Passion Power and Peace - Page 5/81

Chapter 5 The Leadership of Kaori

“In all thy ways acknowledge him and he shall light thy path”

Chapter 6 The Healing Group

“Perfect Peace is Perfect Health”

Chapter 7 The Reine Empire

“The Dice of God are Loaded”

Chapter 8 Sumno’s Desires

“Love the lord thy God with all thy heart and all thy soul”

Chapter 9 Pain in Machago

“Sufficient is each day”

Chapter 10The Trip Back to Hayshua

“God enters through private doors”

Chapter 11Kaori Enters the Kingdom of Reine

“The grasses and the trees applaud thy coming”

Chapter 12 Continuing work within Reine

“When two or more are gathered in my name, I am in the midst of them”

Chapter 13A Reine Caravan to Hayshua

“Over the horizon is only endless sky and boundless plain”

Chapter 14Turmoil

“No one wins a good fight”

Chapter 15 Inner Development of Reine

“It is done unto you as you believe”

Chapter 16Protection of Hayshua

“You are the care of God”

Chapter 1

Make yourself a living example of the power of spirit.


Kaori knelt beside this man called Yousho who had just been injured in a training exercise. Yousho had lacerations on his chest, some of which had bled. She poured the mixture of the herbal tonic she had prepared for him over the wounds.