The Home Court Advantage - Page 58/58

“So they would have been nervous if someone like Ben Ginsberg, who’s helping legislators in New York to clean up crooked business practices, started giving Senator Pierce any ideas for similar legislation in his own constituency,” Adam summarized.

“Yeah, if that happened it could shut them down,” Cam added.

“So the question is, what were they going to try to do about it?” Braden asked.

“According to what we heard, they wanted to ‘take Gabrielle out of the picture’.” Adam said in his most intimidating prosecutorial voice. “I wonder if this is going to turn into a murder for hire investigation.”

“What?!” My father looked apoplectic. “If I find out that you had any intention of harming my daughter you’ll wish that a criminal prosecution was your worst problem.” His voice was colder and more deadly than I had ever heard it. Wow.

“Homicide?! Are you people nuts?! Nobody wanted to kill her! They just wanted them to break up, that’s all! Marla tried to get her pissed off at him by acting like the crazy ex-girlfriend and then Cole tried to seduce her away and when that didn’t work they tried to get her to leave by freaking her out a little. They had me write and deliver a couple of anonymous notes. I even followed her all the way to her parents’ place in New York. Not even that worked though! Finally, they just had me follow them around. Eventually, everybody does something dirty and I figured that I would just be there to witness it. Then maybe they could get them to agree to keep their dads out of our business, you know?”

“In other words blackmail us,” Braden said coldly.

“Semantics,” Walker said with a sneer.

“They didn’t realize that someone had overheard them, someone who may seem weird on the outside but is basically a decent person on the inside, and who appreciates it when people are nice to her,” I added quietly. I had been too quick to judge Felicity. Her parents probably had all kinds of criminal associations. Trying to warn me took courage.

“Well, even if your story turns out to be true,” Adam said, “sending someone anonymous threatening notes and following them around are enough for us to charge you.”

“And I think that a thorough investigation of the Hill Group might be warranted,” Senator Pierce said. “Don’t you agree Ben?”

“Absolutely, Tyler. In fact I would be happy to help out. Perhaps it will even lead to some new legislation regulating business reporting practices.”

“Which I would be happy to help out with,” Tyler replied with a smile. It looked like the kingmaker and the senator would be working together. Who knew, maybe it would even lead to the White House someday.

“I think that maybe Marla, Cole and the Masons may wind up with a bit more than just probation after all,” Braden said with satisfaction. The cops took Walker away and checking our watches we realized that we were five minutes late for our own wedding so we all headed downstairs.

“I guess you were right after all, Gabrielle,” Braden said. “You had those three pegged from the beginning.”

“Yeah, but I didn’t realize everything that was behind it, and I didn’t realize it was all of them working together. Very Agatha Christie.” I smiled.


I went in to freshen up quickly and then we went downstairs. Judge Channing was waiting patiently for us. It was only our parents, Braden’s brother and sister and our closest friends who were with us. That was the way we had wanted it. Before we started Judge Channing asked to make a few remarks. He cleared his throat and spoke, mostly to our parents.

“Several months ago,” he began, “we started assigning lawyers to specific courtrooms and Mr. Pierce and Ms. Ginsberg were assigned to mine. I could see right away that there was a spark between them. They were always stealing looks at each other.” He smiled as if remembering. “I often wondered if they would eventually get together and I knew right away when they had, because they both looked really happy. Criminal law is a tough job and it can really get to you. I’m glad that these two have had each other to lean on. They’re both first-class lawyers and it’s been an honor to work with them.” He actually sounded a little emotional. I couldn’t believe it.

“Thank you, Your Honor,” I said and then I went over and I shook his hand. What the hell. Braden got up and did the same.

“So, now, let’s get you two married before any other crazy stuff happens,” he said, back to his gruff self. We went through the simple civil ceremony and Braden and I took our vows. We promised to love, honor and cherish each other, to always be faithful and to remain together through sickness and health until death did us part. Finally the judge pronounced us man and wife, and my beautiful blonde Braden, my husband, kissed me. I was lost in that romantic dreamy moment when I heard a yip. Bruno had hopped off of Aunt Beth’s lap and came over to beg to be picked up. At least he wasn’t trying to play the humping game anymore.

The guests had assembled in the Grand Ballroom and our dads went in to make the happy announcement that we had just been married. I heard surprised murmurs and then applause. Then I heard Braden’s dad introduce us for the first time in public as Mr. and Mrs. Braden Pierce and with tears in my eyes I let my husband escort us into the ballroom. The applause got much louder. He guided me to the middle of the dance floor, in front of a stage where a lone guitarist stood. And then Stan began to play Louis Armstrong’s What A Wonderful World and as we danced, I have to say that I agreed.