Wild Cat - Page 68/103

Eric held up the bag. “Want one?”

Iona could barely breathe. “Yes.”

Eric made short work of the clerk’s lovely bow and opened the box. Two trays of eight beautiful chocolates nestled inside.

Eric lifted out the first one. Iona smelled it, liquid chocolate with candied violet inside.

She started to reach for it, but somehow she found her back against the wall, Eric in front of her. He touched the chocolate to her lips.

Iona closed her eyes, trying to resist, but her lips parted, and Eric slid the piece into her mouth.


Darkness, chocolate, smoothly bitter like coffee slid over Iona’s tongue, followed by the bright sweetness of the violet. Iona hummed softly as she chewed.

“Another?” Eric asked.

“Yes,” she whispered.

What was the matter with her? She should stop this, smother him with invective, then hurry away. Instead, she let Eric trace her lips with a second piece of chocolate before he popped it inside her mouth. This one was laced with chai—smoky, sweet, sharp.

Eric touched the corner of her mouth. “Good?”

“Yes. Give me more.”

“I will.” He leaned so close, his breath touching her lips. “You’re feeling the edges of the mating need. The chocolate will ease it, but only for a little while.”

What the hell was he talking about? Iona wanted the chocolate because it was chocolate.

She opened her eyes. Eric stood against her, body heat all over her, his scent…

Iona inhaled. She smelled the night, wildness, musk, and chocolate. Her body went tight, the craving for the sweet darkness transforming into a craving for Eric.

No. Eric was the enemy, a Shifter who wanted to capture her and take her into his fold. He’d expose Iona, put a Collar on her, ruin her life.

And yet, the craving didn’t leave her.

“Another,” she said.

Eric lifted the next chocolate, this one laced with chiles, and tucked it inside her mouth. Warm spice laced with sweetness danced over her tongue. At the same time, Eric touched his lips to the corner of her mouth.

Iona turned her head and took the kiss full on.

Her world melted. She found herself against the wall, Eric’s warmth covering her body. Eric’s taste fused with the chocolate, his tongue strong inside her mouth.

She lifted her hands to his neck, meeting the leather of his coat. Upward to his hair, short and silken under her hands.

Eric’s body was large, solid, warm in the cool air. His mouth brushed hers once, twice, opening each time. Iona stroked his hair, but Eric didn’t touch her. He kept one hand on the wall, the other still holding the precious chocolate.

Iona wanted him. In her apartment, alone. Tonight. Wanted him touching and stroking her, letting her touch and stroke his bare body in return.

She wanted to feel her mattress at her back, his weight on her, while his hands lifted her br**sts, brushed between her legs, made her on fire for him.

Iona turned her head, breaking the kisses. “What are you doing to me?”

Eric remained close, his body heat like a blanket. “Nothing.” The word touched her lips. “Mating need. All Shifters go through it.”

“I’m only half Shifter.”

“Doesn’t matter. The Shifter side breeds strong.” He leaned closer still, the length of his body against hers. “Come home with me, Iona. I’ll help you through it.”

Seduction with chocolate. And Eric.

Iona sucked in a painful breath. “Forget it, furball,” she made herself say.

To her surprise, he chuckled, a warm sound, and kissed her again. Their mouths sought each other’s, heat, spice, and chocolate melding.

Iona wasn’t afraid. She should be, of this man who followed and watched her, who’d brought her out here in the dark, alone, and fed her chocolate. He made her body hum.

Eric eased out of the kiss, and Iona couldn’t suppress a faint moan of disappointment as he lifted himself away from her.

He touched her lips. “I’ll bring you in sometime, my Iona,” he said. “It would be easier if you didn’t fight me.”

Iona drew a shaking breath. “I’ve lived as human all my life. I can keep doing it. If I feel the need to go Shifter, I’ll call you.”

Her bravado didn’t impress him. “How often do you shift?”

“What?” It had been a while, and didn’t that make her feel itchy? “When I can. I don’t always have the opportunity.”

“Do it at least twice a week. Run it off.” Eric brushed a stray bit of chocolate from her lower lip. “But when you do go out running, you call me. It’s dangerous out there without a Collar, and you need protection.”

“Sure, Eric. But who protects me from you?”

Again the laugh, dark and warm. “I’m your alpha, love. You have no clan or pride, so I’m it by default, as ranking Feline in the area. I protect you—from everyone. Including myself.”

“Now, why doesn’t that make me feel better?”

“You call me.” Eric handed her the bag of chocolate, and she felt another twinge of disappointment. Him feeding her had been… delectable. “Now, I’m taking you home.”

“I’m meeting my friends.”

“Call them and tell them you’re going home.” Eric leaned in again. “There’s bad stuff out there, Iona, and bad people. You have no natural defenses against them.” The look in his eyes was one of true worry, not just the you-obey-me-because-I’m-dominant crap. “I don’t want you dying on my watch.”