It Came In The Belltower - Page 9/25

Again Sister Marie apologized and said it wouldn't happen again. Genevie got up to leave when the Superior mother told her to sit back down. Genevie refused telling the Mother Superior I don't know what any of us did wrong god you were think I'm been promised to somebody when I turn eighteen. Mother Superior was upset she stood up and told Genevie yes you are and it's my job to see you stay a virgin until that time.

Genevie wasn't sure what to believe then so she yelled well this is America and I don't have to marry any one I don't want to and stormed out of the dinning room. She felt bad because this was the group of women who stepped in and kept her from getting hurt those many years before.

Later that evening Genevie answered a knock on her door. When she opened it she saw Mother Superior standing there. She asked permission to enter. She apologized for saying what she did earlier. Her excuse was she had been told that Genevie wanted to be a nun when she got of age.

She told her that when she went to Scotland she had told the priest in charge of her until she became of age and he was very pleased with her decision.Mother Superior told her that being a nun took a lot of self control and determination to always follow the rules. Genevie really did think she wanted to be a nun and promised Mother Superior she would be faithful and informed her she would never disobey another order from he

The next year Genevie was home schooled but wasn't happy because she did miss her friends besides all of the events before graduating. She just had to spend her senior year in the public school and not home schooled. there has to be a way that she could persuade Mother Superior to let her go back to school

Two weeks before school started Genevie asked the Mother Superior if she could go back to the school in town. She explained that she loved writing short stories for the writing class newspaper and apologized for using a fake name. She said that sister Sarah was in charged stated a lot of authors at one time or another used a pen name to keep their private lives from being rushed on by unwanted fans.

Mother Superior took her into her office where she had never been before and had Genevie show her all of famous authors that used pen names when they first began. While showing Mother superior Genevie noticed her family's crest as a wallpaper on the computer. Mother Superior explained that she was her number one fan and would explain to the bishop and get his permission to attend school again.