Murder At The Estate Sale - Page 17/20

.The nest couple of days the auction company had a group of high school students to wash and detail every car. Alexis then would vacum the trunk and placed a new car scent in each and every one of the cars. The day of the sale she rode in the the 1957 Thunderbird that the legrndary film star owned while uncle Jack pulled it in front of the estate. Befor going into the house she placed all of the keys into a little guard house that the auction company was going to use as the cashier office where the bidder signs in then pay when they bought it.

​ The house sold first at five hunred thousand dollars. Alexis thought a cool half of a million dollars for just one house then the crowd bidded on the white Thunderbird owned by the film star and was auctioned off for two hundred thousand dollars then they preceded to the back of the house and bidded on the other.twentyfour cars totaling way over five million dollars.

It was a very profiable auction the owners was enjoying their find when the first buyer that also bought two from the back and was inspecting his cars out in bsck and then went up front and he was looking out his thunderbird then went and found Alexis and wanted to know where the key to the trunk was. Alexis knew the key was in the office but during the bidding down behind the house the cashier went down there but she left the keys to the thunderbird that was parked in front of the house.