Good Girl Gone - Page 14/54

But then she’s kissing me back. Her tongue enters my mouth, and I have to take control of her head to slow her down a little. I weave my fingers into her hair and tug lightly. She pulls back, her breaths falling fast and uneven.

“Too fast,” I say.

“Sorry,” she whispers.

I kiss her, and this time it’s slow and hot and wet and leaves me wanting so much more. Her eyelashes lie heavy on her cheeks when I pull back, and she sits like that for a moment. “You okay?” I finally ask.

“Yes. No. Maybe.” Her eyes flutter open. “I think so.”

I chuckle. “Good.”

“You won’t tell anyone, will you?” She bites her lower lip.

“What do you mean?”

“Can we just keep this between us?” She motions from me to her and back. “Kind of our secret.”

“Keep what a secret?” I’m not sure what she’s asking me.

“I have a very public life,” she tells me.


“And some things I like to keep private.”

“Okay.” I heave a sigh. “So I get to be your dirty little secret.”

Her brow furrows. “Secret, yes. But not dirty.” She grins. “Unless you want to get dirty. Then I’m willing.”

“But you don’t want anyone to know about it.”

“I have a very public boyfriend.” She winces when she says it, and then she freezes when I go stiff beneath her. “He’s not a real boyfriend. He was my way of keeping the tabloids satisfied. He goes to public events with me so I don’t get hit on by every money-grabbing wannabe in the world. He’s kind of a buffer.”

“Do you sleep with him?”

She laughs. “He’s gay.”


She nods. “Totally.”

“And no one has found out?”

“He’s very discreet.”

“I don’t want to share you.” I sit back a little so I can watch her face. “What exactly do you hope to get out of this?”

“With you?”


“I like you.” She shrugs. “I like spending time with you. I like snuggling with you. And I’d like to have sex with you at some point. Preferably sooner rather than later, but I can wait.”

She’s been offering me sex since she met me. “But you said you’ve never met a dick you liked.” I assumed she meant sex wasn’t enjoyable for her.

She scratches her nose and looks away. “Damn, you’re digging awfully deep.”

“I do try.”

She shakes her head and a lock of hair falls over her eye. I brush it back. “I’ve never enjoyed sex.”



“Well, damn.”

She sits back. “What?” Her brow furrows.

“If we’re both offering confessions, I’m not even sure I can have an orgasm.” Hell, I might as well lay my shit bare too.

“But you’re hard.” She wiggles her ass in my lap.

“Apparently.” I laugh. “That’s new. You might be the reason. I’m not entirely sure.”

“So you haven’t…” She points down toward my dick.

“Not in a really long time. Before my accident.”

“Seriously?” she squeaks.

“Unfortunately,” I bite out.

She kisses me quickly and I wrap my arms around her in a hug, holding her until she goes soft in my arms. “Hey, Josh,” she says quietly.

“Hey, Star.”

“You should go shower. You really stink.”

I laugh. “Thanks.”

I get in the shower with my dick still hard. It doesn’t ease up, no matter how cool I turn the water. So I grab some soap, wrap my hand around myself, and start to take care of business. In my head, I imagine that it’s Star with her hand wrapped around me.

I jump and let go of my dick when she comes into the shower with me. She’s wearing my shirt, still, and she steps beneath the water, getting drenched immediately.

“What are you doing?” I ask as she sinks down and shoves my knees apart, making room for herself in between.

“Making sure your shit works,” she says. She looks me in the eye. “Do you mind?”


She wraps her fist around me and looks down at my dick. Her hair is soaked, and wet tendrils of it pour water down her face. I push her hair back, and she looks up at me with gratitude, so I keep my hand on her head, holding her hair back. I should stop her. I really should stop her. But my dick is pulsing in her hand.

She gently pulls my dick away from my stomach and wraps her lips around the head. I wish I could thrust into her mouth, but I can’t. Okay, so this is new. I can’t push into her mouth. I just have to let her do her thing.

“Thanks,” I mutter.

She giggles around my dick and says something that sounds like “you’re welcome” but I’m not sure. “Like this?” she says, but her mouth is full of my dick so it sounds more like “wike wiss.”

“Just like that,” I whisper.

Her hand shuttles up and down and I’m ready to come in two seconds flat. “Pull back,” I warn. “Star, pull back,” I say again, this time a little frantic. My balls feel like they’re going to climb up my throat. “Star, I’m going to come…”