Jude the Obsure - Page 116/318

At the last moment he persuaded her to let him make her a cup of

coffee, in a portable apparatus he kept in his room for use on rising

to go to his work every day before the household was astir.

"Now a dew-bit to eat with it," he said; "and off we go. You can

have a regular breakfast when you get there."

They went quietly out of the house, Jude accompanying her to the

station. As they departed along the street a head was thrust out

of an upper window of his lodging and quickly withdrawn. Sue still

seemed sorry for her rashness, and to wish she had not rebelled;

telling him at parting that she would let him know as soon as she

got re-admitted to the training-school. They stood rather miserably

together on the platform; and it was apparent that he wanted to say


"I want to tell you something--two things," he said hurriedly as the

train came up. "One is a warm one, the other a cold one!"

"Jude," she said. "I know one of them. And you mustn't!"


"You mustn't love me. You are to like me--that's all!"

Jude's face became so full of complicated glooms that hers was

agitated in sympathy as she bade him adieu through the carriage

window. And then the train moved on, and waving her pretty hand to

him she vanished away.

Melchester was a dismal place enough for Jude that Sunday of her

departure, and the Close so hateful that he did not go once to the

cathedral services. The next morning there came a letter from her,

which, with her usual promptitude, she had written directly she had

reached her friend's house. She told him of her safe arrival and

comfortable quarters, and then added:--

What I really write about, dear Jude, is something I said

to you at parting. You had been so very good and kind to

me that when you were out of sight I felt what a cruel and

ungrateful woman I was to say it, and it has reproached me

ever since. IF YOU WANT TO LOVE ME, JUDE, YOU MAY: I don't

mind at all; and I'll never say again that you mustn't!

Now I won't write any more about that. You do forgive your

thoughtless friend for her cruelty? and won't make her

miserable by saying you don't?--Ever, SUE.

It would be superfluous to say what his answer was; and how he

thought what he would have done had he been free, which should have

rendered a long residence with a female friend quite unnecessary for

Sue. He felt he might have been pretty sure of his own victory if

it had come to a conflict between Phillotson and himself for the

possession of her.