Proving Paul's Promise - Page 30/73

“Yes,” she says. “I’m officially pregnant, though,” she reminds me. Like I need reminding.

I look at her. “I can wait.”

An electrical current passes between us, and my skin does that little sizzle that only she provokes until Cody puts an arm around my shoulders and I have to jerk my eyes from her to look up at him.

“We’re having a baby!” he says. He squeezes me really quickly, and I thwack him on the back.

“Congratulations,” I say.

They’re so damn happy they can barely speak.

“I wonder if they make those candy announcement things that they sell at the baby store for dads? Like the funny cigars and stuff.” Friday asks. “Yours would have to say We knocked up a chick or something really clever.”

Cody puts his hands on his hips and fake glares at her. “Anyone who knows us at all would know we would never knock up a chick.”

“But you did,” Friday reminds them. She giggles, and I can’t bite back my grin.

The guys look at one another. “Yeah, we did,” Cody says, and Garrett kisses him really quickly. Cody looks sheepishly at me. “Sorry,” he says. “Didn’t ask you if you are okay with the PDA.”

I look at Friday, and I must have a question in my eyes.

“He’s fine with it,” she says.

Friday looks toward her clothes and up at Cody and Garrett. They’re not taking the hint. I get up and motion them closer to the door. “Let’s give her a minute to get dressed, shall we?” I say.

They nod and step outside. They’re jabbering at one another and talking about baby names. I smile and close the door behind them.

“And you, too,” Friday sings out. She makes a shooing motion at me.

I shake my head. “I’m staying.”

“Fine,” she says. She stands up and carefully wraps the sheet that was draping her lower half around her waist so that she’s all covered.

“Do you need some help?” I ask. My dick twitches in my pants. I can’t help it. Her ass is naked under that sheet.

“You want to help me wipe off the goo they just stuck in my vagina?” she tosses back at me.

I let my eyes roam up and down her body until she flushes. “I’ll do anything you need if it gets me closer to your vagina.”

She lets out a heavy breath. “Paul,” she warns. She shakes a quivery finger at me. “Behave.”

“Do you still have the piercing?” I ask. No idea what made me think of that.

“Which one?” she asks as she steps behind the curtain. I can hear her shuffling around.

“How many do you have?” I immediately want to go do a quick inventory of all her intimate areas to see how they’re adorned.

“Nipples, hood, labia, navel, ears, lip, and tongue,” she says.

I sink down onto the edge of the exam table. Damn. “That’s all?”

She laughs, too. “I couldn’t think of anything else to pierce.”

I sit quietly, imagining all the metal in all her most sensitive spots. I want to suck on it, twirl it around, and play with it, preferably with my tongue. “You’re going to have to take out the lower ones before the baby gets here,” I remind her.

“You don’t know that.” She shoves the curtain back and pulls her hair from the neck of her T-shirt. I still can’t get used to this Friday. She looks so normal. Her hair is hanging loose around her shoulders, and she’s not wearing makeup still. I like it. I like her. To me, she’s just as sexy, if not more so, when she’s dressed like this as she is when she’s working at the shop all glammed up.

“Hello,” I say. “I’m a professional body piercer.”

“So am I,” she reminds me. “And I haven’t ever been told that.”

“Ask the doctor,” I taunt.

“I will the next time I see her.” She sticks her tongue out at me, so I reach out and grab her by her belt loops and then pull her against me. She falls into me, her hands grabbing my forearms to help her keep her balance. I lift the edge of her T-shirt and lay my palms on her warm skin.

“You always this grabby?” she asks, her mouth so close to my chest that I can feel her hot breath against my skin.

“I’m usually more grabby,” I say. “I’m trying not to scare you.”

She sucks in a quick breath. “I don’t scare easily.”

“That’s one of the many reasons I want you.”

She trembles in my arms, and I f**king love it.

“Did you get all that goop off? Or should I help you with it?” I playfully reach for her zipper, and she swats my hand away.

“That’s kind of gross,” she says over a laugh.

True. When I finally get to feel her wetness, I’d rather it be because of us rather than an ultrasound wand. But I can’t get that wand and where it was off my mind. Yes, I have a dick. Yes, I like to use it. Yes, I’d like to use it on her.

Friday glances down between us. “Umm,” she says. She points with her index finger toward my crotch. “I think you’re getting a little too excited over some goo and a vagina.”

The door opens, and Garrett sticks his head into the room. “Are you guys dressed?” he asks, squeezing his eyes shut tightly.

“No,” I say. But at the same time, Friday says, “Yes.” She slaps my chest and steps back from me. I adjust the fit of my pants.