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Freeditorial presents its readers the masterpiece of Latin literature adapted to the current Castilian. This book is not just the story of a war that changed the world forever, and told by its main protagonist, it is also a set of glossy travel stories and customs of what for us are countries and exotic peoples, but they really are our direct ancestors. We are also to a story of political plots and suspense. In short, an original book, a fun reading with a fast pace and unique precision, and a historical documentary of the utmost importance.

As the preface says: "Caesar wrote for snobs choosy literary forms, writing for the ordinary citizen and an admirable journalistic sense. So much so, that he did in the third person as if he were merely a war correspondent who analyzes the events from a certain intellectual distance, instead of being the center and the protagonist of the story. That is why we have tried to bring the writings of Caesar to the current language, so faithful to the original, giving life to the stone of the characters and places where actions are developed, so that a stop be mummified and others become recognizable for our understanding today. To achieve this, as if cleaning the canvas of an old painting it were, we have been carefully peeling away the layers and the time-not always afortunadas- translations have been submerging the original writing. After this cleansing emerges with full force, color and clarity, narrative portentous Caesar ".