While We Waited - Page 9/52

She doesn’t answer, but a hiss escapes her when I bend my head and take her nipple gently between my teeth. I watch her body, listen to her whimper, and realize what she does like just by paying attention.

“I like your dick,” she says. She looks into my eyes as she rises and falls.

“I like your pussy,” I say. I like it a lot. Too much, because my balls are already trying to crawl up my throat.

“Then you should take a closer look at it.” She stops moving and lifts her brows, waiting for me to agree.

I lift her off my dick and flip us over. Her legs fall open and she bites her lower lip between her teeth. Her pussy glistens with wetness and I spread her open with my thumbs. I lean down and blow across her clit. “Am I close enough?” I ask.

Her hips rock and she threads her fingers into my hair, pulling my face closer. I lick across her clit and watch her reaction. She closes her eyes tightly, but she’s not making those happy noises. I find her clit and suck hard. She whimpers. Got her.

I slide two fingers into her heat and crook them, looking for the squishy spot I read about in a book. I know when I find it, because I have to hold her hips to the bed. She bucks against my hand and I have to latch on hard to her clit to hang on. Suddenly, she goes still and a cry breaks from her throat, just as her pussy starts to quiver around my fingers. I make her ride it out, working her until she pushes me away.

Her legs are like noodles when I close them and roll her onto her stomach. I cover her body with mine from shoulders to feet, and twine our hands together. She looks up at me, startled, but then she softens and lets me push my way inside. She cries out when I shove my length into her in one hurried stroke.

“I’m sensitive after I come,” she whispers.

“I’ll be careful,” I whisper back. I kiss her softly on her bare shoulder, and her arms bristle with goose bumps. I take her slowly and with care, and she’s soft as cotton under me. She turns her head and kisses me, her eyes meeting mine when she pulls back, and there’s something in her eyes that I don’t completely understand. “You okay?” I ask.

She arches her back and pushes against me and I know then that she’s fine. “Can you make me come like this?”

“Can I?” I ask.

I lift her onto her knees and pull her ass back, holding her tightly at her hips, pulling her back to me, pounding hard, harder, harder.

“Jesus,” I gasp. “You feel so good. I can’t hold off.”

“Not yet,” she says. She looks at me over her shoulder, and her lips part. “Almost,” she breathes.

I nod and screw into her, threading my fingers into the hair at the nape of her neck. I give it a tug and she cries out. I use her hair to turn her head. I want to see her face.

“Now!” she suddenly cries.

I come hard inside the condom, deep inside her, my toes curling with the force of my orgasm, as she shudders, milking me, drawing me in farther and farther. I stop, and her pussy pulls at me until she settles. She lets me slide out and falls against the mattress. I drop on top of her, not ready yet to let her go.

She rolls and I fall down beside her, but then she pulls me to lay my head beneath her breasts. Her hands slide into my hair and she holds my head on her chest, her fingers gently abrading my scalp. “You have twenty minutes to cuddle,” she says.

“Cuddling is for douchebags.”

She yawns. “You have to get out of my room in nineteen and a half minutes.”

“Shut up,” I say, stalling. “I need some post-coital comfort.”

She laughs and my head rocks on her chest. “Is that anything like cuddling?”

I kiss her belly and lay my face on her soft skin. She strokes my hair, her fingers playing against my scalp. I lift my head, resting my chin on the soft skin of her lower belly. “This is the best part,” I tell her.

She snorts. “You keep telling yourself that.”


Time passes, and she keeps rubbing my scalp. It has been a lot longer than twenty minutes and she hasn’t kicked me out yet. But then her hands get tired and heavy against my hair. I don’t move immediately. I am enjoying this peacefulness. There’s nothing more peaceful than being with a woman who has just had an orgasm or two. I don’t want to give this up. This is the part that matters.

A soft snuffling sound escapes her mouth and I know she’s asleep. I cautiously sit up.

I have things I need to do. I need to pack. And I need to get out of here before everyone gets up. The bed shifts when I roll, and she reaches for me. I press my lips to the back of her hand and hold it while she settles. Then I get up and pull my clothes on.

I watch her as she lies there completely naked. She’s so beautiful. She’s tiny and curvy and her long dark hair is spread all over her pillow. I recall the way it felt when I tugged her head back, and my dick jumps. Fuck. I have to get out of here now or I never will.

I pull the covers over her and stare down at her soft face. At a different time, in a different place…I could ask her out. I could try to turn it into something real. But I can’t. Not now.

I zip my pants, let myself out of her room, and run straight into Lark, who is coming in the front door.

Her brow arches. “You must have gone in the wrong door,” she says. She points toward my room. “Your room is that way.”

“Good to know,” I mutter, and I go in there.

I pack my things as quickly as I can, then stick my head into the hallway. The apartment is dark except for a light in the kitchen. I carry my duffle bag into the room and stare down at the kitchen table. The bank book. It’s why I came here. I have to take it. I can’t do what I have to do without it. I pick it up and slip it into my back pocket. She wanted me to have it, so it’s not wrong. Right?