Age of Cosmic Exploration - Page 432/477

Chapter 433: Superhuman

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

"…Yes, as I've mentioned earlier, the conditions on Homeward Planet are horrible. To be accurate, without terraforming, it is impossible for the place to support life, at least we have not found any sign of life on it. Even though there is solid water, that is just solid water, it is not enough to cultivate life on this planet."

On the television, the few recent series of science shows had famous scientists from various fields talk about the problems regarding Homeward Planet, including its orbit around the sun, the surface environment, the temperature, ozone layer condition, the geological situation, age of the planet, the internal storage of water, and the like.

In fact, after the Hope left Earth, after the initial panic period, when humanity mastered level 2 space civilization technology, there was an active effort to improve the scientific knowledge of the normal citizens. This first method to do that was through mass media, like television shows. It could draw the people's attention and also increase their knowledge at the same time. This method had been used for decades. In fact, the scientific program every Monday could be said to be the most popular series.

The guest for this week was truly a rare guest, he was the lynchpin of humanity's physics world, the great physicist Silewei. He looked like a middle-aged man with his hair combed down and was wearing a sharp suit, looking like a perfect gentleman.

Silewei looked at the camera and smiled, "Of course, with our current technology, in the next 5 to 10 years, there will be an influx of level 3 space civilization technology. Under such conditions, terraforming a potential planet won't hard. Yes, the conditions on Homeward Planet are horrible, but compared to the other planets in the wide cosmos, it is already quite unique. It has the potential to be a life-preserving planet. I've mentioned earlier, this planet has plenty of solid water, and this means it has a large layer of dry ice. When the temperature of the planet itself rises, the dry ice layer will melt and the greenhouse effect will cause the temperature of the planet to continue to rise. According to calculations, and if everything goes according to plan, when all the dry ice on the planet melts, the temperature on the planet's equator will be like a summer afternoon, around 30 to 33 degrees.

"As the dry ice layer melts, the water will flow downward and collect at the low lands. At the same time, due to the increased temperature, the water will evaporate into the ozone and this is how we will get rain…

"These are the first steps our team has planned, a suitable ozone, a suitable temperature, and a suitable moisture and water level. These are necessary for life to form. Of course, these are not enough to make this planet suitable for human habitation. This is because the concentration of carbon dioxide in the air will be too high; its density will be high enough for an able-bodied man to die after taking in two deep breaths. I don't think anyone will want to live in a fortress like the City of Light Moon, right? Where you'll need to wear a spacesuit whenever you leave the city. At that point, what's the point of the move?

"Therefore, we need something to convert the carbon dioxide into oxygen. The long term solution is, of course, plants. However, based on our calculations, we only have a few species of underwater algae plant that will be able to survive in this environment. In reality, even plants need oxygen. With the current carbon dioxide profile on Homeward Planet, other than the few algae plants, all the other plants will die when the sun sets… So, the initial stages of converting carbon dioxide into oxygen has to be done by human hands using our technology. This will take perhaps 5 to 10 years or even longer. You shouldn't complain about the time needed, because a planet is simply too big and this is a planet even bigger than Earth. Plus, what is our population now? Only several hundred thousand people, so a few decades is not long. Ladies and gentlemen watching, I hope you'll be patient."

When Silewei reached this point, the host smiled and said, "Thank you, Professor Silewei, for explaining to us the process of terraforming this planet. Now let us watch a video on this Homeward Planet before we move on…"

However, Silewei suddenly interrupted, breaking the program's planned flow, "Dear host, please don't be that impatient. I've agreed to your interview this time, so I wish you can let me finish. This is a live broadcast, isn't it? Then, all the more reason for me to finish what I have to say."

There was a layer of sweat on the host's forehead, but she handled it like a pro. She smiled and said, "It seems like Professor Silewei has something important to tell us. Then, Professor, what do you wish to add about Homeward Planet?" The host purposely stressed the term "Homeward Planet," reminding Silewei not to reveal any sensitive information.

However, Silewei knew what he was doing. He nodded and continued, "Dear viewers, you might think everything is fine and dandy since the terraforming plan has reached this stage, right? Indeed, when Homeward Planet is transformed to this step, the atmosphere will be suitable for human beings and the carbon dioxide conversion will slowly be handed over to the planets. From the soil conditions we have seen, the place is incredibly barren. After all, no plants or animals have roamed this planet before. However, the soil does have a large amount of minerals and trace elements, so we only need to sow some seeds and add some fertilizers before the plants will start to grow. In five to 10 years, the new forest coverage will reach 15 to 18 percent of total planet surface. This combined with the plants in the ocean, the planet will slowly move towards becoming a green planet.

"What about temperature? It's perfect, the forest, the increased ozone layer, and the sea will keep the temperature constant and the temperature on the planet's equator in the morning will be preserved at between 28 to 30 degrees. Of course, the actual numbers might fluctuate slightly, but is that important? No, because we have nano body temperature homeostatic clothes. As long as the temperature is not lower than negative 20 or higher than 60 degrees, it will be a balmy 20 degrees for us.

"What about the environment? There will never be threats of wild animals unless we breed animals from Earth and new planet. Even if we do breed fierce animals like tigers and lions, they are like bunnies before the Black Dragons that protect us…

"Sounds like we will be able to move in the next 15 to 20 years, isn't this perfect? We only need to spend one-tenth of our lifespan to gain a planet where we can run free… Wrong! You're all wrong!

"Gravity! The gravity of this planet! Yes, I'm sure the many viewers watching who are knowledgeable individuals will say to me, 'but Professor, it's just 1.7 times Earth's gravity, that is not difficult.' And I'll reply, 'you all underestimate this 1.7 times.' Ladies and gentlemen, it seems like many of you don't think this increase will bring any difficulties. Those that are slightly overweight can go on the diet and the underweight can go train, but is it really that easy?

"Of course not! Gravity is truly the last biggest problem that we cannot solve! Do you know what this 1.7 times increase represents? It means that other than the specially-trained Black Star Troopers, even the healthiest citizen would have a hard time moving on this planet. Why? Because his or her heart cannot work under this different gravity profile! After all, our ancestors have been adapting to the gravity on Earth since their birth. It took them several millennium to get used to that G number… and you think we can accomplish that on the new planet with just a few days of training? Perhaps your muscle and bones can get used to it, but what about your internal organs?

"Think about it, my fellow humans, when we were on Earth, trekking up the Himalayas would cause light-headedness from breathing difficulties. And now, even the flatlands on the Homeward Planet will be 1.7 times heavier than what we're used to. Do you still think we can walk around with ease? Impossible!"

At this point, Silewei sighed and closed his eyes, adding, "Unless we use the anti-gravitational system to tweak the gravity profile of this new planet, this planet is inhabitable, but that will take several hundred years… May God bless us."

After the program finished, the human race at large was crying, some even attempted suicide. Of course, with the advancements in medicine, none of the suicide attempts were successful. However, they had committed a great sin. Under the human government law, suicide was as heavy a crime as rape, it was just below than homicide.

Under such a negative and despairing environment, the HE Research Center made an announcement. With the improvement in technology like genetics, the human strengthening project had been completed…

All the normal bodies would be able to achieve the level of superhuman (at least by old Earth's standards) in the next 10 years!

After the strengthening, the Homeward Planet with its 1.7 times old Earth's gravity…

Would be habitable!

Instantly, the human society erupted in feverish cheers!