Consumed - Page 25/43

Seth stuffs his hands into his jacket pockets. “He’s my best friend. He helps me keep my head on track.”

“He’s your Selena.” I state, smiling at him.

He laughs under his breath, returning my smile with one of his own. “No. Jackson helps me keep my head screwed on and clear, Selena does the complete opposite to you.”

I laugh because it’s true. Selena lives so carefree and I envy her.

I climb into the back seat with Selena. She looks at me and I almost choke on a laugh. There’s a sticky line of lip gloss running from her lips to the top of her cheekbone. I want to ask how it made it that far up her face, but decide against it. I don’t care for the details. I wipe my thumb along my cheek, trying to show her there’s something on her face, but she doesn’t understand what I’m trying to say. After three tries, I give up.

“There’s lip gloss spread across your face.” I half groan, half giggle.

The same pink flush that spread over her complexion in her bedroom makes a return and she uses the sleeve of her jacket to wipe it off.

“Better.” I tell her when her skin isn’t shiny anymore.

“How long are we going to be driving for?” Selena asks Jackson who seems to enjoy being behind the wheel.

“Just under two hours, it depends on traffic.”

Concord, New Hampshire isn’t that far from Portland, Maine, but if someone decides to crash on the highway, God knows how long it’ll take.

Jackson reaches for the radio and it tunes to a rock station. As soon as the tires hit the highway, Selena’s eyes close and she falls asleep. I rest my head against her shoulder. A nap sounds good and I’m about to fall asleep when the gentle rock music cuts off and distinct phone ringing echoes through the car. I straighten myself, trying to figure out what the hell the noise is and I see ‘MOM’ written across the small screen in the center of the dashboard. Jackson glances sideways at Seth. Seth’s finger taps his leg as he contemplates answering it. After five or six rings, he leans forward and hits ignore. The music starts up again.

“You don’t want to talk to your mom?” I ask, even though I know it’s best to mind my own business.

“It’s a long story, Olivia.” Jackson answers for him. “He doesn’t need to talk to her right now.”

The way he spits ‘her’ makes me lean closer. “Maybe she wants to wish him luck.”

Seth laughs once and turns his attention out the window. Jackson’s jaw clenches and his knuckles go white as he squeezes the steering wheel. I’ve hit a sore subject.

“Sorry, I’ll mind my own business.” I mumble, sitting back against my seat.

Seth turns off the music and speaks over his shoulder. “My mother doesn’t want to wish me luck. She’s doesn’t care about anyone but herself. She’ll say whatever she can to get inside my head and I don’t need to deal with her shit right now.”

He turns the music back on, leaving me staring at the side of his face. He knows I’m watching him, I can tell by the way his jaw muscles flex uncomfortably. Suddenly, I’m frustrated that he seems so bothered by his mom’s phone call. I don’t think it’s as simple as ‘she’s a bitch’. There’s more to it. My need to know attitude eats at me, but I know approaching Seth with any questions about his family sends him into angry mode and I can’t piss him off this close to a fight. I rest my head back against Selena’s shoulder and close my eyes. I want her to wake up so she can clear the awkward, frustrated tension that’s floating around the car.


We pull up outside a fancy hotel in Concord. Darryl, my father and two others are already here. When they see our car, they come straight over. Dad opens my door before the car comes to a complete stop and pulls me into a hug.

“I knew you’d come.” He laughs and I can’t help but smile up at him. Being in this environment with Seth and the others makes him the happiest I’ve ever seen him. It warms my heart to know he’s getting everything he wants out of life. He releases me as his phone rings.

“It’s your mother.” He rolls his eyes. “I better take this.”

He walks away and I can feel Seth press slightly against my back. My whole body stands to attention.

“He’s so happy.” I sigh.

“I know.”

I turn around and he’s so close to me. I can smell his cologne and feel the warmth that radiates from him. I look up and meet his dark, alluring eyes.

“Don’t tell him I’m here to keep an eye on him. He’ll be happier if he thinks I’m here solely for you.” I tell Seth.

