The Home Court Advantage - Page 47/58

A guy who looked like an undertaker, make that the Crypt-Keeper, stepped up to the sound of polite applause. I half expected to hear a wolf howl a bloodcurdling scream. He cleared his throat, said “Good evening,” in a creepy Dracula-like way and proceeded to tell us enough freaky shit to guarantee that we wouldn’t sleep all weekend.


An hour later we were walking back to the cabin, feeling pretty anxious and looking kind of like Marge. An owl flew by us and we almost hit the ground.

“Just so we’re on the same page,” Cam said. “I’m not up for the anal probing.”

“I think you should discuss that with Jess,” I replied numbly.

“So, how many people died horrible tragic deaths at this place?” Lily asked.

“A lot,” Braden answered.

“And apparently they’re all still here,” Adam added.

“Maybe they’ll scare off the aliens,” Cam suggested.

We made it back to the cabin alive and without being abducted or probed. Braden made a fire in the fireplace while Jess put together snacks and Cam played bartender. We had decided to save the hot tub for the following night as nobody really felt like being outside near the woods after that fun little lecture. We all settled in and made ourselves comfortable in front of the fire, sipping our cocktails.

“So, do you think that maybe Rain and Forrest did some drugs back in the sixties?” Adam asked.

“No! What would give you that idea?” Braden replied.

“More importantly,” I said. “What drugs do you think Marge is on right now?”

“Psychotropic ones,” Cam answered.

“I think Mathew wants to be abducted,” Lily put in.

“I’m pretty sure he’s already being anally probed, honey,” Jess noted dryly.

“You didn’t see the guy from the music festival?” I asked Adam with a sigh.

“I don’t think so. Sorry,” he replied. “Although I guess that either Mathew or Raoul could possibly be him. Stew is too short and skinny and the accountant guy is too short and fat. Nobody else in the room really jumped out at me either and nobody was acting weird. Well, nobody was acting suspiciously.”

“Well, according to Stew, there are supposed to be more people coming tomorrow,” Lily offered. “There’s a lecture and then there are some breakout groups afterward.”

“Where do you think they broke out of?” Braden asked with a laugh, cracking Adam and Cam up.

“How do you think that Stella knew Gabrielle’s name?” Lily asked. “You don’t think she’s really psychic? I mean, there wasn’t really a ghost there, right?”

“She probably saw their engagement picture. That’s what I meant by saying that Emily reads the paper,” Jess said. “Stew probably saw it too but Stella has a better memory.”

“I hope there’s no Emily,” I said. “Isn’t she the one who got hacked up?”

“No, she’s the one who got mauled by the bear,” Cam answered.

“Oh God!” Lily winced.

“I thought you wrote thrillers,” Adam said scornfully.

“Legal thrillers! Nobody gets mauled by a bear in court!”

“So should we check out the lecture and breakout groups?” I asked.

“The lecture is an overview of all the truths that the Truth Seekers are seeking,” Jess said. “And the breakout groups are about assassinations, secret societies, and extraterrestrials.”

“You had better make sure that nobody mentions Senator Tyler Pierce or CEO Ben Ginsberg by name in the free flow of information and mind expanding tomorrow,” Cam said.

“I guess we’re breaking out,” I agreed. “Why don’t we just pair up and each take a group.”

“I think that assassinations might freak me out considering my dad’s line of work,” Braden said, sipping a vodka and tonic.

“Okay, why don’t you and I take extraterrestrials?” I suggested. “Jess and Cam can take secret societies and Adam and Lily can take assassinations.”

“Adam and I are a team?” Lily asked dubiously.

“Are you afraid to spend time alone with me?” Adam asked with a smirk.

“Why in the hell would I be afraid to spend time alone with you?” Lily asked, looking at him like he was nuts.

“Maybe you’re worried you wouldn’t be able to control yourself,” he said suggestively.

“Yeah! I might kill you and then we would be haunting this place together forever.”

“You’re not going to be alone,” I reminded them. “You’ll be in a group.”

“Okay, fine. You realize you’re stuck with me now, Mr. Funny Guy,” she said to Adam.

“Who wants another drink?” Cam, the bartender, asked. We had another drink. I was feeling pretty good. Cam was generous with the booze.

“What kinds of cases have you been handling lately, Cameron?” Braden asked changing the subject. That led into a general discussion of some of the other cases we all had been handling lately, some courthouse gossip and some talk about the upcoming election. Braden had begun stroking my leg, and I was starting to feel rather aroused.

“So, honey, are you ready for bed?” I asked hopefully.

“Uh oh, Braden. I think Gabrielle’s trying to lure you away,” Jess teased.

“You know what it’s like when a woman’s been drinkin’.” I laughed.

“Oh Jesus, baby! I told you not to put that image in my head before we go to bed,” Braden said and Adam lost it.

“I’ll explain later,” Jess said to Cam and Lily.

“Goodnight everyone!” Braden called out as he grabbed my hand and pulled me back to our room like we were exiting a burning building.

When we got to our room he shut and locked the door and pulled the curtains closed while I put the bedside lamp on low and pulled back the covers on the bed.

“Why don’t you get undressed and wait for me in bed with your eyes closed and then I’ll show you my surprise,” I said with a smile.

“I like the sound of that,” he answered, giving me a hot look of anticipation. When he wasn’t looking I grabbed his shirt which I had packed and ducked into the bathroom. I undressed and slipped it on, along with a pair of skimpy black lacy panties and another pair of very high heels. I rubbed a little oil onto my skin, spritzed perfume between my br**sts, put on some fresh lipstick and tousled my hair to make it sort of wild. After three vodka and cranberries I was feeling sort of wild myself. When I came back out Braden was sitting in bed, with his eyes closed as promised. He was looking all deliciously gorgeous and muscly. As usual he was also already semi-erect, which was a beautiful sight to see. I went to stand about five feet away from him.