Consumed - Page 24/43

He found it very funny, but as far as everyone else is concerned the happy breakfast we had before was gone. We ate in silence, making small talk wherever they deemed necessary.

Once it’s over, Seth drives us home and I make it just in time for the mechanic. Selena stays to keep me company, but Jackson and Seth have to leave to prepare for Concord tonight. Seth asks Selena if she wants to come to Concord and she completely flips out, screaming yes and kissing Jackson with everything she has.

While the mechanic works on my car, Selena helps me choose and appropriate outfit for tonight. I pull out a pair of black formal pants and a white silk top, but Selena tosses them to the side.

“You can’t play sophisticated and hard to get now that he’s had you. You have to play sexy and unforgettable to keep him.”

I scoff. “Selena, you are—”

She raises her hand. “Shoosh, you. I know exactly what I’m talking about.”

Selena pushes me aside and leans into my wardrobe, in seconds she produces a short, black dress. “Why is this at the back of your closet and not the front?”

Because Blade bought it for me.

“I don’t know,” I lie. “But I’m not wearing it.”

It really is a gorgeous dress. The lacy fabric splices off the shoulder, styled with short lace sleeves and it’s a slim fit. Blade has an obsession with lace and I have no idea why.

“It’s sexy.” States Selena, holding it out in front of her.

I rake my hands over my face. “Fine. Throw it in.”

She squeals and puts my dress inside my travel bag. Our trip to Concord is only tonight and tomorrow night so there’s no need to pack heavy. I laugh once at the thought of trying to tell that to Selena.

There’s a knock on my door and I go to meet the mechanic. He hands me an invoice and nods his head before leaving. I look at the yellow slip. It says there was a problem with my alternator, which prevented my car from turning on. Thankfully he fixed it and my car is ready to go. Selena tears from my house with my travel bag in her hands.

“Come on, let’s go. I need time to go through my closet! I’ll meet you in the car.”

Before I lock the door behind me, I remember I need to call Mason to let him know I won’t be at work Tuesday or Wednesday. I dial his number and he answers immediately.


“Mason, hi. It’s Olivia. I’m calling to let you know that I won’t be able to make work on Tuesday or Wednesday...”

He exhales. “Alright. I’ll get someone to cover you. Is everything okay?”

“Yeah, yeah I’m just not going to be in town until late Wednesday night.”

“Let me guess, you’re going out of town with Seth.”

I shut my door and lock it behind me. “And Selena.”

“Olivia, did you learn nothing from Saturday? Seth obviously isn’t the kind of guy that can be there for you. What happens when he finds someone else? I don’t want you to go through the same things again. You deserve better.”

“I appreciate your concern, but I can handle myself. I’ll see you Thursday.” I hang up on him and climb into my car.

“Man,” I blow air out of my cheeks. “I’m so sick of people sticking their nose into my business.”

I drop my phone into the cup holder next to me and turn the car on. I smile widely when it purrs to life.

“Well then you’re going to hate what I have to say next.”

I pull out of my driveway and head in the direction of Selena’s house.

“When did you and Seth start having sex?”

“Saturday.” I reply straight out, ignoring the way she picks at her nails.

“And when were you going to tell me?”

I shrug. “At some point. We haven’t had sex since then.”

She drops her hands into her lap. “Why?”

“Because he can’t before a fight, apparently.”

Selena laughs to herself. “That must suck.”

I don’t comment because it does suck. It sucks hard.

“What happened to waiting with Jackson? Weren’t you meant to have dinner first?”

“Yeah, but the opportunity arose last night and I took it.”

“Right, thanks for that.”

Her hands cover the red flush that spreads over her cheeks. “I’m so sorry, O. I didn’t think we were that loud.”

“You were.” I’m smiling and I can feel a laugh creep up my throat.

The more I try not to laugh, the faster it rises and I end up laughing loudly almost all the way to Selena’s house.

“It’s so hilarious.” She mocks me, flipping me off.

“I’m sorry, but I can’t believe you had sex on my couch.” Tears drop from my eyes. “Like, who does that?”

I don’t know why I find it so hilarious, but I do. Maybe it’s the fact they were so shameless about it.

“I do.” She states, crossing her arms. “I live on the edge.”


I pull up in front of Selena’s big house. Big is an understatement. Her house is gigantic—much too big for only to people to live in. As a teenager, Selena’s house was my haven. I never wanted to leave—it’s also the place I lost my virginity to Blade. A memory I’m more than ready to forget. Selena still lives with her daddy and she loves it. He gives her money, keeps the fridge full and doesn’t care what she does as long as she’s responsible. I remind her often that she needs to start living on her own two feet, but she doesn’t care. She likes where she is.

When I get out of the car, I text Seth Selena’s home address. I don’t know when he’ll be here, but I know it’s soon and I hope Selena can pack quickly. I follow Selena in through the huge double wooden doors and into the foyer. We quickly make our way up the winding staircase and the third door on the left is her room. She’s changed it around a bit since I was last here. The wooden king size bed is on a small raise to the left of the room, shrouded in sheer curtains of every color. In the center of the room are two white couches that sit upon brown shaggy rugs and in the middle of that is a large glass coffee table. None of the colors in her room match, making everything seem out of place, but at the same time... it looks awesome.

“Remind me why I don’t live here?” I gasp, pushing past her and into the room.

She puts on her best ‘Olivia’ voice. “Because you’re an adult and you like living on your own two feet.”

“It doesn’t sound nearly as fun when you say it like that.” I say, dropping into one of the couches and running my hands over its leather surface.

Selena runs into her walk in wardrobe and returns with a simple pair of tight black jeans and a grey sweater in her hands. “What do you think of this?”

