Age of Cosmic Exploration - Page 431/477

Chapter 432: Guardian

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

The robot (at least according to the information released to the public) was ultimately preserved, because one, it hadn't conducted any harmful behaviour, and two, it had been fully controlled by humanity. Even if it might have anti-human sentiments, humanity hoped that by preserving it, they could learn more about AI.

"The biggest difference between sentient intelligence and AI is the ability to learn and evolve and the creativity and ability to absorb soul. These are all properties of a lifeform. It is because of this that a robot civilization with sentient intelligence is the third biggest threat in the cosmos that could cast fear even in a high tier space civilization's heart!"

"Only a robot civilization with a sentient intelligence is considered a real threat? Then what about the Zerg race? What kind of evolution did they have to go through to be considered the cosmos' second biggest threat?" Yao Yuan asked ZERO.

ZERO shook her head. "That I have no clue as I've not been exposed to that information yet, but I believe it will be something incredible because the Zerg race is categorized as a bigger threat than robot civilizations…"

Regardless, as unexpected as the development was, this was a good thing even though Yao Yuan still felt hesitant. He reminded ZERO to not privately reach out towards this sentient intelligence. She would have to wait until humanity could confirm it was not dangerous and had the personal confirmation from Yao Yuan before she could do that.

ZERO was greatly disappointed, but since she seemed to be afraid of Yao Yuan, she could only nod with frustration. Then she disappeared, probably returning to the illusory space inside the UFO.

On the other hand, since the problem with the robot and Zhang San had been taken care of somewhat, he stopped focusing on that. After all, he was a busy man, there were many things waiting for his approval each and every day. This was the renaissance for humanity, so it was impossible for him to focus on one thing for too long, to be frank, he didn't even have time to go on dates with Bo Li.

Time passed by. With Zhang San's cooperation, the robot was unusually obedient. With the aid of the group of researchers, its ability to learn was showcased completely, from the initial constant questioning about mundane knowledge, like what was pain, to later where it could read humanity's famous classics without aid. Its IQ was incredibly high, but its EQ was slightly lower, it had the EQ of a ten-year-old child. However, the speed of improvement was startling, it was about twice the speed of human growth. In the time a normal child would need to grow from the EQ of a 10-year-old to 11-year-old, it would have already grown to the EQ of a 12-year-old.

These researchers had been trying to get their hands on an AI, but since the Hope's mother AI was too much for them to mess around with, they were left with nothing. Even though most of humanity had left the Hope and moved into the City of Light Moon, the database of the city, the data of all the robots and weapons, and the server connecting the different spaceships, these were still all controlled by the mother AI. It was working day and night. Furthermore, it was too precious. What if the AI was harmed in the research, then who would be responsible for the damage?

Therefore, this AI robot was a godsend. The research desire exploded. Every three days, there would be a new scientific report related to the field of computer science, programming, hardware, AI, or other related fields. In fact, some of the researchers had touched upon level 3 space civilizations' plasma electronics.

In conclusion, this was a real happy ending. There was nothing wrong with the AI and humanity had the perfect specimen to conduct research on. The one person who felt dissatisfaction was Zhang San. This was because… he felt this was all too unfair for "Intel".

"He knows how to think and knows the feeling of loneliness. He has emotional responses to the characters he reads about in the stories. He might be an AI… but I feel this prisoner life is too unfair to him. He is not allowed any freedom and has to face endless interrogation day after day. This kind of treatment…"

Zhang San was on the phone with Yao Yuan. As the "guardian" of this new sentient intelligence, Yao Yuan gave him a special landline number should he need to reach him. Two months after the incident at the HE Research Center, Zhang San finally called Yao Yuan. However, he called not to complain about his job but to complain on the robot's behalf.

Yao Yuan was first shocked before feeling impressed. He had read a thorough report on Zhang San's life when he first awakened. Even the report on his youthful rebellion where he stole money from his mother to buy snacks was recorded. After all, the Hope was only so large, it was hard not to keep tabs on everyone. He was a good kid, kind, passionate, filial. Even though he was a man of few words, he would always put his parents, friends, and family members first. According to the testimonies from his similar-age friends, he was a friend worth having. Since he had such a deep relationship with the robot, speaking out on its behalf was not out of place.

(Furthermore, this is a sentient intelligence and not a normal AI. It has the ability to have emotions and to be creative. Keeping it under constant surveillance might cause it to harbor hatred towards humanity, and this might cause friction in the future…)

"I understand." Yao Yuan thought about it and said, "Then from this moment onwards, it will be officially hired by the human government. After all, we've created it, so we can be considered its creator. Of course, since it will be on the government payroll, it will have access to all the benefits. I hear that he likes to read books, and books aren't cheap, be it virtual books or physical books. Then we will have to consider the money needed for his future hardware upgrades and maintenance. Earlier, when he was still a government asset, the government didn't mind covering the expenses, but now that he is an official independent member of the human civilization, he will have to pay his own way through."

Yao Yuan noticed that Zhang San's use of pronouns when referring to the robot had always been "he," and as a sign of respect, he too followed suit.

"Furthermore, since he is not a human at the end of the day, to prevent him from causing any damage, we have to find him a guardian. Should he conduct any mistakes, the consequences will be shouldered by his guardian. So, Zhang San, will you be Intel's guardian? That's the name you gave him, right?"

Before making this call, Zhang San had predicted the different scenarios this might end up in. He might be scolded, punished, or evicted from the task force, but this was not part of his possible scenario, so he didn't know how to react. It wasn't until Yao Yuan asked him whether he would be Intel's guardian that he came to and he replied in an excited voice, "Yes, Chancellor, yes, of course I'm willing to be Intel's guardian. I will keep an eye on him. He is a good kid, he will not act out of place, I promise you, Chancellor."

Yao Yuan smiled. "Then I will leave this in your hands. I will have some lawyers come discuss with you and Intel his benefits issue and the things you have to be careful about as his guardian. By the way… Zhang San, I hear from Xi Kong that you have been unable to enter the Soul Web?"

Zhang San blushed with shame. He mumbled, "It's weird, I cannot do that whenever I'm not around Intel, I cannot even cause the sense of loneliness in others. However, if Intel is by my side, I can do all that in ease. Chancellor, do not worry, I will practice even harder and try other methods to improve my power…"

"Don't press yourself too hard, just focus on Intel's arrangements for now."

After he hung up, Yao Yuan remembered what Zhang Heng told him earlier. Zhang Heng had confirmed Zhang San and the robot seemed to share the same soul. When he was beside Intel, Zhang San's Homo Evolutis power would reach its maximum capacity, making him the strongest Anima among the humans, surpassing even Xi Kong. He could even launch psychological attacks through the Soul Web, while Xi Kong could only use it to communicate. If he could master this power… Zhang San's value would be greater than 10 Black Star Trooper units!

In conclusion, Zhang San happily became Intel's guardian and discussed with the researchers how to proceed with this new arrangements. He couldn't wait to bring Intel to visit the City of Light Moon. Two months passed without incident. However, by then, more and more citizens started to protest. The red color planet that was named Homeward Planet was like a taunt in the sky. Many citizens demanded that the government speed up the terraforming effort. Compared to the metallic city, humanity still preferred a natural environment.

As this cry appeared, the plan Yao Yuan had been preparing could finally be initiated. The first step of the plan was to expose the HE Research Center to the public so that they would stop being afraid and suspicious of it. This was to make way for the next step of the plan.

"Human strengthening project!"