Eight letters - Page 102/498

Maya smiled at him seeing his concern. She came to both and said,” I am okay. Now you both can leave. I can go by myself. “

Before Varun could say Vivek spoke up,” Maya I will come with you to your home. Even it has been a long time that I met him.”

“Then how will you go back?”

“Shiva can drop me off right. Come on. Let’s go.”

He then turned to Varun and spoke,” Let me go with her. You don’t need to worry now. Get back home safely. Ping me once you reach. Okay” saying it Maya and Vivek waved BYE to him so he waved them back.

Varun saw both of them getting into the car and car moving out of his sight. Varun was somewhat relaxed as Vivek was now with Maya but he was still not able to be at ease. He thought to himself, ’Vivek, Ping me that you have dropped her safely.’ Varun reached home and went to his room to refresh himself.

He was in the restroom but came out hurriedly on hearing the message tone. He saw that the message was from Advertisement Company so he dropped the mobile back in his bed with disgust and went back to restroom.