It Came In The Belltower - Page 8/25

Yes she had found Genevie the girl who had contacted her and now she must if she could exchanged the necklace around her neck. She invited the girls to have a cup of tea with her. While sitting at the table she told the girls that she needed help with a seance. She said there would be an elderly man coming within fifteen minutes who wanted to get in touch with his grand daughter who had just passed away.

She warned the girls that the most spirits that passes away at that age is very playful so a little hair playing with is not to be alarmed. It was just a few minutes after being seated at the big table all three girls felt very sleepy and dozed off . She went around pulling their hair and fidgeting with their necklaces making them fall to the table top in front of them. She pulled up one of the girl's sleeves on her blouse to just above the elbow.

When they woke up they remembering hearing music but nothing else. The fortune teller told them that the séance was a success. The girls spirit put them to sleep to be able to talk to her grandfather in private. She performer hand reading on the girls and away they went.the girls laughed at each other's readings.

The week ended with Sister Marie and Francis saying goodbye to their relatives. Everything seemed to be cool and koshier again. Genevie tried again to log onto that site where Esmerelda was but the site had been taken down.

The construction workers came the week after. the nuns and Genevie kept out of their way. In no time the remodeling was done and off the crew went leaving not only a mess to clean up but also a pretty hefty bill to pay.

The rest of the summer went by fairly fast. the other two girls starting a couple of boys from school. They were starting a local music band which Genevie was strictly ban from going to their rehearsals much less than their first concert which was one of the park in the city's first events.

Mother Superior wasn't happy with either Sister Marie or Francis for not supervising Genevie properly when someone had seen them without Genevie that week at the fair. Every time she passed one of the nuns she gave them this un approving look.

One evening while having dinner the subject came up again. It was their evualation time mother Superior told them if they goofed up one more time they would be sent to Scotland where they would be severely dealt with by their Lord. Sister Francis told her nothing had happen. Superior Mother said well it could have.