Redeeming Vows - Page 15/72

Fin caught her gaze and gave a quick nod of approval.

“An introduction, Finlay?”

Logan chuckled. Fin extended a hand toward Logan. “Logan Douglass, this is Lady Elizabeth McAllister. Logan Douglass is son to—“

A robust bellow came from the main hall as Ian, Gregor, and Lora added to the growing numbers in the room. They turned and watched Gregor step forward.

“Son, ’tis good to see ye!”

Gregor pulled his son into a fierce hug, smiles and pats on the back came from all sides. Duncan arrived with Tara on his arm. Before long they all stood and welcomed their treasured friend.

Elizabeth and Tara stood to the side and watched. Only when Fin moved closer did he hear a shimmer of their conversation. “…what do they put in the water here?”

“I don’t know. Scotland sure grows her men big.”

Liz laughed at her sister’s comment before realizing that Fin stood near enough to hear. His eyes darted away.

“You have word from Lancaster?” Fin asked.

Logan accepted the ale from Alice with a wink before answering his question. “Aye. Seems Lancaster has finally found someone to take Regina off his hands.”

“Who is the lucky groom?” Fin’s sarcasm grew thick.

“Finlay MacCoinnich, Regina is a fine lass, show some respect,” Lora scolded.

Ian laughed. “Fin would be more pleased than any of us to know she’s accepted a husband. Perhaps now she’ll stop staring at him.”

Fin endured the jesting, knowing how true the words were. Regina’s attempts to gain his attention in the past weren’t exactly subtle.

“Who is the man?” Fin asked again.

“A Lord Brisbane from the south.”

“English?” Ian asked.

“Half, methinks. Regina will be his second wife.”

“I’ll bet she’s not pleased with that.”

“’Tis Lancaster’s arrangement. He’s asking all his allies to join him for their festivities.” Logan’s eyes sat on Elizabeth. His grin spread. The hair on the back of Fin’s nape stood up.

“All his allies? Why?”

“There are rumors of an unsettling in the lowlands.”

Eyes shifted around the room. Liz slid her gaze to his in question.

“Unsettling?” Ian leaned forward.

“Perhaps we should discuss politics after Logan has settled and a meal can be taken in honor of his homecoming,” Duncan said, quickly changing the subject. From the expression on Liz and Tara’s faces, their worry far exceeded his. Their battles since arriving in his century had all been magical. Yet he knew from numerous conversations with his brother that their concern over warring with fellow men paralyzed them with fear. Fin wondered if their knowledge of history was the cause.

“Well said, Duncan.”

“I suppose that’s our cue to leave.” Liz stood and drew her sister up with her. “It’s been a pleasure to meet you, Logan.”

Logan tilted his head. “The pleasure is all mine, my lady.”

A blush reached Liz’s face before leaving the room. Myra and Lora stepped toward the kitchen and Simon and Amber took the hint and disappeared as well.

“Seems yer household has doubled since I was last here.”

“Our family has grown,” Ian said simply.

“Now that the women have gone, tell us. Is there trouble?”

“In truth, I do not know. Lancaster didn’t seek my counsel but informed me that he wanted yours, Ian. He said it had been far too long since the allies had gathered and the excuse of a wedding would cloak the task.”

“It sounds as if he thinks spies are watching.”


“When is this wedding to take place?”

“The end of next month. Brisbane’s land is a week’s ride.”

Fin pulled in a deep breath and glanced around the room. This isn’t what they needed with Grainna’s wrath as well.

“Have I missed something? Is there other trouble?”

Gregor lifted a brow. “There have been…strange happenings here.”

Fin tensed.

“I’m sure these will pass, Gregor. However, we will need to leave the keep well guarded in our absence.” Ian stood, ending their discussion.

“Welcome home, Logan. After our evening meal we’ll discuss more of your travels over something a little stronger than this.” Ian put his cup of ale on the table before leaving the room.


“Do we have to go?” “Of course,” Myra explained. “When an ally requests your presence, ’tis expected. Lord Lancaster may have sired worthless children, but he is still a man with great power. We wouldn’t want him as our enemy.”

Liz’s head started to pound. “God, don’t we have enough to worry about?” Myra sat beside her and Tara explaining the finer points of medieval etiquette. “What does that give us, four weeks to get ready? Being out in the open where Grainna can find us sounds like too big a risk.”

“It does feel like we’ll be exposed.”

“Will we go alone?” Tara asked.

Myra’s eyes grew large. “No! We’ll travel in the greatest numbers we can. If Lancaster worries of trouble, and his message sounds as if he’s concerned, going alone could prove deadly.”

“Then we’ll have to step up our practice. I don’t want Simon going all feathery in a crowd of people.”

“Try not to worry. Lancaster’s concern may simply be about what has been happening here.”

“Or maybe Grainna’s been attacking more than just us.”

“I understand that Brisbane’s land is south and closer to the coast. At least we’ll enjoy some of the sea during our travels.”

Tara sighed, “God, I miss the ocean.”

Liz shook her head. “I never thought I’d move from California. I haven’t been to the beach since Simon went to surf camp when he was ten.”

“Our beach is cold and much more violent than yours.”

Liz cocked her head to the side. “No chance for a quick dip then, huh?”

“You mean swim?”


“I doubt you’d want to, even if we could find a quiet cove.”

Liz couldn’t help but feel a bit more liberated knowing that their trip would get her away from the keep. Having grown up and living her entire life in suburbia, rushing from one thing to another, it would be nice to move around again. The thought of even getting her feet in the sand brought a smile to her face.