Before Lucky - Page 12/13

She bit her lip and giggled. “I didn’t mean that you wanted anything else or anything, just that maybe you wanted to relax and not feel the need to entertain me.”

“Thanks for clarifying that.” I grinned. If she only knew the dirty thoughts that were running through my mind. “Want some cookies?”

“What cookies do you have?” She paused. “And do you have hot chocolate as well?”

“You’re not going to eat cookies and drink hot chocolate as well?” I laughed at her. What girl ate cookies and drank hot chocolate without worrying about her figure?

“There’s a reason I’m not a size zero.” She laughed up at me, and I brushed a piece of hair away from her eyes.

“Will you make us both a hot chocolate if I can find the ingredients?” I stepped back, trying to stop myself from going too fast, and pulled out a jar of Cadbury’s drinking chocolate.

“Of course.”

“Will you dunk your legs into the hot tub at least?” I smiled at her, hoping she would say yes. “As we drink our hot chocolate.”

“I guess I could do that.” She laughed again, and I felt like fist pumping.

“Okay, I have Lorna Doone shortbread and Oreos. Which one do you want?” I showed her the boxes.

“Both.” She smiled at me and grabbed an Oreo. “My parents used to call me the real cookie monster.” She sprayed some crumbs on me as she chewed eagerly.

“Oh yeah?” I made a face. “I used to be called Tickle Me Elmo.”

“Really? Why?”

“Because I love to tickle.” I reached under her arms and started tickling her. I came up close to her, and she shrieked and pulled away from me, wriggling her body against me, as she struggled to get away from me.

“Oh, stop.” She laughed hysterically. “I’m too ticklish.”

“Beg me to stop.” I looked down at her face and pushed her into the counter. I pushed my chest against hers, and felt her br**sts crush into me. They felt soft and welcoming as I felt her ni**les hardening against me. Her body was warm against mine, and I positioned myself between her legs so she could feel my hardness against her lower abdomen. She breathed in deeply at the feel of me, and looked up at me with wide eyes. I pressed myself against her harder, and allowed the side of my palm to graze her breast.

“Zane, please.” She gulped as I stared into her eyes, that full of desire.

“Beg me,” I groaned, not wanting to pull away from her. Beg me to make love to you.

“I’m begging you, Zane.” She put her hand on my forearm and we stood still for a few moments, just gazing into each other’s eyes. I knew that she was unsure of what she was begging me for. Her hand was pushing me away, but her eyes were begging me to take her.

“You have pretty hair,” I broke our gaze and stared at her silky tresses. I needed to change the subject so that I could calm down. I was starting to feel like I was losing control. I wanted her so badly that I knew if we continued in this fashion, I would have her up against the counter, and I would be f**king her until kingdom come.

“Thank you.” She sighed, and played with her locks.

“How old are you, Lucky?” I questioned her, wanting her to feel relaxed again.

“I’m 22.” She licked her lips and I stared at her tongue, wanting to feel it in my mouth, “What about you?”

“Twenty-five.” I couldn’t say anything else.

“So many more playboy years ahead for you then, huh?”

“You could say that.” I took a step away from her. I knew what she was saying. And while I knew it wasn’t fully true, it was partly true. I was a serial dater. I didn’t want a relationship. No matter what feelings she was stirring in me. This was about sex for me, and I was pretty sure sex would mean something extra to her.

“So you don’t have a boyfriend, huh?” I whispered into her ear, enjoying the way she shivered against me.

“No, not right now.”

“That’s a pity.”

“It is?”

“Yeah, a beautiful girl like you needs a man to …”

“I don’t need a man for anything.” She frowned, and pushed me away from her.

“You obviously need a man to take care of you.” I was angry again, thinking about her car breaking down. But I didn’t want her to know how worried I had been. “That’s not a bad thing.”

“I don’t need anyone to take care of me,” her voice rose and I knew I had said the wrong thing.

“Every girl I know needs a man.” Foot in mouth again.

“I’m not every girl you know.” She narrowed her eyes and pushed past me. “I think I’m going to skip the cookies and go to bed.”

“Wait, Lucky.” I grabbed my shoulder and sighed. “I didn’t mean to upset you.” Please stay with me. I felt the dread in me again. Why couldn’t I say anything right when I was around this girl?

“I’m sure.” She rolled my eyes.

“You're not like other girls, are you, Lucky?” I said as if in a trance.

“No, I’m not.”

“Shall we go and talk in the hot tub?” I asked hopefully.

“No thanks. I think I want to go to bed now.”

“You think I’m a jerk, huh?” I was mad at myself, and disappointed. Please don’t go to bed yet.

“I think you are an egotistical ass, yes.”

“That’s heavy.” I sighed.

“You date a different girl every week and tell me I need a man. I think anyone would agree with me. You’re an ass.”

“I don’t date a different girl every week. Just because I take a girl out for dinner doesn’t mean it’s a date.” It’s not what you think. I wanted so badly to explain to her.

“I don’t even care,” She sighed. “I have other things to worry about.”

“I told you, I will help you with your car.” My voice rose. I was starting to panic, what if she didn’t want my help any longer?

“I don’t need your help.”

“I need your help, though.” I knew that I had to ask her now. If I didn’t ask now, I may not get another opportunity. “Can we go and talk please?”

She looked at me suspiciously and I didn’t blame her. How was I going to ask her to come to Los Angeles with me? She was going to think I was crazy.

“Can’t it wait?” She yawned, and looked just as I imagined an angel would look like.

“It can wait.” I smiled at her sweetly and stretched. Now wasn’t a good time. I had to be patient. I had to work it out in my head first. I knew if I asked her now, she would just say no.

“I’m going to bed.” She turned around and ran up the stairs quickly. I watched as she ran away from me and I laughed.