I stare wide-eyed at her. “You chastised me for wanting to wear silk and you want to wear denim?”

Her gaze falters and she flops into the other couch with a huff.

“What’s wrong?” I ask, leaning forward. “If you want to wear the denim, who am I to stop you?”

“It’s not that...” She tugs at the tag at the back of the jeans. “I overheard Jackson telling his friend last night that he thinks I overdo it sometimes.”

“I can vouch for that.” I chuckle, wiggling my eyebrows.

Selena launches her sweater at me and the soft fabric collides with my face before dropping to my lap. “I’m not talking about that! I’m talking about my clothes, my make-up and probably my hair, too.”

I lean back against the white leather. “Are you sure? Maybe you miss heard him?”

“I didn’t.” She inches forward. “Make me like you—just for the next two days and I’ll show him I can be normal.”

Wow. Selena Graham wants fashion advice from me? Did hell just freeze over?

“Honestly, there isn’t much to it. Dress for comfort, not to impress. Wear the skinny jeans, but not this God awful sweater. Color is key.”

She scowls at me. “I can’t believe I’m doing this for a boy.”

“He must be special.”

I see a pink hue spread across her chest and up her neck.

“Whatever.” She shrugs and climbs to her feet.

I smile knowingly at her. She has never cared what a boy thought about her before Jackson. I know she cares about him more than she lets on.

Selena packs a small travel bag with two pairs of jeans, two white spaghetti straps, one beige cardigan and two sweaters. One is a pretty, light-blue and the other is a strange shade of pink. On top of her clothes she throws in a hair straightener and a make-up bag smaller than mine. She really is trying to make a statement.

“Let’s wait downstairs.” She says after changing into a black track suit. “If I stay in this room any longer I’m going to regress.”

I grab Selena by the wrist and drag her from her room. As our feet touch the marble tiles of the foyer a loud ring echoes through the house. Selena slides her handbag up her arm and stuff her hands into the pockets of her pants. I can tell wearing a track suit out of the house is going to kill her.

“I feel like an idiot.” She grumbles.

“Relax, you look fine.”

I open the door to Jackson and Seth. They’ve changed their clothes, too. Jackson wears a loose pair of drawstring pants and a t-shirt. He looks comfortable, but Seth looked amazing in his black hooded jacket and loose jeans. It isn’t open and exposing his midsection like it had when we ran into each other at the Steakhouse, but it still made my mouth water nonetheless. Jackson eyes Selena curiously. “Are you feeling alright?”

Seth and I make eye contact and he gives me a tight smile. He’s still upset about this morning. I can see it in his eyes.

“I’m not sick.” Selena snaps. “I’m comfortable.”

Jackson and I bite our lips against a laugh, even Seth chuckles. He’s met Selena enough times to know exactly what kind of girl she is. She dresses to impress, anything less is beneath her.

She flicks her long blonde hair over her shoulder. “I’m wearing a tracksuit, big deal. You’re all staring at me like I’m some kind of freak with two heads.”

She pushes her way past Seth and Jackson and heads out to the car. Jackson follows closely behind, squeezing her bum and she swats him away before planting a kiss on his cheek. I smile, they make the perfect couple. Seth turns from me, but I grab his arm—I try to grab his arm, but it’s too dam thick to fit in my hand.

“Are you okay?”

“I’m a little tired from training, other than that, I’m okay.”

I close Selena’s freakishly huge door behind me and turn back to Seth. “I just thought that maybe you’re angry at me or something—which I totally understand. I know I ruined breakfast because Blade showed up and all of that, but I didn’t know—”

Seth reaches out for me and he pulls me into him. His mouth descends upon mine and he’s so warm. I just want to curl up against him and sleep. Cool air caresses my lips when he pulls away and I blink at him, completely dazed.

“What was that for?”

A lock of my hair blows onto my face and his fingers swipe it away. “Because I missed you.”

“You missed me?” I couldn’t keep the skeptical tone from my voice.

He smiles. “What? I’m capable of missing someone, Olivia. I’m not completely shut off from my emotions.”

His arms still hold me against him and the need to have him as close to me as I can burns deep inside. “I know... I just never expected to hear words like that come from someone like you.”

His hands slip away from me and his smile melts into a straight, impassive line. “Someone like me?”

Oh shit. Wrong choice of words. “You know what I mean. You’re you and you don’t really miss girls you sleep with.”

“I thought we clarified that you mean more to me than that?”

Did we? I mean, he said I was his, but that doesn’t really mean anything. He might not care for titles, but I do. Sex with Seth is great—beyond great—it’s absolutely mind blowing, but eventually I’m going to want a deeper relationship. Sure, he told me that his dad died and that he slept with Mason’s wife, but he refuses to say anything about his mom or sister—I don’t even know their names. He doesn’t talk about his time in Seattle or anything. I don’t know a thing about him, yet he knows so much about me. He knows Blade and Selena. He’s met both my parents and he’s been to my house. The odds stack against his words and I have to play it safe because I do care about him. I like him—more than a friend and I need to be careful because it doesn’t look like I’m going to be in his life for too long.

“I fall into the ‘shit you care about’ portion, I know, but...” I shake my head. “Look, let’s just go to Concord, have fun and then sort things out when we come back because I can’t keep playing games. It’s about time I sort my life out.”

I’m unnerved as his tense face studies my features. I know I probably ruined his trip, but I said it and now it’s too late to take it back. I just have to keep reminding myself that I’m going to Concord for Dad, to keep an eye on him and his blood pressure levels, not to get myself in deeper with Seth.

“Where’s Dad?” I ask him, changing the subject and acting like the conversation we just had didn’t take place.

“He’s riding with Darryl and the team.”

“Speaking of the team, what exactly does Jackson do?”