It Came In The Belltower - Page 20/25

Sister Sarah left that day. father Chaffe took her to a ship in the harbor. She arrived a few days later in Europe where she made her way with help from father Cummings to the Vatican where she would be all times.

While on the ship Sister Sarah saw through her port hole the monster flying flapping his wings around the cargo ship and it looked as though the cruise ship was a hundred yards to the cargo ship's port side. but in reality it was farther would be his next victim

The flying monster terrified her . She wondered what the cruise ships occupants thought. At the next port Sister Sarah styed in her room while the cargo unloaded some of it's cargo on the dock. When the captain came back on board Sister Sarah asked him what the occupants on board the cruise saw.

He stated that the crew and passengers on board the cruise ship saw nothing but a strange fog surrounding the ship and heard sounds of a strong wind but couldn't remembering feeling any strong winds that night, Sister Sarah knew it was looking for her. She needed to warn Genevie again somehow