Eight letters - Page 101/498

Maya then spoke up,” Enough of pictures guys. Come on. Let’s move or else we will be late.”

Varun spoke up,” Maya are you sure you can drive with this hands?”

She shook her head vertically as saying YES but Varun was still concerned for her. So he said,” I will drive you both home and Vivek you can drive my car right?”

Maya spoke up,” Varun didn’t you see me knocking down that guy with this hands. So don’t worry, I can drive myself.”

“Maya I also saw you struggling with Archery too.”

“Happpa… (A Tamil word which express the ‘Ufff’ emotion) Varun, if you are that worried then you can follow us. If I feel that I can’t drive then I will surely ask you to do so. Is that okay?”

Varun by now had understood that it is always hard to convince her so he gave up and agreed to her suggestion. He followed her in his car and like she said she was driving very well even with her wounded hands. He followed her till she dropped off Preethi at her door step. Maya got down and went towards him. Vivek and Varun saw her that she was coming towards so they stepped out from the car and Varun shouted,” What happened? You okay.”