Unforgettable - Page 66/71

Alicia & Dex

Inside, the bridal party had taken over the whole second floor of the house. There was champagne, bouquets, and taffeta at every turn; the bridesmaids in full celebration. And in the middle of the flurry of activity, Alicia was covering her eyes.

“I can’t look!” she exclaimed, her stomach tied up in knots. She felt the rustle of silk as Brit adjusted her veil and dress. They’d spent hours together going over Brit’s designs, and then later, the fittings for the dress itself, but this was different: today was for real.

“It’s perfect,” Brit insisted, laughing. “Now open your eyes, and gaze upon my genius.”

“What about your modesty?” another voice teased. Juliet. Alicia had wanted a big bridal party: all her friends with her to share in this moment, but right now, she wished there was some calm for her to pull herself together.

She gulped. She’d had no idea she would turn into such a bundle of nerves over her wedding day, but it meant more to her than she’d ever imagined. She and Dex were starting their life together as husband and wife, in front of all their family and friends. It was awe-inspiring, life-changing—and she wanted every memory to last a lifetime.

“Just open your eyes.” This time, it was Carina, who tried to peel her hands away. “If you keep doing that, you’ll smudge your makeup.”

Alicia took a deep breath, finally lowered her hands and opened her eyes.

“Oh my god!” she breathed, staring at her reflection. It was incredible. Her dress was designed in cascading petals of white silk, floating down from a fitted strapless bodice. There were dozens of tiny pearls embroidered at the neckline, and woven into the veil that tumbled down her back over her red hair, styled in loose waves. She looked just the way she’d always dreamed she would on her wedding day—but even better, she knew Dex would love it too.

Tears pricked the corner of her eyes. After all those years alone, wistfully daydreaming about true love, she was about to pledge her life to the best man she’d ever known.

“No crying!” Juliet swooped in with a tissue, carefully dabbing at the corner of her eyes. “Or you’ll set us all off too!”

“You look beautiful,” her mom smiled, squeezing her hand.

“Radiant,” Tegan agreed.

“And my dress is fabulous,” Brit beamed.

Alicia laughed, “It’s mine now. I feel like a princess. I don’t ever want to take it off!”

“I bet Dex will beg to disagree,” Carina winked.

Tegan cleared her throat loudly.

“Come on,” Carina turned, sighing. “Your brother has a sex life, deal with it.”

Alicia let them bicker; she was still overwhelmed by the picture in the mirror. Brit came closer, their eyes met in the reflection.

“Everything you wanted?” she asked Alicia softly.

Alicia knew she wasn’t just talking about the dress.

Alicia nodded without hesitation. “Everything and more.”

There was a tap at the door, and then Zoey stuck her head in. “Everybody’s ready for you,” she smiled.

There was a chorus of excitement. Brit adjusted Alicia’s dress one final time, then handed her the bouquet of pale pink and white roses. They all made their way downstairs and out to the back pool area that led onto the beach, where the bridesmaids arranged themselves into a line, and Alicia’s dad came to accompany her down the aisle.

She clutched his arm, her nerves returning. “One foot in front of the other, sweetheart,” her dad kissed her on the forehead. “You look just splendid.”

The music started, a slow instrumental song played by Dex’s bandmates. Alicia watched as Juliet, Carina, and co. headed out in turn, walking down the sandy aisle, strewn with rose petals.

This was it.

She wanted to freeze time somehow, and savor this moment forever, but she felt her father give her a nudge, and then they were walking, slow towards the crowd of people.

Everyone turned to stare.

Alicia recognized friends and family, all beaming at her with affection and pride. Her heart swelled. The beach looked so beautiful, flowers everywhere under the midsummer skies.

Then she saw Dex waiting by the altar, and everything else melted away.

He made her heart stop: dark and gorgeous in his tux, cleanly-shaven with his hair slicked back. But it was the look in his eyes that she would remember forever.

Like she was the only woman on earth.

Alicia drifted the rest of the distance towards him in a dream. Her father kissed her cheek, and stepped back, and then they were together under the rose arbor.

Dex tried to remember how to breathe.

He hadn’t been nervous; he’d taken all the wedding stuff in stride. He would have been happy running off to Vegas, anything to get a ring on this woman’s finger, but Alicia was a romantic, and more than anything else, he wanted her to have the wedding of her dreams. Now, he sent silent thanks for every sample book and afternoon they’d spent picking out flowers and cake. Because just standing there, looking at her so beautiful in her white silk dress, he wouldn’t trade this moment for the world.

She was his. His love, his inspiration, his saving grace. She’d rescued him from the darkness clawing at his soul, and now they would spend their lives in the sun.


“We’re gathered here today among friends…” The minister began his speech, but Dex was still gazing at Alicia, in awe.

Her eyes were shining with emotion and happiness. He barely heard a word, didn’t register anything but her, until his brother, Blake, elbowed him in the ribs. He snapped his head around.