Come Away with Me - Page 63/87

“Yes. This is what you do. I want to support you. Let’s go opening night.”

“I told you, I don’t do premiers. I’m not going to L.A. for it.” He’s shaking his head adamantly.

“No, I mean here. Let’s go to opening night here, in Seattle.”

Jules jumps up and down in excitement. “I want to go too! I’m sure I can find a date.”

“Let’s make a night of it. We’ll double date, go to the movie, maybe dinner. Let’s celebrate!”

Luke smiles, a wide melt-my-panties smile and for the first time since I met him, he looks genuinely proud and excited about what he does. “You really want to?”


“Then I guess we’re going. But let’s try to go to an out of the way theater. I don’t want our night to be ruined because I get recognized and have to stand around signing shit for three hours.”

“We’ll go to a late show in a suburb after dinner. You can wear a trench coat with a hat and sunglasses.” I smirk at him and he narrows his eyes at me.

“You’re such a smart ass.”

“But you love me.” I smile sweetly.

“God, get a room.” Jules pulls the lasagna out of the oven.


“I’m nervous.” I look over at Jules and cringe. “What if I don’t like it?”

“Then you lie through your pretty straight teeth and tell him you love it.

That’s what girlfriends do, no matter what their boyfriends do for a living.”

She shuffles through my closet looking for something to wear to the movie tonight.

“Who are you bringing tonight?” I ask as I pull my black dress over my head and step into my black Manolo Blahniks.

“Don’t lecture me.”

“Uh, okay.”

“I’m bringing my boss.”

“Holy shit! I didn’t think you were seeing him anymore.” What the hell?

“We’re not really seeing each other.”

“Are you sleeping together?”

“No. Definitely not. He’s not as bad as I thought he was. Once the embarrassment faded… well, he’s a pretty nice guy. I figured why not bring him.” She bites her lip and slips on a pair of my silver earrings.

“I hope you know what you’re doing, Jules.”

“I’m not sure that I do, but it’s just one night. Please, be cool, okay?”

“I am the epitome of cool. I’m offended you’d say otherwise. And here I was going to spring for dinner tonight, too.”

She smiles at me as the doorbell rings.

“One of our guys is here,” I head for the door, ready to go. “I’ll get it.”

I jog down the stairs and open the door to find a huge bouquet of red roses staring me in the face.

“Well, hello.”

Luke pokes his head out from behind them and smiles at me. “Hey, gorgeous, these are for you.”

“Thank you, my love.” I bury my nose in them and sniff as he comes inside and closes the door behind him. He looks fantastic in a blue button down shirt that matches his eyes and a pair of khaki pants.

“You look handsome,” I murmur and kiss his lips softly.

“You are breathtaking.” He runs his fingertips down my face and I blush.

“Come on, I’ll put these in water and then I get to go see my boyfriend’s movie tonight.”

Luke laughs. “You do? That’s cool.”

“I know. He’s very famous, but I can’t tell you who he is because we are private people.” I nod sagely at him, my eyes wide.

“Are you sure I can’t get it out of you?” He wraps his arms around my middle as I arrange the flowers in a vase.

“Nope, my lips are sealed.”

“Damn, and here I was hoping to get to take you out tonight.” He nuzzles my neck and I sigh.

“Well, I could probably go out with you later, after my other date.”

Luke tickles my ribs and I squeal.

“Like hell. You’re mine, baby. Get used to it.”

I turn in his arms and run my hands through his hair, smiling up at him.

“You are the only one I’ll ever want, my love.”

His eyes soften and he gives me that kiss that makes me all gooey. “Ditto, baby.”

“Oh my God, do you two ever stop?”

Jules rolls her eyes as she comes in the room and Luke smiles smugly and kisses my cheek.


“Gag. Nathan just texted, he’ll be here in a few…”

Just then the doorbell rings.

“He’ll be here right now. I’ll get it.”

She smiles and saunters to the front door.

“Who’s the guy?” Luke asks.

“A guy she works with.” I respond and Luke’s eyebrows shoot up.


“Yeah. Could be interesting.”

“Come on in and meet them.” Jules walks into the kitchen ahead of a very attractive man wearing dark jeans and a black long-sleeved button down shirt.

He’s tall like Luke with broad shoulders and slender hips, has long dark, dark hair pulled back in a short pony tail at the nape of his neck, gray eyes and a nice, square jaw. Yes, he’s swoon-worthy like Jules said before. He also has kind eyes, and he can’t take them off of Jules’ face as she introduces him to us.

He’s smitten.

“Nate, this is my roommate, Natalie, and her boyfriend, Luke Williams.”

Nate shakes both our hands and smiles at Luke. “It’s a pleasure. I can’t say I was a fan of the movies you acted in years ago, but I do love the ones you produce now. I’ve been waiting for Rough Shot to come out for months.” He smiles at us both and then steps back to drop his arm around Jules’ shoulders.

“Here’s hoping you like it.” Luke seems relaxed and I breathe an internal sigh of relief.

“Shall we go? I’m starving.”

“Let’s go.” Luke takes my hand and we all climb into his Mercedes SUV, me in the front with Luke and Jules and Nate in the back.

“Where would you like to eat?” Luke asks us.

I turn my head to answer and see Nate kiss Jules’ hand. Just friends my ass.

I’ll drill her later.

“How about that little Mexican place you took me to last week?” I suggest.

“It’s quiet and they have delicious margaritas.”

Both Jules and Nate nod in agreement.

“Mexican it is.” Luke picks up my hand and kisses my knuckles and I smile shyly at him.