The Other Side of Love - Page 10/23

“Oh, okay.” He stepped back. “I’ll be in the kitchen.”

“See you in a minute.” I waited for him to go back in before continuing. “Sorry about that, Robin, my brother came outside.”

“That’s okay. I should get going anyway. Text me your address and what time to be there and I’ll see you later tonight.”

“Sounds good.”

“Shall I bring anything?”

“Just yourself.”

I stood outside for a few minutes after we got off the phone to gather my thoughts. I had initially called Robin to soothe Lucky’s fears and worries, but I was genuinely excited for her to come to dinner. More excited than I should be, but I wasn’t really surprised. I had been attracted to her the first time I’d seen her. And now that I was getting to know her, I was even more drawn to her. I liked her honesty and wit. I liked the way she challenged me and wasn’t afraid to say what she felt. She didn’t seem like she was a girl who was into games. What you saw was what you got. And she seemed like a good person. My heart thudded as I thought about Robin and the feelings that were already developing in me. I was scared. I had been wrong once before. I had allowed sex to manipulate my mind and now I was paying the ultimate price. “They’re not the same.” I muttered to myself. I didn’t want to compare them, but I was already doubting my instincts. What did I really know about Robin? Was I allowing sex to guide me again? I had gotten it wrong before. Very wrong. And now I didn’t know what to think. As I stood there, I thought back to the moment in Palm Bonita when I had realized that maybe she was the bad news she had been warning me about all along.

“You coming?” She’d grabbed my hand and pulled me into the small room besides her. “I don’t think this is a good idea.” I mumbled but followed her in. “Let’s go.” I watched as she went through the drawers and pulled out items of clothing and stuffed them into her bag. “Let’s go.” I said louder this time, hoping she sensed my displeasure and the urgency with which I wanted to leave. “This isn’t cool.”

“You thought it was cool when you thought we were going to have sex in here.” She rolled her eyes at me. “So you’re fine with ha**g s*x in a stranger’s house, but not borrowing stuff?”

“You’re not borrowing anything. You’re stealing.” I grabbed her arm and pulled her toward me. “I thought it would be kind of kinky to make love in a stranger’s house, I admit it. But it was a bad idea. Let’s go.”

“Hold on, let me see what she has in the closet first.” She pulled away from me, and her voice was harsh. “I heard she had a Chanel handbag in here somewhere.” She threw clothes on the ground and then I heard her take a sharp breath as she stuffed something in her bag. “Louis Vuitton will do.” She turned towards me with a seductive glance. “Now, if you want to get laid, I’m all yours.” I watched her in horror and lust as she pulled her top off and then pulled her bra off as she walked towards me. “Take me, Noah.”

“No, no. I can’t.” I resisted the urge to grab her and bend her over.

“You know you want to.” She pressed her lips against mine aggressively and I pulled away in distaste.

“No. Let’s go.”

“Fuck me, asshole, or I’ll tell Mr. and Mrs. Smith that you broke in.”

“What?” I looked at her in disbelief.

“I’m joking.” She stepped back and slipped her shirt back on. “Let’s go.” And then we walked out of the back door, just as easily as we had entered. “What do you want to do now?”

“I think I’m just going to go home.” I walked away from her without looking her in the eyes. I felt disgusted with myself, and I couldn’t stop the churning feeling of horror that was seeping into my veins. What we had done hadn’t been sexy or fun. It had been invasive and creepy. Who was I becoming? This wasn’t who I was. But now I was starting to wonder who she was.

“Noah,” she called after me and I turned to look at her slowly, trying to ignore the mixed feelings that rushed through me at her face. “Remember what I said before.” She looked at me coldly as she held a finger up to her lips. I turned away from her and walked away quickly with my heart pounding. I didn’t know what to think or say but all of a sudden I wanted to be anywhere but in Palm Bonita. That night I had insomnia and all I could think of was how disappointed Zane would be with me. And so I went to my stash of cash and slipped $5,000 in an envelope and left it in the Smith’s mailbox. Giving them the cash helped to assuage some of my guilt, but I still felt uneasy. That was the day that I realized that she had an evil side. And I was scared that I had gotten her all wrong.

“You coming in, Noah?” Lucky opened the door and peeked out at me with a smile.

“Yeah, sorry. Just got distracted.”

“So what’s this I hear about a dinner date?” Her voice was excited and happy, and I knew that at least I had gotten one thing right.

“Remember that waitress at the restaurant?”

“The one that didn’t like you?”

“Yeah,” I laughed. “Well she’s coming over to dinner tonight.”

“Tonight!” Her jaw fell open and I could see a million questions in her eyes. “Come inside, we need to decide what to cook.”

“I’m sure whatever you make will be good.” I followed her inside and into the kitchen.

“Whatever I decide to cook?” She laughed and shook her head. “You Beaumont brothers are really incorrigible.” She slipped her arm through mine and smiled up at me. “There is no way I’m cooking the whole dinner tonight. But I’ll help.”

“Please, Lucky.” I gave her a pleading smile and she shook her head.

“Nope. Anyways, it will be more romantic if you cook most of it. Right, Zane?” She looked over at him and he rolled his eyes.

“I have no clue.” He shrugged. “I don’t care who cooks the food as long as it tastes good.”

“Zane.” Lucky frowned at him. “So I guess you don’t want me to cook anymore.”

“No, no, no. That’s not what I meant,” he backtracked quickly and I chuckled.

“Now, now, children. No need to bicker.” I looked down at Lucky and saw the mirth in her eyes as she beamed up at me.

“What about steak?”

“That sounds good.”

“Is she vegetarian, though?” She suddenly frowned.

“I have no idea.” I shrugged. “Should I call and ask her?”

“No, no.” She pursed her lips. “I’m sure she would have said if she was.”

