Passion Power and Peace - Page 28/81

The Hayshua people shared most things. They had crops that belonged to the village. Although each family had their own huts, all the other land and crops were shared among the people. Some of the people were assigned to hunt. Others were given jobs of working the fields to grow food. Each of the members of the village had a job based upon the gifts that God had given that person. For example, one group of the people was excellent at pottery. This group produced the pottery for the entire village. Yet, there was no money exchanged as there was no need for it.

The Hayshua council made all the major decisions for the village. They assigned certain people to work under specific council members to create whatever was best for Hayshua. For example one council member was in charge of the agriculture of the village and was assigned members of the village to work the lands to grow food for the village. This was the largest duty within the Hayshua village. The acreage where the crops were grown was just of the east of the village.

Creativity was also in high regard within Hayshua. This enabled them to trade in Mento, but also pushed the desire of each person to be useful.

One particular animal that was in abundance within the village of Hayshua was the domesticated cat. Though most of the cats were kept outdoors, they were loved by the people of Hayshua. At one time the rodent population of Hayshua had grown out of control. The Hayshua people had started to use an herbal poison to kill the rats. This poison somehow found itself to the food stocks of Hayshua and made people sick. After taking note of this, the Hayshua people then somehow found that the introduction of cats brought the rodent population under control.