Tied with Me - Page 31/63

Sal nods and hands me my drink and a bottle of water for Matt. “I think Des needs a Shibari demo tonight, if you’re interested.”

Matt shakes his head and wraps his arm around my shoulders protectively. “Not tonight.”

“Have fun then. Welcome, darlin’ Nic.” Sal winks and moves away to fill another order.

I sip my drink and sigh in happiness. “Sal makes a great drink.”

“He does,” Matt agrees with a chuckle and leads me through the room and up a wide staircase to the second floor, which is similar to the first, but there is no bar up here, the lights are dimmer, the music louder, and instead of couches and chairs, there are beds covered in red velvet around the edges of the room. In the center of the space are several platforms with more equipment I don’t know the names of. Some have restraints hanging from the ceiling, and some are just simply beds.

All of it scares me and intrigues me at the same time.

But what catches my eyes are the people. The few dozen people scattered about the room are mostly naked. Some are fucking. Some are watching.

Directly to my right, two heavily muscled men are seducing a plump woman, caressing her body and whispering in her ear, kissing her nipples. There are hands and lips and groans everywhere.

My core tightens.

“Ah, just like the story the other night,” Matt whispers into my ear. He’s moved behind me, wrapped his arms around my waist, sliding his hand up my ribs to cup my breast in his palm. “Does that turn you on, little one?”

My breathing has turned choppy, and my heart is going to pound out of my chest.

If I’d worn panties, they’d be wet by now.

I nod, not taking my eyes off of the threesome. “Who are they?”

“That’s Kevin and Gray. They’re firefighters and always share their women.”

My eyes widen further at the thought. “Always?”


“Are they gay?” I ask softly.

“No, they just enjoy sharing. They’re best friends.” The woman between them lets out a wail of ecstasy as Gray slips his head between her legs and laps at her center, while Kevin grips her hair in his fist and guides her mouth to his large, stiff cock.

Matt leads me farther into the space, past a couple kissing and caressing each other on a mattress, slowly undressing each other.

“Some couples like the idea of being watched,” Matt murmurs in my ear, sending shivers down my spine. He continues to worry my nipple through my shirt. I’m stunned to realize I’d rather he just pull my strapless shirt down and unleash my breast to touch it properly.

Jesus, I’m becoming an exhibitionist.

“And others”—he nods toward the couple sitting not far away, lounging in each others’ arms, watching the goings-on around them with content smiles on their faces—“others just want to watch.”

“Do you have to have sex in public here?”

“No. That couple we just passed will most likely watch their fill then go to one of the private rooms to enjoy each other.”


“Did you ask permission to speak to Master Ethan?” a man not far from us yells in anger at a woman kneeling on a pillow on the floor next to him.

“No, Master.” Her head is bent in submission and shame, and her shoulders are shaking.

I stiffen in rage.

Matt grips my waist tightly and whispers in my ear, “Just watch.”

“Did I specifically tell you to be quiet?”

“Yes, Master.”

“What happens when you defy me?” the man demands.

“I am punished, Master.”

His eyes narrow on the woman next to him.

“Get punished, my ass,” I whisper in indignation.

“Shh,” Matt breathes into my ear.

Without another word, the man yanks the woman across his lap and lands a hard smack on one of her ass cheeks.

“Matt, he hit her!”

“Wait,” Matt warns me.

“You’ll get six, one for each word you said to him. Do you understand?”

“Yes, Master,” she responds and moans in pleasure when he lands the second blow.

She likes it!

“Count!” He hits her for a third time, careful not to hit her in the same spot twice.

“Three,” she moans.

And so it goes until the sixth blow. He shifts her, cradling her in his arms and whispering in her ear, then removes the pillow from the floor and makes her kneel without it.

“You’ll get ten minutes without the pillow under your knees to make sure you don’t do it again.”

“Yes, Master.” She smiles sweetly and kneels at his feet, seemingly content.

“She could have used her safe word at any time,” Matt murmurs as he leads me away.

“She let him hit her.”

“He spanked her, sweetheart.”

“He left handprints,” I argue.

Matt grins wickedly at me. “Yes, he did.”

Holy shit.

“Excuse me, Master Matt.” A woman approaches Matt, her head bent in respect and hands clasped at her waist.

Her very naked waist.

“Yes, Anna?” Matt answers.

“My Master and I would like to respectfully ask if you would like to restrain me,” she responds softly. Her nipples are puckered. She’s clearly very turned on at the idea.

Fuck that.

Matt raises his eyes over her shoulder to see a man leaning against the wall, arms crossed over his muscular chest, watching silently.

“Why did Master Alex send you over?”

“Because it was my idea, Master.”

I just bet it was.

“I see. I will have to pass, Anna. I have a date this evening.” Matt smiles at me. “This is Nic.”

Anna frowns for a moment but then offers me a fake smile, nods at Matt and stomps away.

“You’ve clearly played with her before,” I mumble. My body is stiff in anger and jealousy, which pisses me off more.

What he did before me isn’t any of my business.

“Nic,” he begins, but I shake my head and try to walk away. He grips my upper arm and pulls me around to face him. “I may not make you kneel and call me Master, but you will not top me here, do you understand? The past is the past, and the only woman I’m interested in touching is the one before me.”

His jaw is clenched, and his eyes are deep blue and ice cold. His grip on my arm is firm, but he’s careful not to hurt me.

God, I want him.

“Yes, sir,” I mutter, stressing the word sir.