Real Vampires Don't Diet (Glory St. Clair #4) - Page 55/61

That got her attention. "Are you freakin' insane? He could blow you to hell before you even got close enough to say hello." Hmm. Maybe this had been a bad idea. "What? He's not open to a logical discussion?" Aggie looked around like she figured we were both destined for a lightning bolt. "Shut up. Of course he's open to logic. He's brilliant, charismatic, the best boss a woman could have." She rolled her eyes at me. "And he's a man with a capital M, vampy, with a harem of Sirens. Does that tell you anything?"

The deck shook with a tremendous crash of thunder. "Harem?"

A light shimmered in front of us, finally taking shape as a man. Not just an ordinary man, but a Greek god complete with toga and laurel wreath. Great body, of course. I couldn't look away.

"Glory, meet my boss, Achelous, the Storm God." Aggie pulled herself up to a sitting position. "Yes, sir, I consider it a harem. Bunch of women serving one man." She smiled and fluttered her long lashes. "And you know we're willing to serve."

"That would play a lot better, Aggie, if you didn't look like a sea serpent who'd lost a battle with a coral reef." Achelous frowned. "Glory. I understand you've been involved in Aggie's misdeeds here in this backwater."

"Yes. Though involved isn't what I'd call it. We were dragged into it." I had to stifle the absurd desire to flutter my own lashes. I did throw back the hood and fluff my hair, which wasn't reacting well to the blowing rain. "Aggie wants to send me and two of my friends to Circe's hell."

"Maybe you should already be there." Achelous's deep voice made my stomach turn over.

"But, Achy, Circe doesn't"

"Circe? You dare speak her name to me?" The deck shook with thunder and lightning sizzled close by, taking out a sapling in a neighbor's yard.

I figured this was a good time for me to beat a hasty retreat. Achelous noticed my first step and threw a lightning bolt at me. I felt like my heart was being ripped out of my chest as I turned to stone. No! The world darkened and I knew this was it for me. Jerry!

"You're killing her because you're mad at me? Come on, Achy, ease up." Aggie's voice seemed to come from very far away. Suddenly I could see again. Aggie had actually saved my life. Why? I still couldn't move, but my heart was beating again, though my chest hurt like hell.

"Let me finish this thing with the, uh, goddess. You don't like Casanova either, do you, Achy?"

"He disrespects women. He deserves hell. So does this Charlie you are such a fool over. You should have come to me with your problem. Never to that bitch Circe." Achelous waved a hand toward the lake and a mini tidal wave headed toward the far shore. I hoped the residents on the other side had flood insurance. "And she stole your beauty. Is that worthless piece of excrement worth it?"

Aggie sniffled. "I don't know. I'm hideous. Please don't look at me. I'm a disgrace to my Siren sisters."

"And to me." The deck shook when he stomped a sandal. My statue self wobbled and I was terrified I was going to be swept into the lake. Water lapped at my knees and I felt something slimy touch my foot. I couldn't even scream.

"I know you and Circe have issues, but she won't let me out of this deal. Glory here's promised this will be settled before dawn. Can you give me this night? Please? Forget Charlie. You're my number one, always have been. But if I'm stuck like this I can't" I couldn't hear what she said, but Achy smiled so Aggie must have some hidden talents.

"Very well. To show you who is really powerful, Aglaophonos, I will give you your song back. You have until dawn. You're my Siren. Prove it." The Storm God's voice was cool. He narrowed his gaze on me, gestured, and I staggered, almost falling into the water. I was weak and shaky and wasn't sure I could walk, much less make it up the stairs. Suddenly Aggie and I were alone when Achelous shimmered out of sight.

"Okay, Glory, you sure Casanova's on his way?"

"Yes! But I'll have Damian call him again and check. And we've got two more vamps ready to go."

"Get out of here then. Because, you heard him, vampy. Both our fat butts are on the line." Yodeling a warm up, Aggie turned toward the lake. "My voice! God, I love you, Achy!" She shouted.

I found some strength from somewhere, tossed up my hood and ran for the stairs, bumping into Valdez and Jerry at the top.

"Get inside. Now!"

"What's going on?" Jerry grabbed my arm.

"What's that noise?" Valdez tried to go around me.

"Aggie, trolling for vampires. Jerry, cover your ears and get inside, damn it." I shoved him toward the door. When we got back inside, I shed the slicker and wiped my wet feet off with a towel from the powder room. I still felt like my heart hadn't found its natural rhythm yet. Jerry and Valdez waited for me in the kitchen.

"What the hell was that about?" Jerry tried to brush my hair back from my face. Hopeless.

"Aggie and her boss had a showdown. Bottom line: We've got till dawn to finish this."

