The Law of Attraction - Page 14/63

“I wouldn’t worry about that if I were you. I think your chances of getting pretty much any kind of sex you want are exceptionally good.” My tummy flipped over.

He walked me to my apartment door but didn’t make any move to touch me. He just stood there about three feet away from me waiting to see what I wanted him to do.

“I had a great time tonight,” he said, watching me carefully.

“Me too,” I said, a little nervous about actually initiating anything.

“Well then, I guess I’ll call you tomorrow.” He started to turn back toward the elevator.

“Kiss me! Please?” He paused and turned back. “I asked nicely.” He smiled and then walked slowly over to me, looking into my eyes as he approached. When he was directly in front of me he leaned down to kiss me slowly and gently on the lips. My heart was pounding so hard I thought he must be able to hear it. I had just witnessed a famous bluesman playing a private dedication to me in a train station but not even that seemed as unbelievable as the fact that this man who I had wanted for months was actually kissing me. He started to move away and I threw my arms around his neck and pulled him back. He kissed me harder then and I opened my mouth to invite him in. Within minutes I had the door pressed up against my back and Braden pressed up against my front and his tongue was confidently stroking mine and exploring my mouth sensuously. His hands were under my shirt, against my bare skin, exploring my ribcage sensuously too. Sensuous exploration seemed to be a strength of his and I felt that this was a very good sign.

I was getting a little crazed out there in the hallway, to be truthful. I could feel his erection pressing up against me and I was starting to squirm shamelessly against him. Just the thought that I could get him into that condition was blowing my mind. It was a little scary that a simple goodnight kiss from this guy was driving me into such a state of hyper-arousal so quickly. Even though I felt hot and flushed I still had goose bumps everywhere. It was like my body didn’t know what in the hell to do with this much stimulation so it just threw everything it had at it.

His hands started to explore higher and his fingers grazed the bottoms of my br**sts and then gently traced the outline of my ni**les through the soft fabric of my bra. I’m sure they weren’t difficult to find, since they were so hard that they ached. I became vaguely aware of a quiet moaning sound and realized that it was me. My self-control was almost at the breaking point and I was getting close to telling him that we could always sleep in next weekend when I heard Jessica on the other side of the door.

“Hey, Gabrielle? I really hope that's you moaning out there. Are you planning to have sex in the hall? Don’t forget that Kaylee next door is only fourteen.” Braden and I flew apart and I straightened out my clothing while I caught my breath and cleared my throat.

“I'm just saying goodnight. I'll be right in,” I called out.

“Goodnight,” he said, sounding a little out of breath himself. “I'll call you tomorrow.” He gave me a sexy grin and headed for the elevator without objection or complaint. I ducked into my apartment and went off to my room to break out my all-time favorite online purchase.


The next day when Braden called he told me that he was running late and he asked me to come by at about six-thirty. Since we were just hanging out at his place I dressed casually in cut-offs and my “Brainy Is the New Sexy” tee-shirt.

“You’re sure you want to go drink beer and eat pizza with Adam and Mark?”

“I’m sure that I want to go and do anything with Braden.”

“Do you even know how to play baseball?”

“Basically. You hit the ball and run around the bases and the other team tries to stop you. How hard can it be? I don’t completely understand football either and I watch the Harvard-Yale game.”

“You really have it bad for this guy. I can’t imagine you doing this for anyone else.”

“I have court early tomorrow and so I probably won’t be home late.”

He greeted me at his apartment door, looking very cute in faded jeans, an old gray tee-shirt with Phillies written on it and bare feet. His hair looked slightly damp. He smiled when he saw my shirt and then his eyes traveled down my legs.

“Come in and make yourself comfortable. You’re welcome to take off your shoes, or any article of clothing that you like, for that matter.” He gave me a smile that made my tummy feel all fluttery. I slipped off my shoes and left them by the door. His apartment had an open layout with beautiful dark hardwood floors. Straight in front of me there were floor to ceiling windows along one exterior wall that presented a spectacular view of the Square and the buildings beyond. To my left was a modern kitchen and dining area and to my right a large flat screen TV was mounted on the interior wall and surrounded by an arrangement of a black leather sofa and matching loveseats. There were also lots of books and bookshelves everywhere. I loved books. I also loved people who loved books. This too, was a very good sign.

“This is really nice, Braden. I like the way that it’s so open but it still feels cozy.”

“Thanks.” He looked genuinely pleased with the compliment.

“So I guess Adam and Mark aren’t here yet?” I wandered over to the window to check out the view and I imagined how the buildings in the distance looked lit up after dark. It must be beautiful. I was a city girl.

“They usually come at about seven,” he said walking up behind me. “I wanted to have a chance to spend at least a little time with you alone. This was the best I could do. I didn’t get home until six myself and I wanted to at least shower.”

I turned around and put my arms around his hips. “I don’t know. I think I might like you a little sweaty,” I teased. It’s amazing how brave six months of celibacy and a very sexy guy could make me.

“Well, I’m looking forward to getting sweaty with you.”

I started feeling warm and my skin felt tingly. I bit down on my bottom lip and his eyes seemed drawn to it. He traced it with the pad of his thumb and then he bent his head down and kissed me, biting it himself and tugging it into his mouth. He sucked on it lightly before deepening the kiss and slowly rubbing his tongue up against mine. I began to shiver a little and when he moved away from my mouth and started trailing kisses down my neck my legs got shaky.

“Uh, Braden,” I said a little breathlessly.

“Mm?” he replied, tugging my earlobe into his mouth and sucking on it. Jesus that felt good!