The Law of Attraction - Page 51/63

It kept getting better and better too. We had learned a lot more about how and where each other liked to be touched which was one of the big perks to familiarity. I found that getting him all worked up was about the most empowering, flat-out most arousing thing I had ever experienced. I loved how his eyes got darker when he wanted me. I loved the look on his face when he slid inside me. I loved the hot sexy things he said to me when our bodies were moving together, and I loved the way that he groaned and said my name when he came. I also loved how afterward, we always laid in bed snuggled up and talking.

“I’m sorry that we didn’t get to do all that fun stuff we had planned,” I said.

“I had a great time. Given, I would have preferred that you hadn’t gotten a harassing letter, and we didn’t have to speak to the police and the FBI for a couple of hours, but the rest of the time was fun.”

“I’m just not all that worried, Braden. I do think it is just somebody harassing me. I know it’s weird that I got this letter in New York, but we’re only an hour and a half from Philly. It’s not like an arduous journey to get here, you know? And maybe they were just afraid somebody in Philly would recognize them or that it would be traced back to them somehow.”

“Yeah, I thought of that too. Hopefully, it’s just an isolated incident, but I would feel better if you would spend a couple nights during the week at my place and let come home with you some nights too.”

“I’m fine with getting to sleep with you more often.”

“Maybe I should cancel the Pittsburgh trip.” I immediately got nervous, but I forced myself to relax. I needed him out of town.

“You have to go, Braden. It’s important. Jess will be with me and Cam is around too.”

“Then I’m going to ask Mark to hang out with you too. There’s safety in numbers.” Great. I knew that when Braden made up his mind, he made up his mind. I had a feeling that we might be gaining a new team member and that I might have to steal Mark’s cell phone so that he wouldn’t be on it calling Braden within seconds of hearing my plan.

“You should come to game night tomorrow and stay over at my place.”

“Okay. You know, I think that I’m really starting to understand the complexities of baseball. There’s more to it than one would think. Are you laughing?”


The next morning I was able to convince my parents that it was probably safe to leave the house. We went out for breakfast and a walk in the park, although they made a big deal about staying “on the paths” (like I was planning to go for a jaunt through the woods.) I was very happy that at least we got to do something nice. At noon Braden and I got ready to leave. We hugged my parents and they promised to visit Philly soon. Then my dad reminded Braden of his promise to buy me a dog. Inner-Gabrielle beat her head against the wall a few times.

We were back in Philly by three and he said he would come over at six-thirty to get me because, God forbid I walk two blocks in daylight by myself. I walked into my apartment to find both Jess and Cameron waiting for me.

“So, you’re not going to believe this,” I said.

“You have a “you’re not going to believe this” too?” she asked.

“Yeah. I got another note when I was in New York, with the same handwriting. It pretty much said the same thing as the first one.”

“In New York?” Cam asked, sounding surprised. “How did anybody know you were even there?”

“Either they followed us or they heard it somewhere.”

“Did your parents and Braden find out this time?” Cam asked.

“Yes, and it has been duly reported to the NYPD and the FBI.”

“The FBI?” Jess asked, sounding understandably surprised.

“Crossing state lines.”

“Okay.” She didn’t look convinced. I didn’t blame her.

“And a senator’s son called them.”

“So they know about the first one now too?” Cam asked.


“Why not?” They both asked in unison.

“For the same reason I didn’t tell them before. Just like I predicted, Braden and my dad got all protective. If I told them about the first one and my suspicions, Braden would likely have all three of those schmucks investigated. I want to do this low key.”

“Is your dad hiring you a bodyguard?” Jess asked.

“No, but we’re getting a new handy dandy alarm system and Braden and I will be seeing more of each other. Oh, and I almost forgot! He wants Mark to hang out with us next weekend!”

“What are we going to do about the party?” Cam asked.

“We’re going to have to get him onboard. Hopefully, we can convince him to help us and not to tell Braden. It might work out even better since Cole knows your voice too and if Marla were there she would probably recognize you even in a mask. Mark may have to be the one to go in with Jess. I think that you and I should still dress the part, though, just in case we have to get close to help them.”

“Derek will vouch for me and the organizer knows him. Fanny Hill is a fake name by the way. Apparently it’s the name of some classic erotic novel. The woman who organizes the parties prefers to remain anonymous.”

“I can’t imagine why,” Jess said dryly. “Derek won’t say anything about the fact that I’m not really married and he won’t be there so it doesn’t matter if Mark goes in my place. We just have to pay the fee.”

“How much is it?” I asked.

“Three hundred bucks. It would have been more if I’d have wanted to use the house services, if you know what I mean. Supposedly Fanny Hill provides professional company for guests willing to pay extra. I don’t think that’s common knowledge, though, even in the community.”

“Fanny Hill — even if it is the name of an erotic novel that’s still a stupid-sounding pseudonym. She couldn’t come up with anything better than that?” Jess commented.

“What, like the Merry Madame?” I joked. “Don’t worry about the fee, by the way. It’s on me. Don’t say I never gave you anything. What else did you find out about this party?”

“Jess told you that next week is a full costume party?’

“Yeah. If Jess is going to treat Cole like a bad little boy we should get some stern-looking school teacher clothes. Maybe you and Mark can dress up like school boys or something.”