"Dumb stunt takin' on Aggie by yourself, Glory." Valdez watched me load another tray with goblets of synthetics. My hands were shaking.

"He's right, Gloriana. Stop that and look at me." Jerry pulled me into his arms. "My God, I might never have seen you again." I leaned against him for a moment, the truth of what he'd just said hitting me like one of Achy's tidal waves.

"I I" The room spun and I sucked in air, then focused on Jerry's white shirt, now smeared with Flo's pink lipstick. Damn. I pushed back.

"Sorry, Jerry. Temporary meltdown. But I'm together now." I grabbed a dishcloth and wet it. "Look at your shirt. If our guests see this, our cover's blown." I scrubbed at his shirt until he grabbed my hand.

"Let it go, Glory. Start some rumors." He pulled my hand to his lips. "You're going to be breaking it off with Caine soon anyway."

I looked up, mesmerized by the gleam in his eyes. "Come here, then." I pulled his lips down to mine and kissed him, no holds barred, relieved to have survived my temporary insanity in facing Aggie.

"You two want to get caught? Seems like one fight this week ought to be enough for ya, Glory. " Valdez sat next to the door, a reluctant lookout.

I pulled back, my cheeks warm and my heart racing. "Valdez is right." I used the cloth to clean off traces of lipstick from Jerry's face. "And you don't need to look so self-satisfied, mister. If Ray grabs me out there, I'll kiss him too." Jerry cocked an eyebrow at me. "Then I'll make sure he doesn't get that chance." He picked up the tray and pushed open the kitchen door.

Simon watched us reenter the living room. Of course he didn't miss the smear on Jerry's shirt but probably filed that information away to use to his advantage later. The flickering candlelight made it difficult for the two mortals in the room to notice. Flo, as usual, didn't miss anything. She winked at me from across the room.

The Sienna and Ray show was still going on as they played requests. Naturally everyone was focused on the talented duo and their singing. And why not? I wanted to lean against the piano and just lose myself in the music. No such luck when Simon cornered me.

"Gloriana, I still don't see those very important conservative vampires your fiance wanted to impress." Simon's smirk and nod at Ray gave me chills. "Or am I confused about who you're with at the moment? No ring?"

"I'm with Ray. My ring's locked in the car on the other side of a low-water crossing. I had to shift to get here, just like you did, Simon, and I was afraid I'd lose it."

"Really? You shape-shifted? And you hate it so." Simon looked at Ray, then Jerry. "Interesting. Perhaps I underestimated you. Again."

I smiled and let my mind fill with the song Ray was singing. "My guess is the weather has delayed the men Ray wanted you to scare, I mean impress." I looked around the room. "Let me see if Damian has heard from them. They're members of a council he's been working with."

"Ah, yes, I received a letter from this council. Seems they're not very happy that I've taken up residence so close to their precious Austin." Simon smiled and picked up a goblet. "Hypocrites. At least one of them regularly orders Vampire Viagra from my Web site."

"Well, yes, you do make some excellent products. Or at least some people seem to think so." I faked a smile, then hurried over to Damian. "What's going on? Any of your guys coming? What about the council?" Damian had been staring at Sienna who'd just started another song. She almost lost the lyrics when Luke leaned down to whisper in her ear.

"Glory! Sorry." He turned to me with his usual charming smile. "Yes, I am taking care of everything. Sent pictures of Lily and Sienna to Casanova with my cell phone. That lit a fire under him, I tell you. He finally decided on a shirt and left ten minutes ago. Then I sent a text to Maurice. Let him know Simon's here. He hit me right back. He should already be here. Don't know what the hell happened to the council. Last I knew they were shopping for headphones. I'll call and check." He pulled out his cell phone. Several calls later and he was frowning. "None of them are answering at home or their cells. I don't know where they are."

There was a sudden silence that was almost as startling as the thunder had been. We all looked toward the glass doors. The rain had stopped. No thunder, no lightning and, most amazing of all, the moon, a three-quarter one, was actually visible through the clouds.

"That's a relief." Simon walked over to the doors and threw them open. "It will make a much more enjoyable trip back to the compound." He stepped out on the deck and looked at the lake. "Kaplan, come here and check out this view. I think the EVs should buy some lakefront property. It would be a good investment."

I was holding my breath. Waiting. Was he going to be sucked down to hell? Please. Please. Please. I heard singing and someone said there must be another party going on close by, but the song stopped abruptly. Aggie? She did have a beautiful voice. Simon frowned, but he didn't seem inclined to head down the stairs. Surely he wasn't the one vampire immune to a Siren's song. Greg came outside, leaned against the railing and looked out at the lake, really dark with the power outage. "I see what you mean, sir. I'll have one of the shifters call a Realtor in the morning."