Real Vampires Don't Diet (Glory St. Clair #4) - Page 36/61

"Earth to Glory. Would you quit worrying about Blade?" Ray stood behind me and massaged my shoulders. "I'd never buy any woman a fake diamond. It's the real deal. Just like you are. You want to call off this EV thing? I can feel your nerves wound tight."

"We've got to go through with it. You're right. As long as Simon's convinced you and I are together, then I'll be okay." I leaned into Ray's hands on my neck and finally relaxed a little.

"All right then. Finish packing. Where's your bathing suit? Toss it in there. I don't see a sexy nightie, either, but I like you better without anything at all anyway."

I ignored the flirting and slipped out of his arms. "Ray, you still don't really get how old I am, do you?"

"What do you mean?"

"Jerry turned me vampire in 1604. Now I know you didn't go to college." I had a copy of his unauthorized biography on my bookshelf. "Neither did I. But I bet you have a sense of history. Think. Did women go to the beach back then?"

"No, guess not. But this is the twenty-first century."

"Right. I never see daylight and I hate the water. So why would I own a bathing suit?" Not to mention the fact that my thighs are not something I'd deliberately put on parade.

"I'm sorry, baby." Ray put his arms around me and rested his chin on top of my head. "I never thought. You've really missed out on a lot of things, haven't you?"

"I don't choose to look at it that way. And I'd advise you to adjust your attitude right now if you really do get to live forever." I eased out of his arms and decided to add a few things to my suitcase. Extra jeansno, make that shorts. Flo had mentioned a beach scene in the sunlight room. With my luck, I'd end up wet again.

I slipped in a black silk nightgown that I'd bought before Christmas. For a night with Jerry. I took a moment to wallow in guilt. Nope, not necessary. Ray and I weren't going to, uh, you know. This was all about saving our butts, and "acting" engaged was part of it. Sleeping in my Snoopy jammies wouldn't cut it. Surely Jerry would understand that. Ray had been watching me stuff my suitcase with interest. "That's better. So tell me what attitude I should have."

"That if we take care of business and get to live past the full moon, you're going to get to see things mere mortals today can only dream of. Colonies on Mars maybe. Who knows what else?"

"Cool. I'd like to see freeways in the sky. You know, aerial snow mobiles. Up and away." Ray laughed and mimicked steering skyward.

"Anything's possible. Think, Ray. I've seen electricity invented. Airplanes fly. Space exploration. Microwaves and cell phones." I grinned at him and slammed my suitcase shut. "Not to mention the wonderful, amazing television and iPod."

"Right. Sixteen hundred till now. Wow, you've seen it all, haven't you, old girl?" A horn honked and Ray lost his smile. "That's our limo."

Richard and Flo appeared in the doorway. "Ready? We're going on down."

"We're right behind you." I zipped my suitcase closed. "Flo, are you all right?" She'd gone from nervous chatter earlier to pale and silent in the last few minutes.

"I'm freaking out, Glory. So I say nothing."

"We'll have to watch what we say out loud all weekend. I'm sure they have surveillance equipment everywhere, even in those sunlight rooms." Richard put his arm around Flo. "I wouldn't advise reading Florence's mind right now. She is freaking out and curses like a Venetian sailor chained to his oar."

"Do you blame me, amante?" Flo bit her lip. "Simon the snake will be spying on us. At least he has to be close to read our minds, not like that Siren of yours, Glory. But there will be video cameras. Glory, you and Ray must act the lovers every minute." Ray put his hands on my shoulders. "Who's acting?"

Ray's playful attitude was hitting on my last nerve. I started to say something snarky but there was no use spreading the angst.

"Let's just be sure to leave there with a commitment from Simon to come out to your house, Ray. Soon. So we all need to keep our eyes and ears open to figure out what would lure him there."

"I could offer him Sienna. She'd make a hell of a vampire."

I was in Ray's face before he could blink. "Never. I mean never joke about making someone vampire." I pointed to my bed.

"You remember waking up right there and finding out ?" I took a breath and closed my eyes.

"Glory, I was kidding. Hell, you know I'd never do that, don't you?" Ray pulled me close. He must have sent a message to Richard because Rich and Flo muttered something about seeing us downstairs and left.

"Sorry. I lost my sense of humor when I woke up tonight and realized I was really going out to that EV hellhole." Ray stroked my back. "We should cancel this then think of something else. I don't like seeing you scared like this."

"Yep. I'm scared. But I think Aggie's even more powerful than Simon. So I can put up with a little discomfort for the chance to see that vermin in hell."

