Eight letters - Page 422/498

Maya then came and stood beside him placing her elbow on his shoulders while the other on her hips and asked him,” How do you find out that it is done?”

He then showed her the bubbles then explained her. He then took out one and blew on it then gave it to her. She took it from him and placed a half on her mouth. Varun saw her so he bent down and bite the rest half which was on her mouth while doing so his lower lips brushed her lower lips.

Maya was able to feel his lips which made her to freeze also she felt her heart racing rapidly. Varun was already mesmerized by her so that made him to move towards her. He felt her lips which was so velvety like a silk. He saw Maya who was standing like ice-covered her also the other half of vada was still on her mouth and her eyes widened with astonishment and surprise. He smiled seeing her expression and caught her hand but he heard a sound.