That’s another thing that kills me. If things don’t work out between Seth and I, if we decide to end the fun and go our separate ways, my dad is going to be heartbroken. Dad looks up to Seth. He represents everything my dad loves.

“I won’t tell him, but you have to do something for me.” He rakes his teeth across his bottom lip and then runs his tongue along it—the same tongue that ran along my flesh this morning. I shiver at the thought and his eyes flare with pleasure.

“What do you want me to do?” The thought of his answer makes my insides tighten.

“Kiss me.”

He smiles at my confused expression and I glance awkwardly around us. “Now?”

“Now is as good a time as ever.”

His hands wrap around my waist, pulling me even closer so our bodies are pressed hard against each other. I don’t think he’s actually giving me a choice. His head angles downward, towards mine and I cautiously wrap my hands around his neck. His skin is warm and he doesn’t flinch at my cool fingertips. Our lips touch and I feel a spark go through my entire body, embarrassingly I gasp and pull back. I stare into Seth’s eyes wondering if he felt it too, but all I see is that same cocky gleam that I adore so much. He brings his mouth to my ear and his warm breath sends heat between my legs. “You want me so badly.”

I try to shake my head, but my neck won’t let me. I did want him. I want to do what we did on Saturday and I want to do it now. He knew, too. The longer I look at him the cockier his smile becomes. His firm lips, touch my cheek and he lets me go. When I turn back to my father, he’s talking to another group of guys and I recognize the leader as Don Russell. Don’s eyes are on Seth and I and he’s glaring. I look at Seth.

“That’s why you wanted me to kiss you? So Don could see?”

“He’s been staring at you since we got out of the car.” He takes my hand in his and brings it to his lips. “I’m just making a statement.”

“No, you’re declaring open season on me.”


I stand in the corner of Seth’s room while two officials assess his hand wraps. I try to focus on what the two men are saying, but I can’t ignore the way Seth has been staring at me since I entered the room. His eyes are as dark as midnight, flashing dangerously at me from several feet away. They command attention, keeping me trapped in his gaze and it’s distracting. I know my dress is nice, but the way Seth looks at me with heavy, lust-filled eyes makes me feel like I’m standing here naked. He’s not touching me, just watching and I’m already beyond aroused. His chest moves quickly and all I want to do is touch him to help ease his anxiety.

“Okay, Seth.” The official announces, packing up his mini toolbox. “You’re all set. Good luck.”

The two officials stride from the room in their white uniforms.

“Leave us alone.” Seth orders his team—just like last time.

When the door closes behind them, I Instinctively move toward him and he mirrors my movements, his motions becoming almost predatory with every step. My insides clench and I brace for impact as his mouth slams onto mine and he lifts me onto the bench. He’s between my legs in the next heartbeat, his tongue desperately tasting me. His clothed hands pull my dress up over my hips, exposing my black, lace panties. Hunger, deep and primitive rushes through me as he tugs his pants down and his long, hard length springs out. It eagerly presses against my inner thigh and I quiver as he pulls my underwear to the side. One hand wraps around my waist, the other clasps underneath my thigh and with one swift thrust he’s deep inside me, filling me completely.

“Oh God!” I moan into his mouth as I stretch to accommodate him.

My back arches and I plant my hands on the cool bench beside me to gain stability. I feel my walls clench him tightly and he leans into me. His tongue glides across my collar bone and then comes up to dip inside my mouth, eliciting a moan from me.

“You look so fucking good.” He breathes, moving his hips harder and faster into me.

“You can’t...” I whisper breathlessly, clinging tightly to his sides. “You can’t do this before a fight.”

“I know, but you look so sexy.” He gasps loudly and thrusts deeper. “I had to be in you.”

His hand grips my hip as he anchors me to the bench. His thrusts are quick and hard, and I bite my bottom lip against the cries threatening to spill out of me. My lip aches. I’m biting with enough pressure to draw blood.

