be flawless, none of them will be able to come out from the prison we have tailor-made for them. The waste star will truly be wasted from then on.”

The imperial emperor laughed deeply and clapped his hands, “A flawless scheme, a perfect plan! We can sit back and relax as all our worries disappear!”

As he finished speaking, he took out a scroll and handed it to the purple-robed king, the other gods placed the Divine Tree of Knowledge in the king’s hand as well.

Then, the imperial emperor ordered, “Zi Guang, go to the Ancestral Star and cast the two treasures, this is of utmost importance. There mustn’t be any accidents!”

“Understood," King Zi Guang carefully kept the two treasures and walked out from the palace. His servant gods and goddesses prepared his carriage and left the Zi Wei Imperial Star.

Laughter continued to echo out from within the palace hall and the few gods left soon after.