Jude the Obsure - Page 200/318


It was an evening at the end of the month, and Jude had just returned

home from hearing a lecture on ancient history in the public hall not

far off. When he entered, Sue, who had been keeping indoors during

his absence, laid out supper for him. Contrary to custom she did not

speak. Jude had taken up some illustrated paper, which he perused

till, raising his eyes, he saw that her face was troubled.

"Are you depressed, Sue?" he said.

She paused a moment. "I have a message for you," she answered.

"Somebody has called?"

"Yes. A woman." Sue's voice quavered as she spoke, and she suddenly

sat down from her preparations, laid her hands in her lap, and looked

into the fire. "I don't know whether I did right or not!" she

continued. "I said you were not at home, and when she said she would

wait, I said I thought you might not be able to see her."

"Why did you say that, dear? I suppose she wanted a headstone. Was

she in mourning?"

"No. She wasn't in mourning, and she didn't want a headstone; and I

thought you couldn't see her." Sue looked critically and imploringly

at him.

"But who was she? Didn't she say?"

"No. She wouldn't give her name. But I know who she was--I think I

do! It was Arabella!"

"Heaven save us! What should Arabella come for? What made you think

it was she?"

"Oh, I can hardly tell. But I know it was! I feel perfectly certain

it was--by the light in her eyes as she looked at me. She was a

fleshy, coarse woman."

"Well--I should not have called Arabella coarse exactly, except in

speech, though she may be getting so by this time under the duties of

the public house. She was rather handsome when I knew her."

"Handsome! But yes!--so she is!"

"I think I heard a quiver in your little mouth. Well, waiving that,

as she is nothing to me, and virtuously married to another man, why

should she come troubling us?"

"Are you sure she's married? Have you definite news of it?"

"No--not definite news. But that was why she asked me to release

her. She and the man both wanted to lead a proper life, as I


"Oh Jude--it was, it WAS Arabella!" cried Sue, covering her eyes

with her hand. "And I am so miserable! It seems such an ill omen,

whatever she may have come for. You could not possibly see her,

could you?"