“I don’t bite, Lucky,” I called out after her. “Unless you want me to,” I whispered lightly so that she didn’t hear me.


“Oh Zane, kiss me harder.” She ran her fingers down my chest and played with my nipples. “Oh, Zane.” She squealed as I took her right nipple in my mouth and nibbled. She writhed beneath me, and I kissed my way back up to her mouth before crushing my lips down on her. We rolled over on the bed as we kissed, and I found myself lying on top of her with her legs spread wide beneath me.

“What do you want?” I growled as I bit down on her neck, sucking at her skin so hard that I could taste her very essence.

“I want you to take me,” She moaned beneath me and dug her fingernails into my back. “Please Zane, f**k me now. I need you so badly.”

“How badly?” I positioned myself against her roughly, and grinned as her wetness moistened my tip.

“Badly.” She screamed as she arched her back up towards me. “Take me now.” She pulled me down towards her, and I entered her slowly, enjoying the feel of her softness as it gripped me.

“Is this good?” I stared into her eyes, and she wrapped her legs around me as I moved with more intensity inside of her.

“Oh Zane.” She groaned as her body joined in the movement, pushing me harder and faster, until we were both gripping each other in the intensity of the moment. “I’m going to come, oh God, I’m going to come.” I slammed into her even faster, as she held onto me, and I collapsed on top of her, as I came inside of her with a deep shudder.

“Oh Zane.” She purred next to me.

“Yes, Lucky.” I smiled at her, and played with her br**sts as she closed her eyes.

“It’s time to sleep now, Zane.” She laughed lightly.

“I don’t want to sleep,” I growled at her as sleep took over my eyes.

I awoke with a jolt and looked down at my wet sheets in dismay. The dream had seemed and felt so real. I could almost still taste Lucky on my lips. I jumped out of bed and headed to the shower. Today was the day. I didn’t care what happened. Today I was going to ask—well, convince—Lucky to come to Los Angeles with me. I was going to make the documentary something she couldn’t say no to.

“Lucky, are you awake?” I banged on her door before walking into her room. I couldn’t stay away from her any longer.

“No,” she groaned from the bed. I couldn’t see her face because she was still under the sheets.

“Can I come in?” I laughed from my position at the side of her bed.

“No,” she groaned and rolled over.

“Good morning, Lucky.”

“Not really.” She rolled over and pulled the sheets down, so I could see her face.

“Sorry for waking you up, but I figured we should go and get your car before it gets towed by the police.” I thought of a quick excuse to account for the reason that I was standing in her bedroom, first thing in the morning.

“Oh, shit.” She jumped up out of bed quickly, and I tried not to stare at her br**sts through the t-shirt. “I didn’t think about that.” She stumbled slightly and I grabbed her around the waist to keep her from falling. I tried not to groan as I felt myself hardening at being close to her.

“Careful. We can’t afford to have you hurting yourself as well.” I smiled at her, and rubbed her back.

“I’m fine.” She pulled away from me, and I turned away.

“Good.” I took a deep breath. “So, I have a proposition for you.”

“Oh yeah?” She looked at me in surprise.

“I think it’s something that will work for both of us. You need money, and I—” I paused. I couldn’t tell her that I just needed to be with her.

“I’m not going to be your paid escort,” She blurted out. “I may need the money, but I don’t need it that bad.”

“Lucky, I was just going—” I interrupted her, wondering how this had gone wrong so quickly.

“I know you think I’m a mess, and that I need a man. But I don’t. I can look after myself. I don’t need your money, and I don’t need you in my bed.”

“Who said anything about bed?” Did she know about my dirty dreams? Or maybe she had been having dirty dreams as well. I smirked as I realized that I was affecting her just as much as she was affecting me.

“I don’t want to be your sub.”

“My sub?” HUH? “Like my sandwich?” And I thought I was random.

“No,” she whispered slowly. “I’m not a sexual deviant.” Oh, sub. I tried not to laugh at her words. Did she think every guy was into sadomasochism?

“And I am?” My eyes twinkled at her as she glared at me. “Lucky, how did you know I was going to ask you to be my sub in exchange for paying for your car repairs?” I decided to tease her for a little bit.

“Wait, what?” She frowned up at him and groaned as she shook her head. “Sorry, just ignore everything I just said. I think I’m still half asleep.”

“Were you dreaming about being my sub?” I looked at her carefully to see if she would blush.

“No, of course not.” Red spread across her face, and I grinned to myself.

“So just normal sex then.” I dreamt I was on top of you last night.

“Yeah,” She muttered and flushed. “I mean no. I wasn’t dreaming about you at all. I don’t even believe in casual sex. Well, not anymore.”

“Oh?” I sat down on the bed and grinned at her.

“I need to go and shower.” She turned away, flustered. “You made me confused waking me up out of my sleep like that.”

“Don’t you want to hear my idea first?” I sat up, and stared at her, suddenly serious. I needed to get this out now.

“What idea?” She frowned, looking back at him.

“Sit.” I patted the spot next to me on the bed. “Sit, take a deep breath, and listen.” I took my own advice, and tried to calm my nerves.

She sat on the bed next to me, and left a space between us before looking at me with a curious expression. “You’re really bossy, you know that?”

“I know.” I grinned. “I also know you’re not the quiet, sweet girl you seemed to be at Lou’s.”

“Disappointed?” She laughed.

“Not at all.” I turned towards her and reached over and rubbed something by her eye. “Sorry, you had some sleep in your eye.” I

“Thanks.” She breathed out and I ran my finger down her cheek.

“You’re beautiful.” My words were slow, and I spoke as if in a trance. “You’re really beautiful.” And I want you with me, every day. I don’t know why. But I need you in my life.