My Best Friend / My Evil Stepmother - Page 14/26

the night before graduation both Maxine and Kelsey wore the dresses that Kelsey had bought over in London to the senior class evening dinner at a very elegant restaurant. They could have been the Queen and Princess of the ball. Nobody asked Kelsey for a dance but several very nice mid to elderly men asked Maxine to. She really enjoyed herself. Kelsey looked at her mother as she floated across the dance floor. she knew that was the skater in her. No wonder so many men asked her to dance that night.

After they got home Kelsey was still seeing her mother skating across the dance floor as they settled in for some tea. Maxine thanked her daughter for such a lovely evening then told her she had a short time remaining on this earth due to the illness that she picked up from her husband a few years before and now it had advanced to every day could be her last.

She told Kelsey the house in the Midwest was being held for her by Maxine's best friend at the Homecoming reality company and there was a storage unit that had her paintings, clocks, dishes, and dining set for her and her friend at the reality company had been paying for. Then there was a bank account over seas in the Canary Islands for her and the same friend at the reality company had her bank book to give to her after she passed away.

She cautioned her about taking possession of the things too soon because she was afraid that her father would sweet talk his daughter into giving him everything. she told her that her father will do and say anything to get everything he thinks is is. Little did Kelsey know to what extent he would go.

She asked her mother if he was able to get her to get a life insurance policy on her. Maxine said he had tried but she had asked the med school if it was necessary. Their answer was a definite no. That summer after Hospice gave Maxine her daily bath and made sure she had her medication while Kelsey was attending community college.

Then the evening shift made sure she had hermedication before they settled her back into her bed. Kelsey would come in and read her stories. Kelsey realized the shoter and nicer the stories were didn't wear her mother out as much. read her mother poems and bookies on this famous on line site. The rest of the time Kelsey did her homework and other on line courses from that community college.

The last week of Maxine's life Andrew came home with a friend and was packing everything up. He gave Kelsey the oldest car of the four and told her after the funeral she would be needed to move into a place of her own. Kelsey realized just how greedy he really was. His friend and him loaded up everything that wasn't in Maxine and Kelsey's bedroom except for Kelsey's bed. That left her sleeping on the custom built in window seat.