Redeeming Vows - Page 25/72

“Since Duncan’s nuptials.” Ian shook the man’s hand.

“Ye’ve become a grandfather, I’ve been told.”

“Aye. Duncan and Tara have a brawny son, Briac.”

Ian glanced toward Duncan, who was helping Tara from her horse, Briac in her arms. Tara’s eyes kept shifting to the eaves of the courtyard, probably in search of Matthew.

Another man approached, this one nearly as wide as the last, but much taller.

“Lord Brisbane, I’d like ye to meet my neighbors and friends, Laird Ian MacCoinnich and his family.”

Brisbane shook Ian’s hand. “I’ve heard much about you. I do hope your journey was pleasant.”

The man’s accent was clearly English. For some reason, this comforted Liz as she slid to the ground and allowed one of Ian’s men to take the horse away.

Simon stood next to Cian and Amber while Myra and Todd received introductions. Liz found her feet planted firmly in place and listened. Simon shook hands with the men, somehow making certain they knew he was there. And belonged. She, on the other hand, didn’t at all feel as if she belonged. If it were possible to slip into the eaves of the keep, Liz would have.

“Hiding, Elizabeth?”

Fin’s voice was surprisingly close to her ear.


Fin chuckled before placing a hand to the small of her back and ushering her forward. “Laird Lancaster, Lord Brisbane, this is Lady Elizabeth, Lady Tara’s sister and mother to Simon.”

Brisbane reached for her hand and kissed the back of it. “What of yer husband?” Lancaster asked.

Lancaster eyed Fin quickly.

“Long since gone I’m afraid.” The lie slid from her lips easier each time she’d voiced it.

“I’m sorry, my lady. Seems he left you with a fine son.”

Liz smiled with pride. “He did.”

The conversation quickly turned to their journey and the days they’d traveled. Their party moved like a hovering cloud toward the open doors of the massive home. Fin’s hand continued to guide her forward, as if knowing she’d back out if given a chance.

Once inside, maids gathered around them, helping with their cloaks and handing over refreshments. Noblemen, knights, ladies, and children packed the room.

One woman in particular appeared to be the center of attention. Her deep chestnut hair and creamy alabaster skin sparkled when she spoke with the people in the room. Her attention centered on them and her gaze rounded quickly to Fin.

For a moment, Fin’s hand felt firmer on her waist. If she didn’t know any better, she thought he pulled her closer to his side. Possessive…or maybe a better term was possessed.

Regina. The one Tara told her about, the soon-to-be wife of Brisbane. The one who really wanted Fin as her husband.

“Hiding, Fin?” Liz snickered when she asked.

His eyes rounded to hers, his cocky grin flashed that damn dimple, the one that did a number on her stomach.


Liz looked up. “She’s walking straight toward us.” He drew her closer. This time leaving little doubt as to what he wanted this woman to believe.

For a brief moment, Liz thought of wiggling out of his arm and leaving him to fend for himself.

“Don’t even think about it,” Fin whispered.

“Finlay. Ye came.”

“Of course, lass. Ye know we wouldn’t miss yer wedding.”

Myra turned to the woman’s voice and immediately intercepted her. “Congratulations, Regina. Lord Brisbane seems so nice.”

Regina hugged Myra and sent a hard stare to Fin. Something told Liz that Myra had intercepted many an awkward moment in the past.

“This is Sir Blakely, my husband.”

Regina curved a brow in Todd’s direction while her eyes swept his frame. The smile she’d placed on her face fell a fraction.

Regina Lancaster didn’t wear jealousy well. “A pleasure.” But her words sounded forced.

Todd kissed the woman’s hand, following what everyone else had done.

“Congratulations,” he said, but Regina didn’t appear to listen.

“Hey, Mom. Cian, Amber, and I are going to walk by the beach. Is that okay?”

“Mom?” Regina asked. The smile on her face pulling at her lips again.

“I don’t know, we just got here.” Liz glanced up to Fin, silently asking what he thought. Was it safe?

With so many people, would Grainna strike?

Fin tapped his fingers on her hip, his eyes deep in thought. “Cian, have someone with you.”

Someone meaning one of the knights.

You need to be careful, Simon. Grainna could be anywhere, Liz told her son with her mind.

We know, we won’t be far.

Liz nodded toward her son.

“I’ll watch out for him,” Amber said before running off behind them.

Regina pivoted toward the fleeing MacCoinnichs and Simon. “And who would ye be?” she finally asked.

“Oh, how silly of me,” Myra said, quickly introducing Liz the same way she’d been introduced to the others. Only this time, Myra added the lie about Liz being a widow.

From the strange expression on the other woman’s face, Liz didn’t think for a moment Regina was fooled.

“A widow? How sad. It must be difficult raising a son on yer own.”

“A lot of women manage,” Liz told her.

“Oh really? I hadn’t noticed.”

No, chances are Regina hadn’t noticed anything other than her life of privilege. Moving from her father’s home to Lord Brisbane’s wouldn’t be a hardship.

Although from the glances Regina sent toward her fiancé, Liz didn’t think she was all that excited about it.

Either luck or design moved Regina’s attention away from them and onto Tara, Duncan, and the others.

Todd found his way to Fin’s side. “You’re going to have to keep an eye on that one.”

Fin laughed. “Tell me about it.”

“Don’t worry, Todd. Fin has been dodging Regina since he was Simon’s age. He’s gotten rather good at it.”

Liz pulled away from Fin and stood beside Myra. “Maybe Fin likes the attention.”

Fin growled, causing them all to chuckle.

“Are you sure it’s okay that the others went to the beach?” Liz asked Fin.

“We can follow behind them if you like.”

“I’d love to.” Liz turned to Todd and Myra. “You guys should come too.”

Fin pushed toward Duncan and the others and gave their excuses.