Instant Gratification - Page 53/80




For one blissful moment she sank into him.

Just like that, the discomfort of being wet and cold vanished, since between them they were generating enough heat to supply a small third world country with electricity for a year.

Her fingers tightened in the material of his wet t-shirt, then slid up his chest, until her arms were wrapped around his neck, holding on as if maybe he was giving her something she hadn’t been able to get from anyone else, something she really needed.

Something he was so willing to give.

Then she pushed free, and walked out of the room.

Chapter 18

He followed her. Of course he followed, Emma thought. She could hear the squeak of his wet boots on the floor behind her as she moved into the small office and opened the closet door. The closet was almost larger than the office, and she blindly reached out for the set of sweats she kept there.

Because that was why she was covered in goose bumps. She was cold.

Yeah, and she was also the Tooth Fairy.

When the small single overhead light bulb flicked on, she turned.

Stone stood in the doorway of the closet, one hand still raised, holding the chain to the light. She’d intended to dress in the dark, but what the hell, he’d already seen everything she had to show. She tugged off her blouse, and met his gaze, surprised to see not just blazing heat, but also a baffled affection, one that really plowed into her, staggering her back a step until she came up against the wall and the large storage bin that held God knew what.

He came toward her, gently pushing a stack of boxes out of his way, making the rather large closet seem small with his presence.

And getting smaller.

He took the sweats from her hands and set them aside. “Hey,” she protested. “Changing here.”

He unhooked her bra, took in what he’d uncovered, and let out a breath of appreciation as he dipped his head.


“You’re hurt. I wanted to kiss it better.” His mouth covered a breast, his fingers danced down her quivering belly as his tongue flicked a nipple. Without missing a beat in teasing her into an instant puddle of need and desire, he opened her pants and let them fall.

“I’m not hurt there.”

“I don’t know that for sure.” His fingers hooked her bikini panties and slid them down, an action that wrenched another moan of appreciation from him. “God, look at you.”


She broke off as he very gently lifted her onto the storage bin.

“I need to check you out more thoroughly.”

She was completely naked. He wasn’t. “The damn thing is cold.”

He smiled. “I’ll warm you up.” Making good on his word, he dropped to his knees between hers and slid his warm hands beneath her bottom, cupping her as he pressed his mouth to an inner thigh. “Looking good so far…”

Oh, God. She whispered his name, sounding a little frantic to her own ears. She had no idea how she could want him like this—in a closet!—but she did. Even her pain was gone, though he seemed very aware of her injury, and took great care to make sure she stayed still and that he didn’t jar her. When he kissed her other thigh, she let out a needy little whimper, watching as he pulled her to him so that his mouth could have its merry way with her.

With one languorous stroke of his tongue after another, he wound her up, tighter and tighter. Her hands were in his hair now, her only anchor in a spinning world as he dragged her into a pool of sheer sensation. “Stone—”

“Yeah, you’re going to be okay. Did you know you taste like heaven?” he murmured against her wet flesh, his talented, greedy mouth very busily driving her to the edge and holding her there with nothing more than his velvety hot tongue. In less than two minutes, she was gasping for breath, panting his name. “Stone, I’m going to—”

“Yes. I want you to.”

She couldn’t have stopped it to save her life. It started in her toes. They curled, and her body tightened like an arrow, and just as he sucked her into his mouth, she exploded. He held her through the most intense orgasm of her life, coaxing her down slowly. Gently.

When her muscles stopped shuddering and finally went still, he raised his head and looked at her with a fierce pleasure and intensity that nearly had her coming again.

He pulled a condom from his pocket and stripped off his shirt. As he unzipped and shucked, she blessed the light because he was so magnificently made, she could have stared at his body all day.

She took his condom and rolled it on him, prompting a few low, roughly moaned oaths from him and a shiver of anticipation from her. He wrapped her legs around his waist and stood up with her in his arms. Pressing her back against the closet wall, where she was cushioned by several hanging coats, he sank into her with one mind-blowing, soul-searing thrust that had them both gasping, swearing, dying.

She was in a closet, closed off from the world except for Stone, and it was the most sensual, erotic thing she’d ever done.

He began to move and it rocked her world. He rocked her world, and she set her head back against the wall, arching to meet him as he pushed into her again.

And again.

He was so deep inside her that she could feel his heart pounding in tune with hers, and still she couldn’t get enough. His mouth claimed hers, hard and deep, and she gave him everything she had, which was new and more than a little terrifying but in that moment she didn’t care. From day one he’d been there for her, always, strong and solid and on her side like no one else ever had. From day one, there’d been a bond, one that had only grown stronger, and she clutched at him, needing him, needing this. She was breathing crazily, and he was too, harsh and rough in her ear as his body moved within hers. “God, Stone.”