Revive - Page 63/70

“Yeah, I spoke with some of them today, but they knew nothing. Said they’d look into it for me, but I’m not holding my breath.” Kick looked at Scott, and said, “I spoke with two of your older members today, the two who I know will keep this quiet. They knew nothing either, although one of them said that in the year this happened, there was some club rivalry up here with Black Deeds. And that Marcus had some cops in his pocket who helped him deal with any problems that came from that. I don’t know if that ties in at all with the shit in Sydney, but if you’ve got anyway to look into it, that’d be helpful.”

Scott nodded. “Yeah, brother. We’ll take a look into it.”

Blade also agreed. “I’ll get my guys onto it as well.”

Scott looked at Blade. “Anything else come up about this guy Marcus is looking for?”

“Blue? No, nothing yet,” Blade replied.

“Fuck,” Scott muttered. “I’ve been racking my brain trying to figure that out, and haven’t come up with anything either.”

I eyed Griff and J. “You two come up with anything?”

“Nothing,” Griff said, quietly. He’d been acting strange all week, and even today he was off. I made a mental note to talk to him when I get a chance; to make sure he was alright.

“I called some of the boys in Adelaide to see if they knew anything. Not one fucker seems to have a fucking clue,” J said, clearly frustrated.

Kick listened to everyone, and then informed us, “You were right about Marcus wanting back in on the drugs. Our supplier told us that Marcus approached him yesterday. He told the supplier he’s got some loose ends in the club to tie up, and then he’ll be good to go.”

Not what any of us wanted to hear.

“Thanks for that info, Kick,” Scott said. I noticed the stress that was clear on his face. This was taking its toll on him, and he’d grown moodier than usual over the last week.

Kick made to leave. He eyed me. “Nash, I’m gonna head home now, brother. Thanks for the bed.”

I slapped him on the back. “It was good to see you, man.”

He jerked his chin at everyone, and then left us to discuss our plan going forward.

Blade was the first to speak. “This isn’t going to be as easy as I first assumed. I’ve got some of the best guys around working on this, and they’re not finding anything. Marcus is smarter than I gave him credit for.”

Scott nodded. “Yeah, I’m realising the same thing. I’d really like to know who the fuck this Blue guy is. If Marcus is looking for him, there’s a damn good reason.”

Blade opened his mouth to speak, but we were interrupted when Madison barged into the house, followed closely by Harlow and Velvet.

J stood as soon as he saw Madison. “What’s wrong, baby?”

She pushed her way through us, and pointed at Harlow. “She’s sick, and we were close so I brought her here.”

Harlow was holding her hand over her mouth and bolted into the bathroom. Scott followed her.

Velvet made her way to me, and I pulled her close, and asked, “What’s wrong with Harlow?”

“She started vomiting, no warning, just hung her head out of the car window, the poor thing.”

“So, girl’s day is off?”

She grinned at me. “Maybe. You got a better option for me?”

“Fuck, yes, I’ve got a better option for you, sweet thing. I’m always full of better options.”

She whispered in my ear, “So long as it involves your favourite body part, I’m down.”

I slid my hand over her ass, pulling her even closer to me. “Oh, you’ll be going down alright, darlin’.”

She moaned, softly. No-one else in the room would have heard it, but I did. And it hit me right in the dick. I looked over at Griff. “We finished here?” I asked.

He nodded. “Yeah, not much more to discuss at this point.”

Thank fuck for that. “I’m out of here then, brother.”

Velvet gave me a strange look.

“What?” I asked.

“I need to check with Madison first, to make sure she’s okay with calling it off.”

“Well, hurry that the fuck up, baby,” I muttered.

I watched her ass sway as she made her way to Madison. She had those tight fucking jeans on again today, and I couldn’t wait to get her home and get them off her.

“What are you thinking?” she asked when she came back to me.

I smirked. “I was just thinking I’d be doing you a service by taking those jeans off.”

She raised a brow. “Oh, really? And how’s that?”

“They’re so fuckin’ tight, so I’d be helping you breathe properly again.”

“What would I do without you, Nash Walker? You’re just too good to me.”

Chuckling, I agreed, “I really am. Now get your ass out to my bike so I can make good on my promise to help you breathe again.”



I watched Velvet sleep later that night. We’d ended up spending the rest of the day and night together. I’d introduced her to more of my talents in her bed, the shower, and on her dining table. She’d fallen asleep just before eleven pm, and I was left alone with my thoughts. Not a good place to be; not tonight.

I’d tried to talk to Velvet tonight, but the words got trapped and I couldn’t force them out. She’d known, too. And the thing I fucking loved about her; she didn’t push the point. It was like she instinctively knew that I needed the time and space to sort my shit out. And with each day together, I knew I’d get there. I had that much faith in us.