The Law of Attraction - Page 41/63

“Hey handsome.”

“Still want me to come calling?”

“I would love to be called on. Jess is out with Cameron.”

“I’ll be there in ten minutes.”

He was there in five. I opened the door to let him in and noticed that he was dressed casually in jeans and a tee-shirt but he had a suit bag with him.

“Planning to spend the night?”

“Planning to kick me out of bed?” He came over, leaned down and gave me a deliciously minty, yet wonderfully hot kiss.

“Mm. You’re always welcome in my bed.”

“Good. Let’s go there now and make good use of our privacy while it lasts.”

“She could be back anytime. I’m not making any noise tonight.”

“Oh, I’ll bet I can get you to make some noise.” He smiled wickedly.

“Oh really?” I started backing up toward my bedroom.

“Oh really. Besides, I’m not going to be quiet tonight. I’m going to whisper all kinds of dirty things in your ear.” I swallowed hard and felt myself start to sweat. I so wanted him to whisper dirty things in my ear.

“Come and get me,” I said in my best saucy voice and then I turned and hurried into my room.


As soon as the door was closed behind us he was all over me and I was loving it. He practically threw me down on the bed and he had me naked in under a minute. Before I could even say, ‘You’re so good at this,’ he had himself naked too and he was crawling toward me, pausing to run his tongue around my belly button a few times and then lick his way up to my br**sts. Oh lord! He was so good at that too. He began circling one nipple with his tongue and then dragged it into his mouth and started sucking vigorously. My hips came off the bed so hard and fast that I almost threw him off but he managed to stay with me. If he ever wanted to give up law he might have a career in rodeo.

“Oh God yes!” I moaned loudly and I felt him smile. So much for not making any noise. He worked on the other breast for a while as I contributed by writhing around, moaning, raking my nails on his back and grabbing his hair. Hey, I was happy to do my part. We were both being rather unruly tonight.

“Promise me,” I panted, “you’ll tell me if you hear Jess come home.”

“I promise,” he murmured, leaving my breast and nibbling a trail over my collarbone and up along my neck. Then bracing himself over me on his forearms, and using his hips to create all kinds of delightful friction between us, he started to whisper the most wonderfully dirty things in my ear. I won’t go into everything that he said, but by the time he got to “and then I’m going to f**k you hard until you scream my name”, I had pretty much lost all semblance of self-control.

He was a man of his word too. He did everything that he promised he would. First he was on top, and then I was on top, and then he was behind me holding onto my hair and playfully slapping my ass in the “naughty but not really painful” way — not in the “I’m going to put a ball-gag in your mouth and suspend you from the ceiling” way. This was the first time we had ever had sex this rowdy together. In fact, this was the first time I had ever had sex this rowdy at all. I’m telling you, this wasn’t your grandmother’s booty call. Unless, of course, your grandmother was a sex-crazed hussy like me. I don’t know what exactly had gotten into us, but for some reason we were just both in the mood to be wicked and wild.

We were also loud. The first time we had been together the sounds of my pleasure had probably echoed throughout the second floor of the Pierce home but tonight Braden was almost as noisy as I was. There were plenty of gasps, moans and groans and he was also still saying very dirty things to me, and no longer in a whisper. Luckily, I knew that the Evans family from next door, along with their fourteen-year-old daughter Kaylee, was off visiting relatives in Martha’s Vineyard. It really was best that Kaylee was in another state that evening.

Finally the big moment arrived and I felt my muscles contract and my body shake. I believe I said something like, “Oh yes! Braden, I’m coming!” If I got that wrong, though, you could perhaps ask Jess, who was apparently walking in the front door at just that moment. Braden also managed to contribute a quote or two a few seconds later. I believe his exact words were “Oh f**k! Gabrielle!” accompanied by a groan.

As we lay there panting in a sweaty mass of tangled limbs I listened as Jess flipped some music on and cleared her throat loudly. Luckily I was too physically drained to work up the energy to be mortified. Besides, I think that I was getting used to people knowing what Braden and I did in bed.

“Uh Gabrielle?” Braden said, breathing heavily.

“Yes?” I managed.

“I think Jessica is home.”


When we recovered we decided to cuddle up in bed and watch PBS. At about eleven we went into my bathroom and we got ready to go to bed with plans to actually sleep. It was a nicely domestic contrast to the earlier part of the evening and we snuggled in together contentedly.

“So, I guess that we can add Jess to the list of people who know how good our sex life is,” I said with resignation. It was possible that Kaylee knew how good our sex life was all the way out in Martha’s Vineyard.

“Don’t be embarrassed, Gabrielle. I loved it and what we say to each other in bed is about us, not about anybody else. Unless my parents are right outside. That thought kind of freaks me out a little for some reason.”

“That’s understandable. Nobody wants to associate their parents with sex. Did you like it better because we were being so wild?”

“I liked it differently. I like it every way with you though. I wouldn’t change anything.” I leaned in and kissed him very tenderly.

“I’m really nuts about you, Braden.”

“You’re nuts all right.” He laughed. My mouth dropped open with indignation. “I’m just kidding, baby,” he said pulling me to him for another sweet kiss. “I feel the same way about you.” We held each other very tightly for a few minutes and then fell asleep like that.

* * *

The alarm went off at seven and Braden and I pulled ourselves out of bed. It was still very nice waking up with him but not nearly as much fun as being able to sleep in. Damn job. Why couldn’t we just be independently wealthy? Well, technically, I guess we were. So why were we getting up again? The image of a certain blonde socialite with no apparent skills popped into my head. Okay, that was why.