"I think it's stronger than discomfort for you, but if you're determined to go through with it, let's get it over with." Ray picked up my suitcase, then grabbed his own.

"Stop right there, Blondie." Valdez stood blocking the door out to the hallway.

"Valdez, we had this conversation. I'm going. Move out of the way." I knew I couldn't physically budge him. Even Ray and I together would have a tough go of it.

"You heard her, fur face. Move your butt." Ray obviously had a death wish, even making a move toward the dog.

"Listen, you empty-headed a-hole. Yon don't have the first idea what does go on out there. Simon hates Glory. She made a fool outof him in front of his followers. You think he's just forgotten that?"

"Valdez, its okay. He wants Ray's business. I'll be under Ray's protection. This sparkler on my left hand guarantees Simon knows that. You can't stop me, pup." I squatted down and looked him in the eyes. "I know you mean well, but I'm going, end of story."


I held up my hand. "I know Jerry wouldn't like it. But this doesn't involve him. Just Ray and me." I stood and sighed. "If Jerry tries to blame you later, I can say you did everything you could to keep me here."

"Right." Valdez leaped and knocked me flat, sitting on my chest while staring at Ray, his teeth bared, his growl the stuff of nightmares.

"Damn it, V!" I shoved at his paw and got a mouthful of fur for my trouble.

"Are you hurt, Glory? You son of a bitch, you've gone too far." Ray lunged and Valdez shifted just enough to grab Ray's duffle bag and toss it across the room.

"Stop it, Ray! I'm okay. He's no lightweight, but"huff, puff"let me talk to him."

"'I'm not moving, Glory. I can sit here all night. You tell your new boyfriend that the healing vamp sleep won't grow him a new right hand. If he tries to reach for you again, I'll tear his off and swallow it."

"Ray, don't." I could see Ray's frustration. "He means it. Listen. Take the suitcases downstairs. Valdez and I need to talk privately. I'll be down in a minute."

"I can't leave you like this. The son of a bitch must weigh a ton."

"I'm fine. He'll get off once you're out of here." I shoved at Valdez's furry butt. "Right?"

"No promises, but your boyfriend isn't helping. Put down that chair, Caine. Glory's already had her coffee table busted this week, thanks to you."

"I'd feel a hell of a lot better if I broke this chair over your empty head. Wasn't just me knocking Glory on her ass and I didn't see you stepping up with a credit card to replace her table. Get off her now or I'm not leaving." Wow. Points to Ray for standing up to Valdez. Air gusted into my lungs when the dog actually stood and stepped off of me.

"There. Now get out so I can talk some sense into this woman,"

"Right. Like you and sense have made an acquaintance. See you downstairs, Glory." Ray picked up the bags and stepped into the hall, leaving the door ajar.

I sat up and took a minute to relearn breathing.

"Okay, Valdez, I get that you're the great protector, but I'm in charge. Jerry has always made that very clear to you. Am I right?"

" Simon Destiny hates you. Am I right?"

"The King of the EVs is all about money and power. Ray represents both. Simon won't risk losing such a valuable client. I'll be okay out there. Richard and Flo will have our backs." I put my hand on Valdez's head. "Now brace yourself. Ray called Brittany and told her you have the weekend off. She's on her way over. Forget your contract for once and shift out of this dog body. Take a shower. You've got till late Sunday night to enjoy your freedom. It's long overdue, my friend."

" I cant "

"This isn't a request, it's an order. You've been tense. On edge. I know you're conflicted. Working for Blade, but watching me become close to Ray. It's been tough and you can't do your best work when you're wound up like this." I rubbed his ears.

"Richard left some clothes in Flo's old bedroom. I don't know if they'll fit. Hey, if you're lucky, you won't need them. There are rib eyes in the freezer, wine in the pantry that Will left here. Knock yourself out. You've earned it."

" Damn it. Glory."

" 'Night, V" I ran out the door, my heart pounding. Ray was waiting at the top of the stairs. "You heard?"

"Yep. Think he'll do it?"

"He's not supposed to disobey a direct order."

"He sure was worked up about this EV visit."

"He had his reasons. Don't be fooled by the pretty setting, Ray. You heard what Valdez said before about how he was treated out there. Obviously bad things happen behind the scenes. This time you're a paying guest, a celebrity. So you'll be okay. And I'll be under your protection. That means a lot in the vampire world. So throw that phrase around a lot. Say, 'my fiancee, Glory, who is under my protection,' every chance you get. We just need to find out what it would take to get Simon to come out to your house. And it needs to be next week. We can't wait."