It Came In The Belltower - Page 19/25

The person upstairs was getting antsy and decided to go flying while it was still dark outside. At 3:15 Genevie was woke up by what was a fluttering sound. She could feel cold air coming around her curtain She seen a storm brewing in the distant through her closed curtains.

Lightening and thundering could be seen and heard. at first she thought it must have been the wind then she heard a tap on her window. She peeked out there was a creature looking in at her. It was the creature on the door and her family crest. it had red eyes.

It frightened her so bad she ran and jumped into her bed pulling up one of her covers over her head, A little later she was feeling cold to the bones she sat up and pulled the rest of her covers over her head also.She had a hard time returning to sleep The next morning she told Sister Marie about the incident. Sister Marie just laughed and commented honey you always have had a very strange imagination .even in your dreams but this takes the cake.

That night sister Sarah also saw a flying creature. it was flying around the girl's dormitory looking in their windows. the next day one of the girls didn't show up for class. the campus security guards looked for her but she was no where to be found.

A couple of weeks later another girl couldn't be found either this time the regular police was called in. Both girls had been seen drinking in the city's var and had commented about leaving going to Florida where the parties at least had a class of elites or known as high society. they weren't missed.

Mother Superior knew he had been out prowling around and couldn't very mush longer. She told him about sister Sarah. that night he visited Sister Sarah's window. the only thing that kept him from getting Sister Sarah was the bars on her window. When she looked out threw the bars he was looking straight into her eyes. it was pure evil.

The next day Sister Sarah held her first class. She warned Genevie and told her then if you need to leave do it during the day and go to my church ask for either father Chaffe or Donahue and don't leave the church until you speak to them. Stay in the chapel close to the cross.

If you have to hide do it in one of the confessional booths. there is a cross above the seat on the wall. Either father Chaffe or Donahue hears confession three times a day. Don't trust any one and I'm leaving after this class but you have to be very careful please don't tell any one where I am going.