“Who is she?” Zane interrupted us with a confused look. “Who are you two talking about?”

“Robin.” Lucky and I said at the same time and laughed.

“And Robin is who?” Zane looked just as confused, and I caught him glaring at the intersection of my arm with Lucky’s.

“The girl from the restaurant last week.” Lucky detached herself from me and walked over and gave him a big kiss and put her arms around his neck. “I would have thought you would have remembered her, the way you were going on about her.”

“The restaurant?” He kissed her back and ran his hands up and down her back. “Oh, the bitch?” He looked at me in surprise. “I know I joked around and told you she wanted you, but I was just joking, bro, no need to follow up on it.”

“I totally asked her out because you told me she wanted me.” I rolled my eyes at him and then looked at Lucky. “How did he get you? You seem like too smart a girl to fall for my dumbass brother.”

“Watch your mouth.” Zane grinned at me. “She recognized an awesome guy when she saw one.”

“I did?” Lucky blinked. “Where is he?”

“See what you’ve done now, Noah?” He tickled Lucky and she squealed as she tried to get away from him.

“Stop,” she cried out as she laughed. “I need to help Noah.”

“See what you have to look forward to?” Zane pulled Lucky towards him and held her in his arms and kissed her head.

“Doesn’t look so bad.”

“It’s not so bad. She’s not so bad. I think I’ll keep her.”

“Really, Zane Beaumont?” She glared up at him.

“Uh oh. I better leave you guys to it, before she decides to call off the wedding.” Zane made a face and I laughed.

“Have you guys set a date yet?”

“No.” Lucky shook her head. “I can’t decide if we should get married before or after the babies are born.”

“I say we fly to Vegas tomorrow and just get it over with.” Zane grinned. “We could have Elvis serenade us.”

“Yeah, why not?” Lucky rolled her eyes. “Idiot.” She mumbled under her breath and winked at me. “Now let’s talk dinner. How’s about steak, herb-roasted potatoes and a big salad?”

“If I get to make the salad,” I laughed. “Or grill the steak. I have no idea how to make herb-roasted potatoes.”

“So do you like Robin?” Lucky looked at me quizzically. “Like a lot?”

“Lucky, he just met the girl. Give him a chance to get to know her before you have us at a double wedding.”

“I do think I like her.” I nodded slowly. “At least, what I know of her so far seems pretty great.”

“So this may be the first of many dates?” Lucky looked excited. “Like we could go on a double date sometime soon?”

“Slow down, there.” I laughed, and watched as Zane gave me a look as if to say ‘I told you so.’ “Let’s get through this dinner first.”

“She’s very beautiful.” Lucky stared at me. “I mean, she was a bit of a shrew, but she’s beautiful.”

“She apologized to me.” I saw them look at me in surprise. “I saw her the other day when I was running. She’s nice, nicer than that day in the restaurant.”

“It’s the waitresses these days. They think they can talk to you any way that they want.” Zane laughed as Lucky hit him in the arm. “But I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

“Ass.” Lucky shook her head at him. “But I’m glad you like her. I think she seemed pretty nice.”

“Yeah. I think I’m willing to give it a chance. See where it goes.” I was surprised at the words as they came out of my mouth. I hadn’t realized until that moment that I really was interested in seeing how everything went. “I think it’s time for me to move on with my life.” I smiled at them both briefly. “Now, shall we get cooking?”

“Yes, Zane go and get the …” Lucky started talking, but I was distracted by my ringing phone.

“Excuse me.” I pulled my phone out of my pocket. “I hope that’s not Robin calling to cancel already.” I joked and then looked at the screen. All the blood drained out of my face as I saw the name flashing on my phone. It was Skylar. My heart stopped for a moment as I stared at the phone. Questions ran through my brain as I hurried out of the kitchen to answer the call.

“Hello.” I whispered into the phone, all thoughts of Robin dropping out of my mind. “Skylar, is that you?”

Chapter 7

“Skylar,” I said again, but then I heard a click and there was dead silence on the other side. I immediately tried to call the number back again, but it just rang and rang without going to voicemail. “Damn it,” I cursed under my breath. My stomach was in knots and I wasn’t sure how I was going to continue on with the night. It was like life didn’t want me to move on just yet. Maybe it hadn’t been a good idea to invite Robin over for dinner. It had been an impetuous invitation and now I was regretting it. I tried calling the number again and nearly threw my phone across the room when she didn’t answer. I was worried. I knew that she wouldn’t call me unless it was important. Unless it was a set-up. I closed my eyes and leaned against the wall, not knowing what to do. Part of me thought I should just catch a plane to Orlando and then drive to Palm Bonita and do whatever I could to get to Skylar.

“Noah,” Zane walked out of the kitchen and stared at me with a look of worry on his face. “You okay? Who was that?”

“I’m fine.” I gave him a weak smile and started to walk away from him.

“Was it Mom?” His voice sounded angry, and I shook my head as I continued walking. “Was it Mom?” His voice was louder as he followed behind me.

“No.” I turned around and looked him in the eyes. “No, it wasn’t.”

“She has your number, though?”

“Yes.” I couldn’t lie to him, even though I wanted to.

“And she calls you?” His eyes looked bleak and I didn’t want to have this conversation now, but I was angry and annoyed.

“Yes, she calls me. But I’m not talking to her anymore.”

“Well, I’m glad you have that option.” He looked angry and confused. “You’re going to have to forgive me if I’m being a jackass here, but what the f**k is going on? I really don’t understand it. Our mother won’t say jack shit to me even when I fly halfway across the world to see her. Yet she’s calling you every f**king Friday and telling you how much she loves you?”

“That wasn’t her.” I shook my head. “And she doesn’t call me often. She hasn’t called me in a while. I haven’t seen or spoken to her in over a year.”