Every muscle in Seth’s body seems clenched in an effort to stay in control and he’s gazing down at me through heavy, lust-laden lids. His jaw is slack with the intensity of his pleasure and I don’t want him to stop. Fuck. I really don’t want him to stop, but he needs all of the testosterone he can get. Reluctantly, I push against his stomach with my fists, slowing his thrusting speed. When he slows, I shift my hips backward so he falls out of me. He groans, resting his forehead against mine.

“We’re continuing this the moment my fight is over.” He pants, forcing his tongue back into my mouth.

His hands rake through my hair, urging my lips against his and when he pulls away, I say the only thing I can say. “I hope so.”

Half-heartedly, Seth steps back giving me room to slide off the bench and adjust my dress while he pulls his shorts up. Everything I felt when he was inside me still flares relentlessly and I can tell, just by looking at his face, that if I don’t get out of here now, we’ll end up all over each other again.

“Good luck.” I say, walking toward the door.

When I open it, the team members outside are none the wiser. They have absolutely no idea what happened seconds ago on the other side of that thin, wooden door. Thankfully, Dad prefers to sit in the crowd with me and not in the room with Seth. I keep my head down as I make my way down the concrete walkway. I can hear the crowd now and the thought of being out of this blood and sweat smelling hallway made me feel better... until Don Russell steps out of his room and directly into my path. Instantly, the wetness between my legs dries up and I fight the urge to scowl.

“Really? Again?” I groan, trying to step around him, but he doesn’t let me.

I drag my gaze from his lower stomach to his face. Blood splatters his chest and he’s covered in a layer of oily sweat. The eyes of dragon tattoo that curls around his bicep glistens at me.

“What can I say? I’m attracted to pretty things.”

I roll my eyes. “Yeah, okay pal.”

I try to step around his large frame again, but his blood covered arm shoots outwards and I back away, careful not to get any on my dress.

“Back off, Don.” I growl, narrowing my eyes at him.

His lips curl into a smirk. “I like how you say my name. It’s passionate.”

“You mistake my disgust for passion.”

He leans into me and I swear I can smell the coppery scent of his opponent’s blood on his breath.

“So what’s the deal with you two, hm? In Portland he claimed you weren’t his, but now he’s singing a different tune.”

His green eyes shimmer with determination and I shudder. There’s no way I could ever choose this animal over Seth.

“I am his.” The words that roll of my lips thrill me, but I don’t let it show. “I’m sorry your girlfriend cheated on you with Seth.” He flinches. “Yeah, I know all about it and maybe that’s why you’re being so disrespectful to me. Whatever the reason, know this; I’m not like that girl. I’m not interested in you. I will never be interested in you and you are out of your God damn mind if you think I’d ever choose you over Seth.”

He blinks at me like I’ve said something in another language. A few more seconds and his confused expression melts into a wolfish grin. “We’ll see. If Seth wins tonight, he’ll be fighting in Boston and if he wins that, he’ll be fighting me in Las Vegas for the amateur championship. I’ve been waiting a long time to punch in his pretty face.” He steps closer and my spine aches as I strain to lean away from him. “And when I do, you’ll realize you need a real man, not a boy.”

My face scrunches and I use two fingers to pat his slick, wet shoulder. “Whatever helps you sleep at night.”

His thin lips contort into a snarl. I’ve pissed him off—crap. I open my mouth to excuse myself, but Seth’s intro music cuts off my words. I turn to back to see him coming out of his door and I feel Don hovering too close to my backside. As he draws nearer, I expect him to keep walking past—his intro song is playing after all, but his gloved hand shoots out, taking me by the wrist. He pulls me next to him. His grasp is possessive and commanding as he tucks me under his arm, pinning me to his side. Seth smirks at Don, dragging me along beside him. The closer we get to the door, the harder I dig my heels in. I can’t go out there with Seth. Sensing my unease, Seth stops before the double doors and Jackson and Darryl get up in his ear.

“What are you doing? Get out there!” They yell, but he doesn't hear them.