See You Soon - Page 25/42

“Okay, we will have to discuss that later. I need to get some sleep; it’s after 1, and I have to be in by 11 tomorrow to work in my office. I have some tutoring sessions that I cannot put off.”

“No problem, I am headed that way myself. I brought my things with me. I hope I can stay here with you?” He asked as he paused at the door before going to get his things from the truck.

She nodded, and he went to grab his gear. As she began clearing away the things from the living room, the phone rang. Wondering who would be calling so late, she picked it up quickly, “Hello?” she answered.

At first, all she could hear was background music. “I am not sure which student of mine this is, but you better have a good reason for calling me this late” she jokingly stated.

When they answered, it was not what she was expecting at all. “Hello, Angeline. Had any good dreams lately?” Then he hung up.

She slammed the phone down and jumped when Johnnie walked in the front door. She threw herself at him and told him about the call. He first did a Star 69, to find that the number had been blocked. Then, Johnnie decided to contact the police and have them brought up to date on what was going on and how she was involved in all of it.