Murder At The Estate Sale - Page 13/20

Alexis met the Wilson's Estate lawyer at his office in town and talked about the auction. The estate and his collection of cars and a few trucks. was the items to be auctioned off. Alexis inform him that a car appraiser and an real estate appraiser would be needed then her auctioneer commission would be ten percent of the final sales amount. She wasn't sure on what the ten percent would come to.

​ The law firm was used to dealing with these appraisers and would pay for their services but needed Alexis's team to meet them at the estate. She called her uncle Jack from the lawyer's office on a conference call and patched Jack's girlfriend's brother into the conference call also and all three agreed to meet the appraisers at two in the afternoon.

All three rode together to the estate and the first appraiser to arrive was the real estate She inspected the house and told them the house value was three fourths of a cool million dollars. Alexis said to herself I wonder who can afford a house worth that much ? She couldn't wait to see how much it would go for.

​ I wasn't even a half an hour till the auto appraiser came.The appraiser was excorted down around the house to what was a row of Metal garages Three giant buildings with two smaller but still good sized buildings in between each gaint building The middle giant building had a sign that read Ford Collection. One end the giant building had a sign that read Cadillac Collection. On the other End the giant building Sign read Chevrolet and Dodge Collection In between the Ford and the Chevrolet amd Dodge buildingthere was sign that read read the Lincoln Collection and the other smaller building in between. the Ford Collection and the Cadillac Collection was a building with a sign that read Antique Ford Collection